good Sunday to all, cold and rainy day here, and how often a bore succede ultimamente fantasia culinaria azzerata.
oggi pesca dal freezer di sughi per la pasta e secondi appena più appetitosi di una bistecca e insalata, per fortuna ho questo bel vizio di cucinare pomeriggi interi e farmi qualche scorta, altrimenti saremmo proprio messi a scatolette di tonno e poco altro!
verranno tempi migliori, magari se uscisse qualche spiraglio di sole ne beneficerebbe anche l'umore...accidenti!
per fortuna ieri sera abbiamo avuto di che ridere, è stato il compleanno dell'arzillo anzianotto di casa, vi ricordate dello zio che l'estate scorsa voleva convolare a nozze con la badante??
ecco, si, proprio lui, il 91enne con la testa e lo spirito di un 21enne!
per l'occasione gli ho preparato TETtorta that even a cut would not even wanted to keep it ... ussignuuur, perhaps to remember the good old days? ihihihih!
the cake is made with the mixture of chocolate salami which I then served with a marsala zabaglione
back to zero imagination I must say that sometimes there is some flicker, but also on things simple and not very demanding, so much to whet the palate but bind little minds and hands!
reading a magazine, sorry but "I" was Modern woman, I found the cauliflower patties that have intrigued me and I immediately thought about how to modify them to fit my tastes, so the change to make it more crispy breading and increase the Parmesan cheese because that would have otherwise?
bites were taken out of light, very crisp outside and melting inside, I'll tell you how .....
meatballs crunchy corn and cauliflower
400g cauliflower 1 small potato
3 eggs 80g grated parmesan 80g
strip of smoked almonds
Ariosto Seasonings for Baked Potato
rosemary cornmeal
cut the smoked cheese, diced, washed and split in
cauliflower florets and cut the potatoes and cook in abundance both steam
mash and mix the puree with parmesan cheese, 1 egg, a handful of breadcrumbs , some chopped rosemary needles and Seasonings Ariosto,
in a bowl beat 2 eggs with a pinch of salt and place in a dish of corn flour and bread crumbs together and in another the sliced \u200b\u200balmonds, take
a bit of dough and squash it, add some diced smoked cheese and form meatballs,
pass in corn flour and bread in the beaten eggs and almonds,
put them in a pan with a nice round oil (I used a nonstick pan of Guardini ) and bake at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
simple and tasty, the breading corn and almonds makes scrocchiarella and pleasure, appetizer, side dish, main course? you see where you put them, they're good everywhere!
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