Yes, I know. A great silence around here, huh?
But I cut an escape. A beautiful escape. And today, I returned to reading the comments that were there, cold and in the hushed silence of the hours, I realized how much I missed those minutes are tears in the days to tap their fingers rapidly on the keys. And write things that I can, with difficulty and not always so enthusiastic, to remove the darkness of memory and sleep.
These biscuits I made them before leaving. Because they had to leave with me. I can not finish my holiday this year, without wishing a happy the beautiful birthday girl that I pantry hours of magic and serenity .... Private Message talking about Del Santo ..... speak naturally d the Coquinaria .... and I can not, of course, bring some biscuits.
I know that she goes crazy for the Viennese. And of course, at other times, I sent something on this issue. And yet some, indeed quite certain, that there is a recipe for which she is crazy, this time, I would say, as always, return. I make another difference. It was impossible to escape the risk of experiencing a new delicious recipe ....
But there is a way to sneak furtively from the Encyclopédie du Chocolat page about a certain Pate sablée pochée ...?.. and another sablée breton ... but this time ....?
No, I can not escape a reminder of that kind. So, courage, sweetness, go into the tin that I bring on vacation!
Pate sablée pochée
150 g soft butter 100 g
di zucchero al velo
1 uovo
15 g di panna fresca
200 g di farina 00
20 g di fecola di mais
1 pizzico di sale
mezza bacca di vaniglia
Per decorare:
Cioccolato fondente
Zucchero al velo
Sistemate il burro morbido tagliato a pezzetti dentro una ciotola e riducetelo in pomata con l'aiuto di un cucchiaio di legno. A questo punto, aggiungete piano in più riprese icing sugar to machine with the help of a whisk or whip of a planet. Pour the egg, beaten previously, continuous wire without interrupting the processing and fresh cream in which you have been able to dissolve the salt. Complete perfumed with vanilla. Sift the flour with the starch and add to the mix but not too much longer process. Only time required to obtain a perfect mix. Put the mixture a little at a time, into a pastry bag fitted with a nozzle and spurted Lay sticks on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Let rest in refrigerator for at least three hours.
Preheat the oven at 150-160 ° c mode ventilated and cook the biscuits for about 15 minutes or until golden look. Let cool then add them two at a time with the orange marmalade or apricot jam with. One end dipped in dark chocolate and decorated the other half with the icing sugar.
Sable Breton aux perles de chocolat
80 g butter 120 g
weakness for pastry flour
4 g of yeast
vanilla 1 pinch of salt
the grated rind of an orange
50 g dark chocolate chips
Mix the egg yolks with sugar and a pinch of salt and mount them gently to make them light and fluffy. Bring butter to room temperature and make sure it has a consistency in cream before incorporating the egg mounted. Add the orange rind and chocolate chips. Sift flour with baking powder. Add the flour in two times without pushing too much work. Roll out the dough between two sheets of parchment paper to a height of 1 / 2 cm and let it rest in refrigerator for an entire night. The next day, turn the oven to 170 ° C. Remove the dough from refrigerator and cut out biscuits with a pastry rings with smooth edges. Bake for about 15 'or until the biscuits have become a golden color.
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