cocottine simple for those who have lost along the way the fantasy ....
good week to all, I started watching the event with a ride to the hospital with my mother yet another visit.
now becoming our recreation areas, instead of going in a circle playing cards, a tombola, dancing in the afternoon we go to clinics .... evabbè, you see che subiamo il fascino del camice bianco!!
credo che se andiamo avanti così (ma purtroppo sarà peggio!) io e mio fratello avremo presto bisogno di un ricovero in sta facendo dare fuori di matto!
il suo grande problema è che non tollera assolutamente nessun disturbo, passa il tempo concentrata su se stessa amplificando ogni piccolo dolore o fastidio e non sta nemmeno a quello che le dicono i medici, li cambia in continuazione perchè a suo parere nessuno le dà la cura non so più come fare e cosa dirle per convincerla che bisogna anche rassegnarsi alle cose, che non sempre c'è una soluzione a un problema....niente, come se non parlassi, lei continua imperterrita a prendere appuntamenti a left and right and I just ran right and left!
but it is history that I have already said, every now and again but I need to vent sometimes is stronger and takes over!
but enough is enough with these early tristanzuoli always, I miss you all so ..... ahahahaha!
Alura, I tell you that I spent Sunday in the country of Bengodi!
Saturday and Sunday the streets in Parma, the event was held Pure chocolate ...... cioccolatomane for me as a delirium of the senses!
put a post with just pictures that will make it a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe triumph of pralines, chocolates, bars flavored with various fruits or spices, barks and fruits covered, creams and liqueurs.
looked like a goblin hopped from one booth to another, and each time there was always something that escaped me and so on, around twice to make sure you've seen everything!
then I gave myself the airs of a great photographer as well with my new camera around his neck ... ahahahaha .... a photographer who does not understand us Cippa Lippa, but there was the appearance! I spent
'na hit you, but who cares, I made light of bars with coconut, caramel, mint, ginger, almond praline, licorice, lemon, pistachio, and now I'll have to study some right recipe to better use!
I'm not going to intangible, which usually offers us sweets galore because this Once thought of a very different collection, certainly you can also prepare cakes casserole, but I this time I have neither the time nor the head to study something that goes beyond a simple ......... ...
egg casserole with asparagus, ham, Parmesan cheese and fried bread:
500g asparagus 100g of ham
1 egg or 2 head
parmesan cream
rye bread with butter oil
clean and boil the asparagus
cocottine the butter or eggs if you want to do the second special baking pans, put
asparagus on the bottom with a ribbon of butter, a tablespoon of cream and a sprinkling of Parmesan yo,
lay the slices of ham, leaving a reckless forming a rosette at the center where peel the egg, salt and put a little bow of butter, bake at 180 degrees until the egg white cook.
if you want the yolk stays creamy cook only the whites first and then add the yolk, leaving in oven a few minutes,
cut into thin slices rye bread and fry in oil.
's all, simple and tasty.
send this recipe to Imma for his contest
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