Sì, sono proprio farlocchi perché i veri rösti sono fatti con solo patate mentre le mie hanno un tocco extra, sono piaciuti e senz’altro li rifarò.
Il radicchio non era molto fresco e quindi ha fatto una buona fine. Al posto dello speck, potete mettere i rimasugli dell’affettato che gironzola per il frigorifero.
1 head radicchio di Chioggia (the red circle)
2 medium potatoes 2 shallots
100 g of bacon, sliced \u200b\u200bnot too thin
2 tablespoons olive oil 3 tablespoons bread crumbs
milk 1 egg salt and pepper if necessary
Cut the radicchio into strips, pour in boiling lightly salted water, drain well and dry in a kitchen towel.
Peel potatoes, wash dry and grate with large holes in the appropriate tool.
Chop the shallots and slice into strips bacon.
Place in a bowl with salt, pepper, bread, oil, the egg and mix all ingredients.
Let stand an hour.
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, place a sheet of parchment paper on a baking sheet and place dollops of dough well crushed.
Bake, turning once and cook the rosti for half an hour.
Serve with a good salad or cooked vegetables.
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