Nella mia via c'è un divieto di sosta. Non nel senso che in un determinato luogo non sia concesso parcheggiare, ma nel senso che da qualche tempo a questa parte vi è comparso un cartello stradale provvisorio, retaggio di probabilmente di un cantiere a conclusione which has been forgotten. Sometimes I look at his thin and shaky, his head round, blue lined with red, and for a moment I seem to catch him in this attitude a po'mesto. Not so much because the prescription is systematically violated, he is well aware that a message in code-but because it is inevitably at the mercy of events. From my balcony is clear, in fact, often it is moved along the length of the road the car worried that attempts to cut a rectangle of asphalt for himself and his car, and sometimes it also happened to find himself on the other side roadway. Though probably the vision of the world from a new perspective may seem challenging, the most humiliating episode saw him hoisted to power on the same platform, with the only opportunity to put his message in vain to unsuspecting facades of the surrounding buildings.
I know do not speak the same language, but the next time I pass next to him almost like a smile I do.
ban The word derives from a Latin verb that probably sounded like * Devet, composed of the particle and the verb VETARE DE. The latter, from which derives the noun Italian veto, probably has the same root VETUS, that is old. According to this interpretation (Which is not verified and therefore I ask you readers, winking, to surrender without remorse to the suggestion) a thing is forbidden when it is "placed between the old" because he has now run its course, and therefore should be that is not made anymore.
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