Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Oovoo Is Not Opening

Portia Portia Losacco

With the mixture of Biscuits Bulls Eye, I experienced the baskets of daisies.
I had seen the procedure somewhere but can not remember where, sorry.
We wanted a daisy cutter a little bigger, but they have made their impress everyone equally.

Warning: the mixture is described below, but the baskets I made just a little experiment with a part of the mix, with the remaining I made the Bulls Eye

cookie dough by Portia Losacco

Ingredients: 350 g flour 00

150 g starch 150 g sugar 250 g
Lurpack lightly salted butter 1 egg

To decorate:

In the mouth of Ken
, place the egg, flour, starch, powdered sugar and cold butter cut into small cubes. Knead on speed 2
As the ball begins to form, assemble a few seconds on a work surface and wrap in a sheet of cellophane.
Leave the dough in the refrigerator (I prepared the dough in the evening I cut the biscuits in the morning).
Ho tagliato i biscotti con la formina della margherita, li ho appoggiati sui contenitori dei muffins capovolti e li ho fatti aderire.
Ho messo in forno giĆ  caldo a 180° per 13 minuti circa
Una volta cotti, li ho lasciati raffreddare e poi ho tolto i contenitori.
Nell’incavo dei cestini di margherita ho inserito in ognuno 1 castagna all’amaretto.
Infine li ho spolverati con un poco di cacao Milka.

*** Le castagne all’amaretto le ha fatte il mio consuocero … sono ottime.

Cestini margherita con castagna all'amaretto.

Non si vede molto, ma le margherite sono capovolte sopra ai containers muffins.


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