Many, many years ago at this time, when I woke up in the morning to go to school, I could not, despite the bitter cold and biting, not to open the door to the terrace and put his fingers on a tray plastic, the night before, be sure to fill with water, until bordo.Non ask me why but I liked enormously during the night to check that it had formed a sheet of ghiaccio.Mi gave, perhaps the idea that lead during the coldest darkness, was more Christmas. Often, I could not find nothing but cold water and full of disappointment, I went to school eating a slice of bread that my mother gave me because the consumption during the journey.
"And remember .... the other is for the mid-morning snack. Do not do as long as you have the eye of the biggest belly
Other times, the tip fingers hit with a thud on the ice and, in a fury, I did the steps two at a time to get down to the kitchen and announce that "There is an incredible cold, yes, yes, certainly it snows tomorrow. Say that snow, Mommy? And if it were snowing, please do not make me go to school ... And you're not going to work, the please, please, please ... "
The anticipation of snow ..... I had seen only once in my life until then. We children had spent the morning playing in the snow-covered courtyard laughing like crazy and trying to catch snowflakes with your mouth the white light that glided and quiet on our heads. ... It seemed too good as he knew of sugar.
What would have been nice if the snow had fallen during the night of Christmas.
As was the case in fairy tales.
As always happened in the stories that my mother gave us late at night, sitting round a brazier, his feet resting in the vertical axis of timber to catch the flames ...... A llontanati by fire! or you want to end up like Pinocchio ?..... silent and insatiable, eager that the stories they never end.
As seen in the real city, when their ..... children of the city ... so different from us ... children in the countries .... awoke in the morning and still in my pajamas, opened gifts while the deep snow and thick like a blanket was only by peering through the glass of the windows steamed up.
would be nice if This year there was snow.
But, sitting in silence trying to rest my heart, I feel the warmth around invites me to stop dreaming.
will definitely, this year, a Christmas without snow.
And only now I realize that for too many years now, I'm not even the drip of water on the terrace.
will be for this year that I could escape to my favorite game. What do houses, yards, trees, doors, all-star .... and tarts. And let us fly over dell'impalpabile sugar, like snow. Sure if I was a child I would be so ridiculously excited to receive them from someone.
probably a part of me still dreams, snow.
Merry Christmas!
For the pastry
500 g flour 00
300 g soft butter
200 grams of powdered sugar
80 g egg yolks
a vanilla bean
Mix the butter with the sugar and the inside of a vanilla bean. Add a pinch of salt dissolved in half a teaspoon of water and egg yolks. Sift the flour well and pour half the dough trying to mix it well using the whip of the planetary K. Of course, the same result is obtained simply by mixing with a mixer or by hand. Complete with the remaining flour. To rest the pastry in the fridge for about an hour. Spread the mixture lightly floured ead axis height of 1 cm .. With a cup of pasta cut square biscuits and arrange on baking sheets lined with parchment paper. Do the same with star-shaped pastry rings of different sizes. Using a band to cut an ice cream cakes and tarts for approximately 28-30 cm of diametro.Ritagliare Let rest in refrigerator for 30 minutes and bake at 175 ° C for 10-15 minutes.
Construction of houses
jelly or apricot jam
sugar paste of different colors
colored sprinkles
White Chocolate
Spread the sugar paste in a layer a few mm of the spessore.Ritagliare shapes of the cookies using the same coppapasta used previously. Place marshmallow on a biscuit as a base for the house and make it stick with some chocolate bianco.Sul before a heart silver paste. Veil other two squares with apricot jelly and glue paste zucchero.Usando a small brush, take the chocolate and white to match the two squares (the two pieces of the roof will be) in the center and edges of base.Decorare to taste with candies and icing sugar.
Construction saplings
Building the trees using the stars of different sizes. Cover each pieces with sugar paste and paste with white chocolate. To obtain an effect to spruce offset between the different stars loro.Decorare depositing a silver confetti at each point of the star.
Construction of the village
Place the base round of pastry on a flat tray. Arrange the houses and trees in their taste and fix everything with a bit of white chocolate. With the help of sugar paste, to make mats for houses and sprinkle with sugar brilliant. similarly, with the red sugar paste to make small beads as a kind of berries. Finally, sprinkle with plenty of icing sugar.
Note: The same village may be placed on a pasta paradise. In this case, to the roofs with colored sugar paste to bring out the white ...... of snow!
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