Friday, February 4, 2011

Sarah Connor Model Matsuda

Red cabbage with pork stinchetto

In montagna i cavoli rossi li trovo tutti i giorni quando è stagione e perciò questa è una delle preparazioni abbastanza gettonata dai miei.
La ricetta è vecchissima, l’ho postata anche sul sito di Cucinait parecchio tempo fa, non ho foto e quindi quelle che vedete sono tratte dal web.



per 4 persone

4 stinchetti di maiale
150 g speck tagliato a dadini
1 cipolla
3 spicchi di aglio
1 cavolo cappuccio rosso
2 glasses of wine Tocai Friulano ex
1 heaping tablespoon of flour 00

for the vegetable stock: 1 piece of celery

½ onion 1 carrot 1 bay leaf

2 sage leaves, rosemary, 1 piece

pepper and butter oil

Prepare the vegetable stock, simmer for 15 minutes, add salt, immerse the stinchetti and blanch for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and let stand in their own juice. (This can be done the night before).

Melt the butter in a pan with oil and fry the onion with the garlic and diced bacon. Cut the cabbage
mandolin cap and pass it quickly under tap water.
drain and place in pan with the sauce.
Stir and add wine. Soften slightly and combine stinchetti drained from their stock. Cook
wire and then cover the mixture with the vegetable broth passed through a sieve to remove the remaining rosemary and so on.
Cook slowly for about 40 minutes.
A little before turning off, put the flour into a bowl and mix with a little vegetable broth, then pour into the pan, stir and raise the heat to reduce the consistency of the sauce.
Turn off the heat and pepper and serve hot.


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