There is no doubt that a blog is not an act of friendship.
And, perhaps more than thousands of words, the image of a flower can enclose the mysterious and magical sense of the sentiments that permeate these lines and float, as were the wings of butterflies, in these pages.
A flower came here to me by a friend. Silent, daily present. A flower that does not fail to amaze me for its natural beauty.
a blog as atto d'amicizia, infine. Dove sia possibile usare parole mai dette. Esprimere sentimenti sopiti. Meravigliarsi e giocare con la spontaneità e la semplicità dell'infanzia.
E se non rimanessimo sempre un po' bimbi, come potremmo mai pensare di conoscere la vera storia dell'amore divampato in una mattina di fine anno tra un mazzo di morbide bacche e una severa e fredda bottiglia di vodka?
Estratto di vaniglia
One winter day, the last day of a mild and difficult years as they are every year, she finally decided it was time to blow air quell'estratto life and the creation of vanilla that was left too long locked up between the fingers of his hands. Open the drawer
deft magic of vanilla and finally decided it was time to bring light to take this soft and fragrant bouquet of berries, expose their breasts to the air, make her fall madly in love with the exciting vodka ; bought on a rainy evening in the supermarket in front of the house and looked at her so severely that whenever he would pass the cloth on the liquor cabinet.
The soft and cicciose vanilla beans from Madagascar , have been 60 g throughout, quivered quivering in his hands and lay down on the mat were ready to be divided into two lengthwise.
Consumed by envy and jealousy 3 berries now rendered dry and dried by the passage of time inexorably, lay forgotten sul fondo di un cassetto. I loro lamenti sommessi e ininterrotti erano per lei un motivo di struggente pena, cosi intensa che divenne inevitabile immaginare anche per loro un futuro altrettanto godurioso e fragrante e profumato. Solo cosi riuscii nell'intento di consolarle e interromperne il brusio, sommesso e incessante. Loro, le altre, le bacche panciute come otri di vino spumeggiante e bollente, esponevano il loro cuore gonfio di semi all'aria che si saturò di un aroma avvolgente ed inebriante. Con ardore, lei le trasformò in piccoli pezzetti che fece sprofondare velocemente sul fondo di un panciuto flacone di vetro trasparente. Suvvia, cosi, un pezzo sull'altro.
"In fretta che arriva la vodka "-disse loro per prepararle all'incontro. La fredda e algida e severa vodka, forte dell' con quanto alcool si accompagna questa signora?.... 40% ?..... le farà stordire le smaniose signorine africane!
Con calma, mia forte signora, le disse. Gliene bastarono 500 g per inebriare e stordire i pezzetti abbigliati di smoking di raso lucido and dark as virgin brides waited in glass jewelry.
Here! Done. They, berries, were so eager that comic agitated at the bottom of the bottle. Blow up in mo 'on the beds of children on holidays, to release their seeds ... But how many were there? Thousands of thousands of thousands, certainly in the liquor ....... cold and hot as in a kaleidoscope of fireworks.
Hurry she did wear the shiny silver satin bottle put a brilliant all round, from head to toe.
"What in falls the night "-he thought.
A warm night, with a time of intense tropical sky. tomorrow, vodka severe, already show signs of a slow but continuous and relentless love. They, the vanilla beans will 6 months time to drop the vodka at their feet, stunned by the scent smelling aroma. And during the long days and long nights, he will understand he can not go back and white glacial severe as it was before. that his destiny is fulfilled. As it was, after all, possible to imagine the opposite.
And on that winter evening, last night a mild and difficult as many years, she swung the bottle of sparkling glass as he did with those from small balls of glass, for a moment, they dream of being submerged by snow.
One moment, one moment .... she swayed hit by impatient sighs of the 3 remaining berries. How to endure their punishment and not try to rip their hearts that annoying and outrageous sense of envy that made them so painfully unhappy? Called together the powdered sugar. Only he could succeed in order to dry their tears and bring out the cold on their faces tired and ill-concealed smiles of tender buds withered and twisted.
And so in a blender transformed by a magic wand generous and unrealistic in an amusement park jumped very high speed, they, the dry, emaciated, useless, wrong berries were opened in thousands of thousands of fragments were combined and , with the white sugar, greedy this time of peace after such a long torment.
knowing that their generous friend with the sugar and soft and tired, childish hands she would often fly somewhere to smile a bit '.
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