Saturday, January 29, 2011

Curves No Contract Promotion

Reginette integral to the oven and not

I felt like pasta a little short, just me, husband and Ellis.
But yes, we make similpizzoccheri ... and it was.
two I made for them in the oven with herbs and feta and me with Jerusalem artichokes and saffron.

Reginette oven with herbs and feta

queens for two people (there are advanced two portions and put them in the freezer for better times)
1 bunch herbs 1 small onion cut

2 medium potatoes 1 package of feta cheese
montasio grated cheese
sale e pepe q.b.

Togliere la gambetta delle erbette, lavare accuratamente le foglie, sgrondarle, tagliarle grossolanamente e metterle in una pentola con l’acqua, la cipolla tagliata a dadini, le patate intere, il dado e il burro.
Cuocere per 30 minuti, schiacciare le patate e aggiungere le reginette.
Cuocere per una decina di minuti (dipende dallo spessore della pasta, io l’ ho lasciata un po’ spessa.
Scolare con la schiumarola e mettere la pasta in una teglia da forno.
Coprire con pezzetti di feta e una generosa spolverata di formaggio grattugiato.
Cuocere in forno caldo 220° per una mezz’oretta.

Queens cooked

BELLE with Jerusalem artichokes and saffron
for 1 person

queens cut diamond
a large Jerusalem artichokes
a saffron
chilli oil

salt Peel the Jerusalem artichokes and cut into pieces.
Place in a pan with water and salt (not much water, maybe add more and warm).
When it boils add the queens and cook 15 minutes.
Pour oil into a bowl with the saffron, 2 tablespoons of cooking water and stir gently to dissolve the saffron.
Drain the pasta and add it to the sauce.

for 3 people

250 g wholemeal flour 150 g Salt 0 Metton

I put warm water in Ken, flour with salt, I started the mixer and poured floor water plan.
When the mixture reaches the right consistency, I removed and I put it to rest for 30 minutes under a terrinetta.
Roll out the dough and cut into desired height with the toothed wheel.

Small sheets

Mixture for the queens


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