A lot of people have asked me these days fall on what my choice would be sweet this year.
a sweet to celebrate my birthday, I mean.
And down to think about what alchemy of flavors and colors and forms I would have stuck my hands and my eyes. To read and hear many comments and curiosity, I smiled so quiet because I knew that even this year, certainly I would not have found the time to give me a dessert. I invented many of those grounds for not doing so .....
But this year, I have not struggled too much in search of sudden duties ....
As soon as I heard that somewhere around me, a lovely girl would have celebrated my birthday the very same day, do not think I've got not so.
I decided that I would have a cake, but for her. She knew that he wanted so much to enjoy that sort of Sacher in which someone had talked so much. And so amazingly described, much to ogle and dream to have one on which will probably turn off a candle.
And so it was. A lake of chocolate and a sort of bright bunch of flowers with a sweet nothing magical golden years to come to wish you and sweet dreams to realize. I hope
che lo specchio caldo del cioccolato le abbia illuminato ancor più gli occhi e disteso le labbra in un tenero e soddisfatto sorriso.
Sacher torte Dessert
(da un'idea di Paco Torreblanca)
Per il Pan di Spagna al Cioccolato
(da una ricetta di Lucia-Pane e Burro)
Per una fascia di 28 cm
6 eggs 180 g flour 00 180g sugar 180g dark chocolate
180g butter 12 g baking powder
Grease and flour a mold 28 -30 cm in diameter.
Far melt the chocolate in the microwave on low power. Separately, melt the butter and then stirring them together gently. Pour the egg yolks in the bowl of the planet with 135 g of sugar, taken from the total and mount them to foam. Later, soft whip the egg whites with the remaining 45 grams of sugar.
Sift flour with baking powder. Combine the egg yolks mounted, the mixture of chocolate and butter and then flour. Thin the mixture by combining a spoonful of meringue without special precautions. Instead, the remaining meringue should be added gently, working from top to bottom.
Whip the egg yolks with sugar until they become white, add the chocolate and butter mixture, then sift flour and baking powder and fold.
Preheat oven to 175-180 ° C. Bake the cake for 35-40 minutes until the test stick will reveal the inclusion of a perfectly cooked.
For the chocolate mousse
(da La Cocina Dulce-di Paco Torreblanca)
Per la crema inglese
100 g di latte
50 g di tuorli
60 g di zucchero
Far scaldare la panna ed il latte con 30 gr di zucchero e portare fin quasi al bollore. Montare i tuorli con i restanti 30 gr di zucchero, aggiungere metà della panna e del latte caldo e rimescolare. Concludere la preparazione versando la restante parte and bring the cooking up to 82-85 ° C. Pass the cream through a sieve.
For the chocolate mousse 340 grams of crème anglaise (see above)
225 grams of chocolate to 70%
450 g of whipped cream
two pinches of Maldon salt
Melt the chocolate in a water bath without exceeding 50 ° C. Let cool slightly, add salt and then pour it over the custard mix well with a spatula. When the cream has reached about 35 ° C, add the cream.
For the frosting bright of Faggiotto
175 g of water
150 g of fresh cream
225 g caster sugar
75 g unsweetened cocoa
8 g gelatin in sheets of 2 g
Far hydrate the gelatin in ice water. Bring together in a saucepan the cocoa, water, cream and sugar. Stir with a whisk until the mixture is homogeneous. Simmer over low heat until frosting reaches 103 ° C. Off. Pull down the temperature to 70 ° C and add the squeezed gelatine.
Preparation Dessert
Use a circular band of about 28-30 cm in diameter. Line the base of the tray with a sheet of acetate and acetate also enter into bands within the circular band to make smooth the edge. Cut three discs from the chocolate sponge cake. With the help of a pastry bag and a nozzle to lay a smooth layer of mousse on the bottom in a very regular basis. Place in freezer for 10 'and lay a disk of cake. Veil of good with apricot jam and stratify a layer of mousse. Repeat this process ending with the third disc of biscuit. Place in freezer until completely hardened dessert. Extract Fresh from the freeezer. Discard the strip and transparency. Place the cake over a bowl to the base with a sheet of parchment paper. When the frosting has reached about 40 ° C, strain still icy on the cake and decorate as desired.
I thank with all my heart
Elizabeth Cuomo for the frosting bright Faggiotto after admiring his wonderful sweet hazelnut
Mezzini Rita for giving me a great sponge for gentle
Paco Lucia Torreblanca, to exist
I thank with all my heart
Elizabeth Cuomo for the frosting bright Faggiotto after admiring his wonderful sweet hazelnut
Mezzini Rita for giving me a great sponge for gentle
Paco Lucia Torreblanca, to exist
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