Italy is invaded by rumenta ... garbage, trash, garbage, garbage. Anyway you call it the dirty substance, alas, does not change. It will be the mafia there gains to dispose of, will be our lack of civic sense in recycling, there are multinationals force them to produce more and more, encompassing any product in many layers of packaging. On the problem
already much has been written, and here I am, however, to tell you a story exemplary
Ezio and Patrick spend their holidays in a village in the Alps there are a small house with a large balcony. They're walking, and Ezio occasionally stops, bends down, and then retires on.
"May I ask what are you doing?" Asked Patrick.
"I collect this stuff, it's amazing how many people throw rubbish on the ground."
"Yes, okay, but mica can you collect them all."
"Of course I can, here it is as if we were born, my country, and I keep it clean. You realize that I pay for it, here ... it's like if I got fifty cents a refusal. Toh, now I have already won three Euros and a half. "
Patrick condescending smile and keep walking.
After a few days, Ezio leaves home with a bag of rumenta to throw in the early morning, before going to the bar reading a newspaper.
is coming to the box, which is empty, and suddenly he sees them.
is coming to the box, which is empty, and suddenly he sees them.
the bottom, fifty euro. For him.
Ezio and I personally know Patrick and I know for sure the things were so. Our
parable is set in Piedmont, and up here they say garbage rumenta , or Astigiano, Armenta . I have long questioned the etymology of this word and I finally concluded which derives from the verb Piedmont arman-e , that remain, from Latin Reman (the initial A is typical of verbs beginning with RE-dialects of northern Italy, and serves to facilitate the definition).
parable is set in Piedmont, and up here they say garbage rumenta , or Astigiano, Armenta . I have long questioned the etymology of this word and I finally concluded which derives from the verb Piedmont arman-e , that remain, from Latin Reman (the initial A is typical of verbs beginning with RE-dialects of northern Italy, and serves to facilitate the definition).
The two words in question have their origin in the neutral plural, and means "the things that remain, what remains," or the remnants, the leftovers.
It's easy, now more than ever, forget the waste, but on the other hand is very, very difficult to discard.
It's easy, now more than ever, forget the waste, but on the other hand is very, very difficult to discard.
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