Sunday, February 27, 2011

Age To Blood Donation In Minnesppta

meatballs crunchy corn and cauliflower

good Sunday to all, cold and rainy day here, and how often a bore succede ultimamente fantasia culinaria azzerata.
oggi pesca dal freezer di sughi per la pasta e secondi appena più appetitosi di una bistecca e insalata, per fortuna ho questo bel vizio di cucinare pomeriggi interi e farmi qualche scorta, altrimenti saremmo proprio messi a scatolette di tonno e poco altro!
verranno tempi migliori, magari se uscisse qualche spiraglio di sole ne beneficerebbe anche l'umore...accidenti!
per fortuna ieri sera abbiamo avuto di che ridere, è stato il compleanno dell'arzillo anzianotto di casa, vi ricordate dello zio che l'estate scorsa voleva convolare a nozze con la badante??
ecco, si, proprio lui, il 91enne con la testa e lo spirito di un 21enne!
per l'occasione gli ho preparato TETtorta that even a cut would not even wanted to keep it ... ussignuuur, perhaps to remember the good old days? ihihihih!

the cake is made with the mixture of chocolate salami which I then served with a marsala zabaglione

back to zero imagination I must say that sometimes there is some flicker, but also on things simple and not very demanding, so much to whet the palate but bind little minds and hands!
reading a magazine, sorry but "I" was Modern woman, I found the cauliflower patties that have intrigued me and I immediately thought about how to modify them to fit my tastes, so the change to make it more crispy breading and increase the Parmesan cheese because that would have otherwise?
bites were taken out of light, very crisp outside and melting inside, I'll tell you how .....

meatballs crunchy corn and cauliflower

400g cauliflower 1 small potato

3 eggs 80g grated parmesan 80g

strip of smoked almonds
Ariosto Seasonings for Baked Potato

rosemary cornmeal

cut the smoked cheese, diced, washed and split in
cauliflower florets and cut the potatoes and cook in abundance both steam
mash and mix the puree with parmesan cheese, 1 egg, a handful of breadcrumbs , some chopped rosemary needles and Seasonings Ariosto,
in a bowl beat 2 eggs with a pinch of salt and place in a dish of corn flour and bread crumbs together and in another the sliced \u200b\u200balmonds, take
a bit of dough and squash it, add some diced smoked cheese and form meatballs,
pass in corn flour and bread in the beaten eggs and almonds,
put them in a pan with a nice round oil (I used a nonstick pan of Guardini ) and bake at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

simple and tasty, the breading corn and almonds makes scrocchiarella and pleasure, appetizer, side dish, main course? you see where you put them, they're good everywhere!

this recipe to chickpeas gift for her blog candy extremely crisp

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Does Anyone Has Westernchikan Member Account

Millerighe of strawberry and white chocolate mousse flavored with .....

My friend Juliana .... yes, Julie ... now you know not? ... Yes, the Giuliana showed me just what it says a great gift. He was at home, idle, a blast of magic that has regained all his explosive desire to cool for a few weeks and is here with me. What I'm still confused for the event so as to be induced under each two by three, to come out in the work room, and kick a loving look, how he could understand ...

a blast.
I thought about it for years. How can you think of those things that it considers to be impossible. Dreams that remain unfulfilled dreams for so much time then, when it happens to materialize, remains a bit incredulous, almost hesitant to the idea that ...

But no. It 's true. And I waited for days to come last night. I knew exactly what to do ... s'aveva Freddy and me. I released the strawberries from the darkness of the refrigerator, I gave birth to Valhrona Ivoire white chocolate for special occasions, I opened the padlock that held the imagination harnessed from within my heart and I spun through the rooms. And when you stop, look around and browse and tired from watching me messo nelle mani una semplicissima pate à sigarette che è riuscita anche a divertirmi con le sue forme ed i suoi colori.

Avevo in mente le righe. Tante righe colorate. Di rosso e di bianco...Come se quell'esplosione di colore fosse in grado di cancellare il freddo e la stanchezza di questi giorni, togliere il chiavistello ad un portone e far entrare l'aria tiepida di sole e d'azzurro.

E' cosi che è nato il mio millerighe. Dalla fantasia e dalla voglia di aria e di tiepido sole. Profumata di limone, naturalmente.

Millerighe di fragola e di mousse al cioccolato bianco al profumo di lemon
(freely extracted from a recipe Christphe Adam)

For the creamy strawberry

400 g of strawberry puree well sifted
4 tablespoons sugar
3 g 2 g gelatin sheets

Far hydrate sheets gelatin in ice water. Put a few spoonfuls of mashed in a small bowl, microwave and heat it up very well to dissolve sugar. In the same bowl containing the hot puree, add the squeezed gelatine and stir to make smooth paste. Very little heat in the microwave and pour the remaining puree the contents of the bowl mix well the two contents.

For the white chocolate mousse flavored with lemon

80 g of whole milk
2 g 2 g gelatin sheets
zest of one lemon
150 g of white chocolate Ivoire Valhrona
160 g of whipped cream

Heat the milk with lemon peel and leave to infuse for 30 '. Hydrate the gelatin. Discard the zest from the milk, still warm and add the squeezed gelatine. Reduce the chocolate chips and melt in the microwave. Strain the hot milk and pour in three shots at the center of the melted chocolate emulsifying well until a smooth and shiny ganache. Combine the cream.

Preparation of glasses

Prepare tall, narrow glasses, like in classical da spumante oppure da cocktail.
Velare il fondo con un cucchiaio di salsa di fragole. Riporre in abbattitore oppure in frigorifero.
Stratificare la mousse al cioccolato e riporre ancora in frigo. Velare di nuovo con le fragole solo a perfetto raffreddamento allo scopo di mantenere una certa nitidezza nella stratificazione.
Ultimare con uno strato di mousse al cioccolato.

Pate à cigarette

35 g d'albume
35 g di burro morbido in pomata
35 g di zucchero al velo
35 g di farina 00

Ammorbidire il burro con un cucchiaio fino ad averlo in pomata. Aggiungere piano lo zucchero al velo fino ad ottenere un composto spumoso e soffice. Versare a filo l'albume ed incorporarlo con l'aiuto di una frusta a mano. Ultimare con la farina ben setacciata. Dividere il composto in due parti e ad una aggiungere una punta di colore rosso in pasta per alimenti. Preparare in tal modo delle lingue di gatto oppure delle fettuccine  sottili nei due colori. Per ottenere un effetto a tre colori o, comunque, a reticolo colorato, fare delle fettuccine rosse sul silpat con l'apposito attrezzo. Far congelare benissimo la pasta e poi stendere sopra le fettuccine rosse uno strato di pasta bianca.
Infornare for a few minutes at 170 ° C. With suitable
coppapasta, you can carve out of the hot pasta cigarette reasons decorating favorite.

... And so the day seemed more cheerful. And this morning, the sun, so intrigued by color, piercing the sky was the terminus just tinged with blue.
But that's something .....

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Continuios Cramps 8 Month Pregnancy

Cake meal of rice and lemon biscuits

The picture does not do justice, but Cake is good for a thousand and one nights.
I saw the recipe while casually browsing through your blog (lately I have some important thoughts that keep me occupied longer than necessary). The night is long and often half asleep I think of things which ... ...
I had not paid much attention but which were printed in the mind like an obsession, so I got up early and in a moment I did.
breakfast I made a little 'late but the cake warm with cold milk was fabulous. The blog is
Francescav. And the recipe is the cake of semolina flavored with lemon.
And I felt that there was in the house all necessary? noneeee!
He saved for a corner as the meal of rice that is similar to the consistency of corn meal that is used for the gnocchi alla romana, the recipe has been slightly changed, but the result was excellent.
To be repeated in the evening ... surely there was more.
(the meal of rice I got it in the shop of Nature)

cake meal of rice and lemon

100 g flour 200 g semolina cakes Biancaflor

rice 2 eggs 100 g

white cane sugar 80 g unsalted butter 250 g milk Lurpack
(I had just finished buttermilk otherwise I would have preferred to milk).

cream of tartar 1 teaspoon of the juice of 1 lemon and its peel, finely chopped or grated yellow

butter and flour for the mold.

In a bowl beat eggs, add sugar and mix. MO
Melt the butter and add to lukewarm, stirring constantly with a fork.
Pour the lemon juice with zest, flour sifted with baking powder and pour the milk at room temperature. Embed
the semolina and stir with a wooden spoon until everything is smooth.
Grease and flour the loaf pan and fill with the mixture.
Bake in preheated oven 210 degrees for 45 minutes.
Remove the mold from the oven, let cool and remove from the mold.

(mine had broken away from the walls well alone and I was able to turn it over in the pot still hot)

*** always for the kiln decrepit, half an hour after I covered with a sheet of aluminum not toast the surface of the cake.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Adding Wheels To Luggage

confetti to the two chocolates

I realize that I do not celebrate gastronomically!
s.valentino not celebrate, do not celebrate the patron saint of Parma, the less the party of women.
and I realized since I opened the blog because according to the season is a riot of hearts, mimosa, traditional cakes and so on.
hearts that will make me diabetes, mimosa allergy causing me to become our patron saint of pastry shoes pastry and I is not that I love passionately, but the Christmas cakes, eat them just because it's Christmas I produce short, sweet year-round except for holidays!
these and even more fall carnival with all its boundary fried in many different ways, talking, damselfish, tortellini, pancakes, and I do not ever fry for not celebrating carnival (always gastronomically speaking!).
everything has changed, or more precisely, something has changed since I opened the blog.
I began to try other areas of sweets, I made panettone and pandori than ever in life, I have red hearts and referred to a mimosa on a cheese cake fried sweet .... but no, sorry but those just do not I do, I tried the donuts in the oven for removing the whim of them still at home but do not fry!

nadia and then when I contacted for this initiative dell'azienda guardini   in cui mi invitava a mandarle una ricetta legata al tema "il carnevale", ho dato per scontato e con rammarico che non sarei riuscita a mandarle niente.
poi pensa che ti ripensa mi sono detta che a parte i dolci fritti carnevale è anche colore, allegria, coriandoli e stelle filanti, per cui complice dei ritagli di torta conservati in freezer per essere usati come basi per qualche bicchierino, ho pensato a questi piccoli bocconcini golosi e colorati.....e buon carnevale!!


confetti to the two chocolates:
150gr chocolate cake (mine was a 7 cups cooked in a nonstick mold square Guardini )
100g mascarpone cheese 2 tablespoons cocoa 2 tablespoons sugar
crumble the cake and mix the mascarpone, sugar and cocoa,
divide the dough in two.
to first mixture, mix 1 or 2 tablespoons orange marmalade (I used the flower of bitter orange fruit of Rigoni di Asiago organic),
into balls slightly larger than of a nut and keep cool.
We add the second mixture of rum, take a bit of dough, press it and put in the chocolate cream (I put hazel Rigoni di Asiago a delight!)
close like a little dumpling.
put the bon bon in the freezer for a few minutes and in the meantime, melt separately
100g dark chocolate 100g white chocolate
when the chocolates are melted to cover the oranges with bon bon dark chocolate rum and those with white chocolate, sprinkle with colored round candies and keep cool.
and even then it is carnival ..... and then I'm not really happy and bellini?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wilson Leather Dale Earnhardt


Yesterday was my birthday. Yesterday was my birthday and I had a question: this is called bad luck . Yesterday was my birthday, I had an exam and was the fourth appeal. Yesterday was my birthday, I had an exam, I was the fourth of the appeal but I went at five in the afternoon, this is called rage . All this to tell you that I worthily recovered with a beautiful evening at the restaurant with my boyfriend. Since
between the clubs open on Monday evening there is not much choice we ended up in the restaurant downstairs , which is one of those places that just because they've never known ever before our eyes. The kitchen otttima Asti (which is also a tribute to my roots), the lusty cheese platter and the rich barbera not have prevented me to devote myself to one of my favorite pastimes: the meticulous and strict observation of the other patrons of the indiscreet Local.

I was impressed from the start the pair of corner table: He jacket and tie, complete with a handkerchief in his breast pocket, she dyed blond, red lipstick and looking a little 'excited. It amused, and I liked to be the only one there, firmly believes he deserves good food, wine and spirits.
It was only a moment before she noticed that their plates and glasses were empty for too long and that the dinner was to be considered closed to you is that the phone rang.
" Hello? Yes, I went for a pizza. Eh? Do not you remember?" I told you I would go to a pizzeria with Mary. Yes, Mary. Like where? Ongoing France ... yes I'm in the car, I'm coming. "
They watched, as if to face facts che ora la serata fosse veramente finita, hanno pagato e sono spariti nella notte torinese.

Così stamattina mi sono ritrovata a pensare al significato della parola mentire  e ho scoperto che viene dal verbo latino MENTIRI che a sua volta deriva dalla parola MENS, cioè mente, spirito, creatività.
In effetti tutti abbiamo sperimentato almeno una volta nella vita che dire cose non vere, riuscendo, nel migliore dei casi, ad essere anche convincenti, richiede un bello sforzo di immaginazione.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Old Flatbed Scanner Negative

cocottine simple for those who have lost along the way the fantasy ....

good week to all, I started watching the event with a ride to the hospital with my mother yet another visit.
now becoming our recreation areas, instead of going in a circle playing cards, a tombola, dancing in the afternoon we go to clinics .... evabbè, you see che subiamo il fascino del camice bianco!!
credo che se andiamo avanti così (ma purtroppo sarà peggio!) io e mio fratello avremo presto bisogno di un ricovero in sta facendo dare fuori di matto!
il suo grande problema è che non tollera assolutamente nessun disturbo, passa il tempo concentrata su se stessa amplificando ogni piccolo dolore o fastidio e non sta nemmeno a quello che le dicono i medici, li cambia in continuazione perchè a suo parere nessuno le dà la cura non so più come fare e cosa dirle per convincerla che bisogna anche rassegnarsi alle cose, che non sempre c'è una soluzione a un problema....niente, come se non parlassi, lei continua imperterrita a prendere appuntamenti a left and right and I just ran right and left!
but it is history that I have already said, every now and again but I need to vent sometimes is stronger and takes over!

but enough is enough with these early tristanzuoli always, I miss you all so ..... ahahahaha!

Alura, I tell you that I spent Sunday in the country of Bengodi!
Saturday and Sunday the streets in Parma, the event was held Pure chocolate ...... cioccolatomane for me as a delirium of the senses!
put a post with just pictures that will make it a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe triumph of pralines, chocolates, bars flavored with various fruits or spices, barks and fruits covered, creams and liqueurs.
looked like a goblin hopped from one booth to another, and each time there was always something that escaped me and so on, around twice to make sure you've seen everything!
then I gave myself the airs of a great photographer as well with my new camera around his neck ... ahahahaha .... a photographer who does not understand us Cippa Lippa, but there was the appearance! I spent
'na hit you, but who cares, I made light of bars with coconut, caramel, mint, ginger, almond praline, licorice, lemon, pistachio, and now I'll have to study some right recipe to better use!

I'm not going to intangible, which usually offers us sweets galore because this Once thought of a very different collection, certainly you can also prepare cakes casserole, but I this time I have neither the time nor the head to study something that goes beyond a simple ......... ...

egg casserole with asparagus, ham, Parmesan cheese and fried bread:

500g asparagus 100g of ham
1 egg or 2 head
parmesan cream

rye bread with butter oil

clean and boil the asparagus
cocottine the butter or eggs if you want to do the second special baking pans, put
asparagus on the bottom with a ribbon of butter, a tablespoon of cream and a sprinkling of Parmesan yo,
lay the slices of ham, leaving a reckless forming a rosette at the center where peel the egg, salt and put a little bow of butter, bake at 180 degrees until the egg white cook.
if you want the yolk stays creamy cook only the whites first and then add the yolk, leaving in oven a few minutes,
cut into thin slices rye bread and fry in oil.

's all, simple and tasty.

send this recipe to Imma for his contest

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Milena Belba In The Galeri

Bue Eyes of cookie dough

After the Christmas holidays had started the "Auto" to any dessert.
Well today I made up, there have been a welcome guest and I indulged. I remade the tart
the sun that are not even able to photograph ... the jam was the berries and the above picture was different.
Then I made these delicious cookies using the recipe of a very old dear friend Cucinait.
The mixture was then I experienced a lot and daisy baskets I've seen somewhere. Guest
Needless to say, Bear and Morosina have appreciated and applauded ...

BISCUITS Bulls Eye by Portia Losacco

Ingredients: 350 g flour 00

150 g starch 150 g sugar 250 g butter
Lurpack slightly salty
1 egg

To decorate:

Preparation: In mixing bowl

Ken, put the egg, flour, starch, powdered sugar and cold butter cut into small cubes. Knead on speed 2
As the ball begins to form, assemble a few seconds and wrap it in a sheet of cellophane. Let the dough rest
in the refrigerator (I prepared the dough in the evening I cut the biscuits in the morning).
I used the stencil affixed to cutting the whole biscuit, and the one with the eye in the middle.
I put in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 13 minutes of my time ... Do not trust the stinking in the second oven baked me cookies burnt down, fortunately the beginning they were properly cooked. As soon as I cooled
smeared Nutella the other side of the whole biscuit, I dusted with icing sugar cookies with the circle in half and I have placed them gently on to those with the nutella.

Original text of Portia Losacco

with given ingredients (except the jam) to prepare the pastry, let it rest for at least 1 / 2 hour in the fridge, then cut out disks of about 5 cm in diameter and equal number of discs that take away the center with a tiny stencil:
Bake in preheated oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes or so, should not color, should be quite clear!
Remove from oven and on the back of entire discs you put a little jam, a little on the small circles of icing sugar and put them on those with the jam:
E 'Everything! with this paste, also prepare the horseshoe, with the tips dropped into the chocolate, hearts, stars, etc. ...

My Oovoo Is Not Opening

Portia Portia Losacco

With the mixture of Biscuits Bulls Eye, I experienced the baskets of daisies.
I had seen the procedure somewhere but can not remember where, sorry.
We wanted a daisy cutter a little bigger, but they have made their impress everyone equally.

Warning: the mixture is described below, but the baskets I made just a little experiment with a part of the mix, with the remaining I made the Bulls Eye

cookie dough by Portia Losacco

Ingredients: 350 g flour 00

150 g starch 150 g sugar 250 g
Lurpack lightly salted butter 1 egg

To decorate:

In the mouth of Ken
, place the egg, flour, starch, powdered sugar and cold butter cut into small cubes. Knead on speed 2
As the ball begins to form, assemble a few seconds on a work surface and wrap in a sheet of cellophane.
Leave the dough in the refrigerator (I prepared the dough in the evening I cut the biscuits in the morning).
Ho tagliato i biscotti con la formina della margherita, li ho appoggiati sui contenitori dei muffins capovolti e li ho fatti aderire.
Ho messo in forno già caldo a 180° per 13 minuti circa
Una volta cotti, li ho lasciati raffreddare e poi ho tolto i contenitori.
Nell’incavo dei cestini di margherita ho inserito in ognuno 1 castagna all’amaretto.
Infine li ho spolverati con un poco di cacao Milka.

*** Le castagne all’amaretto le ha fatte il mio consuocero … sono ottime.

Cestini margherita con castagna all'amaretto.

Non si vede molto, ma le margherite sono capovolte sopra ai containers muffins.

Blueprints For Offroad Buggy

Roast cup to the sun Moretti

This time I got the meat really tender ... that is cut, it's the kind of cooking, the fact is that I made everybody happy.
I was a little 'me of sauce and spaghetti is good for two ½ days to prepare tomorrow.


for 6
a loaf pan that contains the coiled

800 g of pork rolled up like a cup of
1cucchiaino here
savors a glass of beer Moretti
2 glasses of water
4 leafs of sage
1 bay leaf oil to taste

butter taste I preferred to make this roast in a loaf pan to avoid losing the flavors dell'arrosto in a large container.
Pour into pan (cold), olive oil, some butter here and there and savors.
Place the meat and cook over high heat.
Fry well, add the sage, bay leaves, beer and water.
When the sauce to the boil, place the mold in an oven preheated to 220 degrees.
Bake 1 hour in all. After 30 minutes, turn the roast, cover with aluminum foil and continue cooking for another 30 minutes.
Place the roast on a plate and let cool.
Transferring the sauce in a large pan containing the non-overlapping slices of roast, and cook until the meat is well cooked and the sauce has narrowed.
Serve hot.

Are There Gloryholes In Jacksonville Florida

Around a dozen oranges ....

few years ago ... yes, I think they are now very many years have passed since then ..... every Tuesday afternoon I sat at the head of my auto e a velocità sostenuta ed impaziente andavo ad imparare di pasticceria dalla mia amica Emiliana . Erano pomeriggi e serate che trovare un termine per definirle è difficile. E riduttivo qualsiasi aggettivo da pescare nella mente. Appena imboccavo il vialetto, passo dopo passo, metro dopo metro, mi liberavo degli affanni e dei tormenti in un  modo cosi inconsueto che, in definitiva, eccomi di nuovo bambina, appena occupavo la mia sedia.
In prima fila.

Il quaderno, che conservo ancora...., sulle gambe. La penna preferita in mano a bloccare le parole, fissare nel tempo i disegni che riuscivo a build anxiety that words are enough for me to describe everything I saw and felt. I had so many questions. And I was so fascinated by the expectation of the responses.

There was one time where I have left to fly home without a glimpse of beautiful orange trees, entering them. And how many times during the winter, I came home with a backpack resting on the seat side, between the tray of freshly baked pastries, to try a macaroon, a bianchino be savored, a Fruttino almond paste to taste between a curve and the other along the way back.

And, as always, for years now, Emiliana e la sua magica famiglia, non mancano di farmele avere, le arance. E magari anche limoni, dalla scorza spessa e incredibilmente profumata.

E' per questo che ho chiamato questo dolce Sinfonia d'arance ....Che sia una composta oppure una polvere, che sia una gelée oppure una esilissima scorza, tutto profuma come una musica. In cui, si mescola, come in una imperdibile unione, il senso dell'amiciza e dell'affetto. Che resiste nel tempo come fosse un'altra radice di quella pianta d'arance, lì all'entrata.....

Sinfonia d'arancia.....intorno ai ricordi e all'amicizia


Pour on the bottom of the compostina orange glasses and cool in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Prepare the vanilla custard and carefully layered on the compound. Another step in the fridge for at least two hours. Just before serving, decorate with orange beads, the crumble with almonds, a sprinkling of powdered orange and two thin threads of orange zest.

For the vanilla custard
(from a recipe by Christophe Adam)

300 g of whole milk
200 g of fresh cream
1 vanilla bean
50 g caster sugar
2 g of agar agar
4 egg

Heat milk and cream in which has been added to the inside of a vanilla bean. Leave to infuse for 30 minutes, even the whole berry, then delete it. Add sugar mixed agar agar, heat until boiling and calculate again two minutes from time the boil. Pour half the hot liquid on the yolks, mix and complete the remaining liquid. Pour into a saucepan and let cook until the temperature of 84 ° C. Sift the cream.

confit d'orange
(from a recipe by Philippe Conticini)

100 g orange peel
300 g of orange juice
150 g caster sugar

Wash arance e asportare con attenzione le scorze. Metterle in una casseruola, coprirle d’acqua e far prendere il bollore. Eliminare l’acqua completamente togliendo le scorze con una schiumarola e ripetere questa operazione per altre due volte in modo da eliminare del tutto il gusto amarognolo. Versare nella casseruola le scorze ben tamponate e aggiungere il succo dell’arancia e lo zucchero semolato. Far cuocere a fuoco medio finché rimarranno sul fondo della pentola solo poche cucchiaiate di succo. Occorreranno dai 40-50 minuti. Passare la preparazione al mixer fino a ridurre il tutto in una sorta di pasta. Per profumare una preparazione ne occorreranno piccolissime quantità.

Compostina d’arancia e Grand Marnier

2 arance biologiche per un peso netto di 150 g
150 g di succo d’arancia
3 cucchiai di zucchero semolato
due cucchiai di Grand Marnier
Un mezzo cucchiaino di confit d’arancia

Pelare al vivo due arance e raggiungere 150 g di polpa al netto degli scarti. Tagliare tutto in piccoli pezzi e passarli in casseruola con lo zucchero semolato. Cuocere a fuoco medio finché la polpa si presenta morbida. Passare pochi secondi al minipimer fino ad ottenere una purea grossolana. Aggiungere il succo dell’arancia e far riprendere il bollore. Versare 0.5 g di agar- agar, far bollire per 2 minutes and remove from heat. To lower temperature and pour 2 tablespoons of Grand Marnier. Further scented with orange confit.

Crumble almond
(from a recipe by Christophe Adam)

50 g butter 50 g
50 g of flour
50 g almond flour

In a bowl, mix sugar, flour and butter into small dice. Mix until mixture is sandy you refrigerate for about 60 minutes. To obtain a form exactly crumble, you will need to pass the dough through the grill from frying pan and drop the pieces directly on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake at 160 ° C for about 15 minutes or until a golden color.

orange powder

Remove the peel of oranges to remove only part of the peel and albedo. Place the peel on a large plate and dry them in the microwave at full power for about 8-10 minutes. Remove them, leave at room temperature for ten minutes, then mix them and grind into fine powder. Store in an airtight container.

For pearls orange

100 g of orange juice filtered 2 times through a sieve
0.7 g of agar-agar
A tall, narrow glass peanut oil

Take the glass of olive oil and let it cool in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Pass it in the freezer for 5 minutes. Warm the orange juice with the agar-agar and calculate two minutes from the time boiling. Remove the glass of oil from the refrigerator. Far down the temperature slightly, the fruit juice and then, with the help of a plastic pipette or a 50 ml syringe without a needle, squeeze out small drops of liquid onto the oil. When finished, without disturbing the bottom, put the glass in the fridge for 30 minutes. Then, remove the oil (not throw it!) By passing the whole through a strainer. Place the pearls in a bowl, pour cold water over it again and eliminate all through a sieve. Store pearls in the refrigerator.

With Marcello Valentino, for inspiring me this helped in the preparation and implementation.
With Marcello Valentino, for his friendship that keeps me company and I cleared.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

When Do People Get Sick From Hiv

tart cranberry

On 19 February, is a special date for Nonnalosetta,
Today's younger brother Mark Martin takes one year.
And you could miss an opportunity to celebrate?
I was inspired by a recipe to make a good pie that I could taste it too.
It 's a particularly tart soft, crumbly and not too sweet.
different from the original recipe, there's only baking soda instead of yeast normal because I do not like to leave the bags open and the tool I've used butter and almond flour for dusting.


tart Ø 24

300 gr. of flour "00"
100 gr. sugar cane
60 gr. rice oil
60 gr.
water 1 tablespoon milk (if necessary)

grated rind of one lemon ½ teaspoon salt a pinch of baking

blueberry jam

almonds or hazelnuts to the pan and butter for baking dish buttered

In the bowl of Ken, add dry ingredients with oil and start mixing.
pour in the water, and salt.
Form a ball.
Keep aside a small amount of mix to make the decorations.
Roll the remaining dough with a rolling pin on a sheet of baking paper.
Grease a pie dish and sprinkle with ground almonds or hazelnuts.
cover it with the dough spread and pour into the marmalade.
With the small amount of dough kept to one side, to form the designs you prefer.
Bake in preheated oven at 180 ° for about 20 minutes.

the same day, two years ago, was born on my blog-archives.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How Long Is A Inches Toilet Paper Roll

Chocolate Tarte with that orange ...... The game

You know the story of Buridan donkey?
Well, I'm not yet able to understand why, faced with lots of recipes just waiting to be realized, can succeed to waste my time in choosing which run. And while I try desperately to stop my attention and stop this curiosity that consumes me and that keeps me from of say "There!" I've decided. This is exactly the cake I want to do !..... said, but somehow I am committed to making a decision, take action, in addition, also the variable factor Fantasia .

Yes, I speak specifically of that fantasy that pushes me to change the sweet to include preparation in the basic recipe that is not there, thinking to make a decoration imprisoned in memory who knows when and ... Meanwhile
minutes pass. Hours go by. E. ... I decide I change my mind. Return to the original idea . .. But the imagination is there to tell her. Well ..... I've certainly that finally arrived on the threshold of the fateful decision, the time had passed so inexorably and inevitably it is impossible to think of it, sweet.
And having to put off all the next day.

This time I was better. Perhaps because the recipient of the cake would not have liked many hesitation on my part.
I was so undecided whether to fulfill the Tarte chocolat extraordinairement Frédéric Cassel or the Tarte chocolat douce Philippe Conticini fought .... so ..... A beautiful
lotta, n'est ce pas?

Alla fine, la Fantasia.....

Tarte al cioccolato con  Namelaka all'arancia
( idee da F.Cassel--F.Bau Fantasia)

Per la Pate sablée alle mandorle

240 g di burro morbido
180 g di zucchero al velo
30 g almond flour 2 eggs
480 g flour 00
a pinch of salt

Knead in the bowl of the global soft butter with icing sugar . Add the whole eggs in which the salt is dissolved and then the almond flour with 120 g of flour 00. Mix and then completed by adding the remaining flour (360 g) making sure to mix only long enough to get a good blend of ingredients. The dough will be stored, wrapped in waxed paper, refrigerate for an entire night. The next day, butter and flour a cake pan of 28 cm in diameter and 3 cm in height or, better yet, use a mold tarte. Spread the pate sablée to a thickness of 1 / 2 cm, coat the pan and refrigerate for at least an hour.
Preheat oven to 160 ° C.
Cover the dough with a sheet of parchment paper, place a layer of dried beans and bake for about 15 minutes. Remove the paper and continue cooking until lightly browned.

For the chocolate ganache

600 g chocolate 50%
450 g of fresh cream
1 tablespoon plus 1 / 2 of acacia honey
90 g of butter

Melt chocolate in microwave on low power constantly checking the status of merger. Bring to the boil the cream, add honey and then pour the hot liquid over chocolate on three occasions. Each time scramble from the center toward the edges of the bowl to make smooth and shiny emulsion. To lower the temperature of the ganache about 40 ° C and add the cold butter cut into small dice. Stir.

Preparation of tarte

Cioccolato fondente
marmellata di arance amare

Far fondere un pò di cioccolato fondente e con un pennello stenderne un velo sulla superficie interna della sablée. Velare in strato sottile con della marmellata d'arancia amara e colarvi all'interno la ganache al cioccolato. Porre in frigo fino al completo consolidamento.

Namelaka di cioccolato bianco al profumo d'arancia

300 g di cioccolato bianco Ivoire Valhrona
6 g gelatin sheets Gold 2 g
170 g of milk,
10 g of glucose syrup
350 of fresh cream
40 g of orange juice
orange peel
20 g of Grand Marnier
chop the chocolate with a serrated knife and melt it gently in the microwave at low power. Every now and then scramble to not exposing it to heat too long. The optimum temperature is around 45 ° C.
Stir well and set aside. Meanwhile, place the gelatine in a pan of ice water and drown. In a saucepan, pour the milk, get it to boil and add the glucose syrup. Stir well and complete with jelly and squeezed buffered on a sheet of paper. Sift the cream to pass the end. Meanwhile, make sure the chocolate is fully melted. Pour hot milk over chocolate in three times, each time stirring from the center to the periphery seem to see a "node" elastic and shiny. Finally, pour the cold cream well. Add the orange juice well filtered, the grated rind and Grand Marnier. Stir and mix with a blender without forming bubbles. Store in refrigerator overnight or for at least 8-12 hours.


Namelaka Fill a pastry bag and make the spikes on the surface of the cake round. Veil with a light dusting cocoa powder. Finish with droplets of bright glaçage of unequal diameters and place a small disc of chocolate as the final decoration.