few years ago ... yes, I think they are now very many years have passed since then ..... every Tuesday afternoon I sat at the head of my auto e a velocità sostenuta ed impaziente andavo ad imparare di pasticceria dalla mia amica Emiliana . Erano pomeriggi e serate che trovare un termine per definirle è difficile. E riduttivo qualsiasi aggettivo da pescare nella mente. Appena imboccavo il vialetto, passo dopo passo, metro dopo metro, mi liberavo degli affanni e dei tormenti in un modo cosi inconsueto che, in definitiva, eccomi di nuovo bambina, appena occupavo la mia sedia.
In prima fila.
Il quaderno, che conservo ancora...., sulle gambe. La penna preferita in mano a bloccare le parole, fissare nel tempo i disegni che riuscivo a build anxiety that words are enough for me to describe everything I saw and felt. I had so many questions. And I was so fascinated by the expectation of the responses.
There was one time where I have left to fly home without a glimpse of beautiful orange trees, entering them. And how many times during the winter, I came home with a backpack resting on the seat side, between the tray of freshly baked pastries, to try a macaroon, a bianchino be savored, a Fruttino almond paste to taste between a curve and the other along the way back.
And, as always, for years now, Emiliana e la sua magica famiglia, non mancano di farmele avere, le arance. E magari anche limoni, dalla scorza spessa e incredibilmente profumata.
E' per questo che ho chiamato questo dolce Sinfonia d'arance ....Che sia una composta oppure una polvere, che sia una gelée oppure una esilissima scorza, tutto profuma come una musica. In cui, si mescola, come in una imperdibile unione, il senso dell'amiciza e dell'affetto. Che resiste nel tempo come fosse un'altra radice di quella pianta d'arance, lì all'entrata.....
Sinfonia d'arancia.....intorno ai ricordi e all'amicizia
Pour on the bottom of the compostina orange glasses and cool in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Prepare the vanilla custard and carefully layered on the compound. Another step in the fridge for at least two hours. Just before serving, decorate with orange beads, the crumble with almonds, a sprinkling of powdered orange and two thin threads of orange zest.
For the vanilla custard
(from a recipe by Christophe Adam)
300 g of whole milk
200 g of fresh cream
1 vanilla bean
50 g caster sugar
2 g of agar agar
4 egg
Heat milk and cream in which has been added to the inside of a vanilla bean. Leave to infuse for 30 minutes, even the whole berry, then delete it. Add sugar mixed agar agar, heat until boiling and calculate again two minutes from time the boil. Pour half the hot liquid on the yolks, mix and complete the remaining liquid. Pour into a saucepan and let cook until the temperature of 84 ° C. Sift the cream.
confit d'orange
(from a recipe by Philippe Conticini)
100 g orange peel
300 g of orange juice
150 g caster sugar
Wash arance e asportare con attenzione le scorze. Metterle in una casseruola, coprirle d’acqua e far prendere il bollore. Eliminare l’acqua completamente togliendo le scorze con una schiumarola e ripetere questa operazione per altre due volte in modo da eliminare del tutto il gusto amarognolo. Versare nella casseruola le scorze ben tamponate e aggiungere il succo dell’arancia e lo zucchero semolato. Far cuocere a fuoco medio finché rimarranno sul fondo della pentola solo poche cucchiaiate di succo. Occorreranno dai 40-50 minuti. Passare la preparazione al mixer fino a ridurre il tutto in una sorta di pasta. Per profumare una preparazione ne occorreranno piccolissime quantità.
Compostina d’arancia e Grand Marnier
2 arance biologiche per un peso netto di 150 g
150 g di succo d’arancia
3 cucchiai di zucchero semolato
due cucchiai di Grand Marnier
Un mezzo cucchiaino di confit d’arancia
Pelare al vivo due arance e raggiungere 150 g di polpa al netto degli scarti. Tagliare tutto in piccoli pezzi e passarli in casseruola con lo zucchero semolato. Cuocere a fuoco medio finché la polpa si presenta morbida. Passare pochi secondi al minipimer fino ad ottenere una purea grossolana. Aggiungere il succo dell’arancia e far riprendere il bollore. Versare 0.5 g di agar- agar, far bollire per 2 minutes and remove from heat. To lower temperature and pour 2 tablespoons of Grand Marnier. Further scented with orange confit.
Crumble almond
(from a recipe by Christophe Adam)
50 g butter 50 g
50 g of flour
50 g almond flour
In a bowl, mix sugar, flour and butter into small dice. Mix until mixture is sandy you refrigerate for about 60 minutes. To obtain a form exactly crumble, you will need to pass the dough through the grill from frying pan and drop the pieces directly on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake at 160 ° C for about 15 minutes or until a golden color.
orange powder
Remove the peel of oranges to remove only part of the peel and albedo. Place the peel on a large plate and dry them in the microwave at full power for about 8-10 minutes. Remove them, leave at room temperature for ten minutes, then mix them and grind into fine powder. Store in an airtight container.
For pearls orange
0.7 g of agar-agar
A tall, narrow glass peanut oil
Take the glass of olive oil and let it cool in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Pass it in the freezer for 5 minutes. Warm the orange juice with the agar-agar and calculate two minutes from the time boiling. Remove the glass of oil from the refrigerator. Far down the temperature slightly, the fruit juice and then, with the help of a plastic pipette or a 50 ml syringe without a needle, squeeze out small drops of liquid onto the oil. When finished, without disturbing the bottom, put the glass in the fridge for 30 minutes. Then, remove the oil (not throw it!) By passing the whole through a strainer. Place the pearls in a bowl, pour cold water over it again and eliminate all through a sieve. Store pearls in the refrigerator.
With Marcello Valentino, for inspiring me this helped in the preparation and implementation.
With Marcello Valentino, for his friendship that keeps me company and I cleared.
With Marcello Valentino, for inspiring me this helped in the preparation and implementation.
With Marcello Valentino, for his friendship that keeps me company and I cleared.
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