Une Foret-Noire as an acte d'amour " Créer un dessert, c'est un peu comme un acte d'amour, il faut laisser vagabonder his imagination, open their hearts and be attentive to his senses. A successful establishment is the realization based on a childhood memory, emotion, oder, color, shape "
Da The Encyclopedia of chocolate
pocket word come queste ed in particolare, the espressione must wander riescono a definire esattamente, come fa una cornice con un quadro, che invade the sensazione all'idea di fare a dolce. E 'proprio vero che non si possono put the laces or the imagination to think of giving life to something that is not tied to a freedom of the soul.
The desserts are born this way, alone. They come out dark and mysterious mechanisms with a sudden blink of an eye. There is no need to do is stretch your hands and take it.
No hurry.
What, then, do not disappear once appeared more like a gust of fog in the morning.
And later, after the happiness of the watch, observe, and then the tasting, the cake stays there for a long time.
Almost always, I think. Especially if associated with ricordi da rispolverare piano nelle sere d'inverno.
Foret- Noire
( da un dessert di Frédéric Cassel)
Per il biscuit au chocolat
8 uova ( 4 intere e 4 separate in tuorli ed albumi)
150 g di zucchero semolato
60 g di zucchero di canna
50 g di farina
40 g di cacao amaro
Setacciare per almeno 2 volte la farina con il cacao. Montare le uova intere ed i tuorli in una ciotola con lo zucchero semolato fino ad ottenere un composto soffice e chiaro. Gli albumi devono essere montati a parte con lo zucchero di canna. Mescolare con grande attenzione i due composti, preferibilmente versando la montata di tuorli nella montata di albumi e rimescolando dall'alto verso il basso. Con gli stessi movimenti, aggiungere le polveri.
Versare l'impasto su teglie rivestite di carta forno ad un'altezza di circa 1 cm ed infornare alla temperatura di 180°C per circa 8-9 minuti.
Con una range from 24 cm in diameter cut out three discs and set them aside.
For the light cream
400 g of fresh cream
30 g caster sugar
1 vanilla bean soft and fragrant
4 g 2 g gelatin sheets
Far hydrate the gelatin in ice water. Cut the vanilla bean in two and remove the pulp that will be added to fresh cream, made from sweet sugar. Remove a few tablespoons of cream and heat it to melt the gelatin, previously squeezed and damp. Assemble the rest of the cream and when it becomes like a mousse, pour in the gelatine still working carefully so as to leave the cream moussosa and not too firm.
For wet
1 box of cherries in syrup (drained, about 300 g)
syrup conservation
half a glass of liquor Blood Morlacco Luxardo
alternatively excellent Kirsch
Remove the cherries from the syrup and keep them aside. Add the liqueur to the syrup in the optimal amount according to your taste.
Composition of sweet
Place a strip of 24 cm in diameter on a tray to go in the freezer. Arrange in a strip of acetate so as to have perfectly straight edges of the dessert. Insert the first disk and biscuit, with a brush, wet the surface with the veil. Pour light cream in a pastry bag with a spout smooth and spread on the biscuit in homogeneous and concentric circles. Align the sour cream on a regular basis. Cover with another hard biscuit and repeat the process ending with the last working hard. Soak with syrup, spread a thin layer of light cream and place in freezer for a whole night, or at least until the consolidation of the cake.
Chocolate Ganache
270 g dark chocolate 60%
300 g of fresh cream
Melt the chocolate. Heat the cream almost to boil and pour it in three times on chocolate. Making the emulsion stirring from the center in small circles until creamy smooth, supple and brilliant. Let cool.
Decoration sweet
Remove the cake from the freezer. Put it over a bowl upside down at the base steps were taken to fix a sheet of parchment paper to collect the excess glaze. Pull down the ganache all together at the center of the cake and quickly spread it over the cake with a spatula so that the walls will be coated evenly. Collect and store the remaining ganache. Allow the icing to harden then gently transfer the cake on a serving dish suitable to be kept in the refrigerator.
tuiles Garnish with dark chocolate and a few well-drained cherries from the syrup.
At the time of service, heat the blade of a knife and cut the dessert.