Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bmi List In The World


us we were also a number of .
These days it is imperative to rethink the horrors committed during the Holocaust, and duty is to remember the . But today I suggest you one word: different .
is certainly right to recall to mind the horrors committed in the past, but I think the right question is not me what I would do, but : what I'm doing ?
Today, here, now, we are not all equal. It is our great fortune, because the diversity is a priceless treasure. We are very capable, if not understand, at least to respect it? I think the far from simple life of homosexuals, immigrants, people with disabilities. I think Gypsies, Sinti and Roma, who live in this country for centuries and, although they have also suffered deportation, are still discriminated against.

Unlike derives from the Latin verb enjoy, consisting of DIS-and concerns, or "turning in opposite directions." Be different, therefore, is to have another horizon, being able to look in other directions, have a different perspective.
We will be able to have new eyes ?


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