Monday, January 31, 2011

After Brazilian Lazer

rolled omelette and Peppers vinegar

And even today the lunch went Ellis is very welcome and maritozzi è leccato i baffi.
Questo era il loro secondo naturalmente … e io diet ^__^
Carlo non digerisce la peperonata, però da quando ho adottato il consiglio che mi ha dato Lietta della montagna, non si è più lamentato. Basta aggiungere un poco di aceto ai peperoni mentre cuociono.
Facile e veloce


per 2 persone

2 uova
formaggio montasio grattugiato abbondante
1 cucchiaino di cipolla tritata
sale e pepe

1 hg di prosciutto di Sauris

In una ciotola sbattere le uova, aggiungere il formaggio, la cipolla, il sale e il pepe.
Mescolare accuratamente piadiniera and heat the butter with very little.
Spennelare melted butter for the whole piadiniera, pour the eggs and turn the pan so the omelet take good care that the entire base.
Cook on one side and then scoop the pancakes, turn it gently on the other side without breaking it. Let
slide the omelet onto a plate and let cool.
Place over ham, roll up for the good omelette and wrap it tightly in a sheet of aluminum foil.
Let cool, remove the foil and slice.

omelette packed when the omelette is cold, it remains in good shape and size better.

rolled omelet

omelet ready to roll up

omelette cooked on one side

omelette cooked in


for 2 people

3 peppers (red and green Gialo)

½ onion 1 teaspoon flavors # links
1 cup of vinegar, salt
careful, the already salty savors

Cold put the oil in a pan, chopped onion, the taste, the chopped peppers and vinegar.
Cover the pan and just begins to simmer, reduce heat.
Cook until all the liquid has been absorbed (about twenty minutes).
Season with salt if necessary and serve.

Ikusa Otome Suvia Resume

Sope cu 'lis tripis - tripe soup and salt cod with radicchio

Here's another one of those things that drive me crazy with the salt cod. Charles eats it willingly and Matthew, who liked the small, now rejects it ... booo, to understand the range, however I do quite often in the winter ... of course avoiding little dietary combinations (such as In this case, lard and bacon).
This preparation is typical of Friuli, who was my mother-in-law but also other ladies of the mountain told me that they do so.
photos are mine (in another recipe). The photo of this recipe is not there.


for 4

tripe 800 g - foiolo and beretta (already bleached - cooked)
1 large stalk of celery 1 large onion
copper (blonde)

3 cloves garlic 1 carrot 1 tablespoon lard

3 cloves
cheese montasio
grated salt and pepper cut in strips the

foiolo, the Baretta and rinse under running water very well.
allowed to drip and meanwhile prepare the sauce in the pan with lard, bacon, diced, onion, garlic, celery, carrot and just begins to fry add the tripe.
Cook and then add enough boiling water so the mixture remains soupy and cloves.
salt, cover the pan and cook for two hours or more.
Divide the soup into soup plates and sprinkle with plenty of cheese and freshly ground pepper.
Serve with toasted bread or croutons.

A bit of news

tripe and offal that is part of a fourth and fifth is the part of the digestive system of cattle between the esophagus and stomach after slaughter is cleaned and boiled.
The rumen (the largest-shaped lot, this tripe is also classified as a cross, cross, flank, tripe or smooth tripe).
Omas (made up of plates, also called centopelli or foiolo)
grating (or a headset, a small bag with sponge-like appearance, also known as headphones, honeycomb, or bonetto beretta).
The tripe, like other parts of the fifth quarter, namely the poorer parts of the animal, is
a food eaten for a long time: the Greeks and the Romans cooked on the grill used to prepare sausages.
In the trade is already clean and also prelessata.
is best kept in the refrigerator immersed in water, so that does not yellow.
The recipes for the preparation of tripe are many, different from one city to another.
addition to being a very nutritious dish is still affordable and has a very high protein content
and is relatively low in fat.
The tripe is part of the diet feeding (they say) just because it is not excessive heat because of the lack of fat.
Who complains about the "heaviness" product - or its poor digestibility - should know that this is usually due to the addition of spices and condiments as tripe provides only 85 calories hectogram. In addition, the tripe, it is also beneficial to highlight the presence of a minerals, especially calcium and phosphorus.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bmi List In The World


us we were also a number of .
These days it is imperative to rethink the horrors committed during the Holocaust, and duty is to remember the . But today I suggest you one word: different .
is certainly right to recall to mind the horrors committed in the past, but I think the right question is not me what I would do, but : what I'm doing ?
Today, here, now, we are not all equal. It is our great fortune, because the diversity is a priceless treasure. We are very capable, if not understand, at least to respect it? I think the far from simple life of homosexuals, immigrants, people with disabilities. I think Gypsies, Sinti and Roma, who live in this country for centuries and, although they have also suffered deportation, are still discriminated against.

Unlike derives from the Latin verb enjoy, consisting of DIS-and concerns, or "turning in opposite directions." Be different, therefore, is to have another horizon, being able to look in other directions, have a different perspective.
We will be able to have new eyes ?

Get Cut Pokemon Prism


Sorry always see wandering around the refrigerator several small surplus and therefore a virtue of necessity. I had taken the first two leaves per unit of sugar loaf chicory and I thought to use it in somehow and I must say that the combination with salt cod and the rest I loved it.
Provola has released a small hint of smoke that I really like the salami and a seal was more than all the rest, two slices were seen but did not feel any taste.
Eee cod are delicious and I naturally approach it with any food.
If you like, try it. ^___^

BAULETTO of radicchio and COD

For 1 pesona

1 piece of cod (200 g approximately) (already wet and ready to cook sweet)
2 leaves of radicchio Sugarloaf
2 slices of salami milano
4 slices 3
of smoked cheese sundried tomatoes
a little oil
a non-stick pan in which the set of measurement
I recommend NO salt, the tomatoes, the cheese and salami of them are already salty.

foglione Wash the radicchio, just drain and place them on a platter.
In order, place the slices of provolone, salt cod with the skin beneath, tomatoes cut into strips, salami. Close
leaves a package around the cod and seal with a toothpick.
Pour 2 teaspoons oil in pan and place the package.
Put the lid and cook over high heat and just begins to brown, reduce heat to a minimum.
vegetables and fish form have their water, is sufficient to cook the meal plan, about twenty minutes.
half cooked, turn it gently.
After the interval, if there is still a sauce, remove the sauce and turn up the heat slightly.
Serving lunch and an orange ... "enough diet is ensured.

Cutting the trunk ... My mom is my salivating just looking at the photos

Here for consumption

The trunk ready for cooking

And here are foglione that enclose the fish faster ^ __ ^ Baltic

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Curves No Contract Promotion

Reginette integral to the oven and not

I felt like pasta a little short, just me, husband and Ellis.
But yes, we make similpizzoccheri ... and it was.
two I made for them in the oven with herbs and feta and me with Jerusalem artichokes and saffron.

Reginette oven with herbs and feta

queens for two people (there are advanced two portions and put them in the freezer for better times)
1 bunch herbs 1 small onion cut

2 medium potatoes 1 package of feta cheese
montasio grated cheese
sale e pepe q.b.

Togliere la gambetta delle erbette, lavare accuratamente le foglie, sgrondarle, tagliarle grossolanamente e metterle in una pentola con l’acqua, la cipolla tagliata a dadini, le patate intere, il dado e il burro.
Cuocere per 30 minuti, schiacciare le patate e aggiungere le reginette.
Cuocere per una decina di minuti (dipende dallo spessore della pasta, io l’ ho lasciata un po’ spessa.
Scolare con la schiumarola e mettere la pasta in una teglia da forno.
Coprire con pezzetti di feta e una generosa spolverata di formaggio grattugiato.
Cuocere in forno caldo 220° per una mezz’oretta.

Queens cooked

BELLE with Jerusalem artichokes and saffron
for 1 person

queens cut diamond
a large Jerusalem artichokes
a saffron
chilli oil

salt Peel the Jerusalem artichokes and cut into pieces.
Place in a pan with water and salt (not much water, maybe add more and warm).
When it boils add the queens and cook 15 minutes.
Pour oil into a bowl with the saffron, 2 tablespoons of cooking water and stir gently to dissolve the saffron.
Drain the pasta and add it to the sauce.

for 3 people

250 g wholemeal flour 150 g Salt 0 Metton

I put warm water in Ken, flour with salt, I started the mixer and poured floor water plan.
When the mixture reaches the right consistency, I removed and I put it to rest for 30 minutes under a terrinetta.
Roll out the dough and cut into desired height with the toothed wheel.

Small sheets

Mixture for the queens

How Does A Period Lokk

with breakfast - donuts - Draft

I remade the
with breakfast, the donuts that you find in the link

I know, make me angry when I starmene quietina only until it is passed Burian, once again I was convinced that I can vent in the kitchen but ... the devil makes the pots without lids. And call me
fantozziana Vala.
do not know why the mix of donuts continued to remain soft, and what I thought to add the leftover flour.
Add leftover buckwheat flour ... and it becomes too hard dough.
Come on, put a little 'milk Ugh ... there's a goccino and throw it inside.
It springs back ... I laughed out loud by myself, I thought of the comic and maybe even be observed by you and I could not stop laughing.
Add two tablespoons of corn flour ...
I finally turned off the Ken and I said, if all goes well, "ghe always" throw everything else.

I did not want to make two batches so I did and rolled rings and a large cable to finish. Meanwhile
the oven was heating, I covered my similciambelle and I forgot.
I heard a roar ... This oven should continue to stay on without anything inside? It was
Run ... in the kitchen, puts the pan in the oven after 25 minutes and voila!

Excellent, taste indefinite, not too sweet because I did not add sugar, but good. Breakfast

Gpsphone 6.6.7 Action Replay Cheats

Pizzette e calzoncini ripieni

My little boy went into the mountains with the Morosina
... Mom ... there's a few snacks for the trip? but of course, are ready ... And if there is
These hot
taken away ... I had time to photograph them, the others are finished very hot in the bag and go ... the kids have left.


2 Rolls brisa
Roll out the pastry dough to Shortcrust pastry, pasta bowl with a small cut close many disks, wasting less dough as possible. (The leftovers I have assembled, by hand I formed two diskettes irregular and I used all).

For the filling


tomato slices salt

anchovies oregano
In a small bowl, mix a little tomato sauce with salt and oregano. The slices
divide into many squares
The anchovy cut into small pieces.
- About half of the disks to place a pile of tomato sauce, cheese slices and a square on a piece of anchovy.

- Stacking other disks and seal very well to avoid any loss of the filling.

salami milano (divided into slices in half)
Gruyere cut into slivers
- About half of the disks to support half a slice of salami folded so that it remains as a filling inside and a piece of Swiss cheese.

- Overlap the other discs and seal the dough very well so as not to bring out the filling.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Can I Have Swollen Bones

of creamy .... and the sound of the words

There are no words, even mysterious, never heard before, perhaps come from far away that you say it ... slowly, slowly, in silence ... and espodono as fires in their full meaning.

Try saying "Sun"
"I know" ... and already you feel a world around. And as long as you add "the" to do "Sun" that you feel the universe explode.

Try saying "Moon"
"Lu" and ... I sank into the mystery. And as long as you add "na" to do "Luna" that you feel immersed in a crespuscolo of unfathomable.

I played for years with words. If by chance I met a person, I imagined that the name is avesse.Quanto confacesse. If he had the "u" in the name means shadow and darkness ... ... or a double "L" to give weight and childhood. O. .. a zeta? Quick as a lash. And the V? Ethereal like water lilies.
the Belle "Emme ".... kind of mom who can double.

I thought up in recent days. To make creamy. And mousses. And ganaches.Spumose. Mounted. For tarts.
With cream. No.
albumi.Senza. With
pate à bombs. No.
With milk with glucose ... ... with ....
How many ... many ... not enough life to do them all .... All melt in your mouth as the words that show.

But there is one that has a name that only you know what to say it will feel.


But it is a fabulous name. We can enter into a dream.
Namelaka What name is?
E 'an African tribal chief ... said a mister-eyed baby.

But no ... is the cream you just eat ato ... I say. The name comes from Japan ....

Do you have any doubts about what a Namelaka?
Should I have them ... look at this glass and try to imagine what you could never hear the softly close your eyes.

Namelaka milk chocolate and coffee
(from a recipe Encyclopédie du Chocolat)

350 g of milk chocolate
5 g gelatin sheets Gold 2 g
200 g of milk,
10 g of glucose syrup
400 g of fresh cream liquid
3 teaspoons instant coffee

I cut the chocolate melt slowly and I did it in the microwave at low power. Every now and then I scrambled to not expose it to heat too long. And 'if you get better at 50 ° C and no more.
I scrambled well and I have kept aside. Meanwhile, I arranged the gelatine leaves in a dish and I have submerged in water ice. To hydrate the best. In a pan I poured the milk. I put on the stove to medium and I took the boil. I turned off. I added glucose syrup, gelatin and freeze-dried coffee. I spent all fine sieve. Meanwhile, I checked that the chocolate was well cast. Was. I poured the milk in hot chocolate on three occasions, each time stirring from the center to the outskirts to see appearing a "node" elastic and shiny.
When I finished, I poured the cream. Cold. I also operated a blender without bubbles.
In last step in the fridge for the night.

You do not like milk chocolate? does not matter ... In all, there is a solution ...

You can certainly use:
250 g dark chocolate 70% + 5 g of gelatin
340 g of white chocolate + 4 g gelatin

F. Bau docet .....

How not to accompany them to coffee with the Sable Breton?
evocative power of the name.
Is there anything more brittle as the Sable?

Sablé Breton  al  café
(da una ricetta di Mercotte)

125 gr di burro
Un pizzico di sale
100 gr di zucchero
155 gr di farina
8 gr di lievito
50 gr di tuorli
1 cucchiaio di  caffé liofilizzato

Ho sabbiato il burro con lo zucchero. Ho aggiunto i tuorli, poi la farina setacciata con il lievito. Un pizzico di sale e poi il caffé sciolto in un cucchiaino d'acqua calda. Ho fatto riposare in frigo per almeno 1 ora. Ho quindi steso ad uno spessore di mezzo cm. E fatto riposare ancora. Con un coppapasta quadrato ho ritagliato le forme e infornato per  circa 10-15 minuti a 180°C.

C'è qualcosa di più buono di una Namelaka, stasera?   No..credo di no. Anche se tutto è assolutamente possibile..........

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Radio Watts To Distance

Talpìn cui fasùi - Piedino di maiale con fagioli

Who does not like the pork leg raise your paw! ^ __ ^
A lot do not like to know, but in my time these foods cost very little, and then appeared on our table often to diversify the flavors and not always just eat beans or polenta.
This is a recipe for Carlin, who has a bell'orto in the mountains.
the collection period (Faso) and fresh beans (vuaȋnis) green beans or croissants, often cooks very tasty recipe that I made myself when I had access to raw materials.
For the pork leg There are no problems, now this animal is slaughtered throughout the year and maybe book it at the butcher's easy. For
beans and fresh croissants from the garden, there is always some good soul that gives me and when there are times of plenty, just ask.

Photos of the Web sites was different

TALPINA where Faso - pig feet with the beans for 4

300 g fresh beans (Faso) 4 shallots

1 bay leaf fresh
300 g beans (vuaȋnis)
a leg of pork already clean (TALPINA )

whole basil leaves 2 medium tomatoes

salt and pepper Place the beans in a pot with fresh leg, bay leaves, two onions and a whole bunch of basil.
Cover with water without salt and boil the whole for 1 hour.
Drain and save cooking liquid.
In a pan fry the other two chopped shallots in a little oil, add the beans and
Faso-lis-vuaȋnis croissants chopped tomatoes, peeled, and cut into cubes and still ciffetto basil.
Pour into the pan a little cooking water, salt and pepper and add more water or broth until beans are cooked and croissants for good. Apart
strip the flesh off the foot, portioned on plates and add the vegetables.
A round of oil on the food, even a sprinkling of pepper if desired and serve with slices of grilled polenta.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dragonball Chi Chi Bulma Fusion

Phone Call

It's a Tuesday night, about nine o'clock and I'm about to leave home to go to a place where they have never been. Of course I'm in that state of anxiety above anything I have ever done, compounded by the fact that it is a foggy night and that I, of course, are already late.
At some point, just to make matters worse, the phone rings. I say, angrily:

- ready?
answer me a voice older, with a sweet tone and nice

- ready, Anna?
- no, I'm Marta.
- ah she's Martha?
- yes, sorry, I must have done the wrong number.
- Oh, yes, break-even because here is another Martha
- ah yes?
- yes, but I'm an old Martha ...
- I am a twenty-four years
Marta - I make them happy birthday, young lady, I will ho novantatré
- beh, io invece le faccio i complimenti!
- la saluto, ancora auguri...
- la ringrazio...
- buonasera
- buonasera.

due in una...
Sorge spontanea la domanda: e se io per caso, tra settant'anni circa, in un giorno di metà gennaio, sbagliassi a comporre un numero e avessi la stessa, identica conversazione?
E se la "voce da lontano" della telefonata non fosse lontana solo nello spazio ma anche nel tempo?

La parola telefonata  è uno di quei buffi composti le cui unità sono di origine greca: tele = lontano, come in televisione,  e fonia = suono, come in fonetica . Si possono usare come prefissi, cioè all'inizio di parola, o come suffissi, cioè alla fine. Oppure, in casi come quello di telefonata,  si uniscono semplicemente tra loro, un po' come due fette di pane senza niente in mezzo. :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Pattern For Hippie Bag

Colàz di Consei - Ciambelle di Consiglio

Each site has a product with a different name ... but it goes round and round the ingredients are always those that nature has to offer.
Thanks Adriana, but what I have not said is why they called Donuts Council. The Council of
Donuts or better (with breakfast of Consea in Friuli) are almost forgotten, Adriana Sauris, mountain, told me about it so I asked around the Grannies who still remember.
Those who did were quite hard, the characteristic shape of large sticks closed-eight or donut also known as the Veneto "Bussolai", but as a great-grandmother spoke of honey and spices, I was a bit 'sidetrack us and I think he was referring more to the "strong Donuts"
"with breakfast fuàrz"
On festive occasions Confirmation and in particular of the Patron Saint ... (San Pietro di Ampezzo, St. Oswald in Sauris), were donated by sponsors to godchildren, packaged in a long row to the feet.

circulated the saying which about
has santul
al'ha with breakfast (donuts)
(Who has the Santolo Donuts)

While the Venetian has said:
bezi, bussolai
the bases and no xe xe boni
if not the very
(kisses, money and bussolai are not very good if they are not)

I were given approximate weights and this evening I tried to do my best ... considered that the leaven is not very compatible.
At first taste told me they are not very sweet ... and Ale! these go to Bean for me ... but I had to pick up the pot, but those two were not many would do in a hurry to finish them as a dessert.
I was very clever in the preparation of cylinders, I would have to roll the dough in the sugar crystallized and would remain so instead I just sprinkled them over and there is nothing left. Not
came hard as I thought, but they are good.

of Consea with breakfast - donuts Council

for 17 donuts

0 250 g flour 50 g sugar 40 g butter

powder 1 teaspoon orange
13 g yeast Beer

a finger of warm water 1 / 2 cup beer 1 pinch of salt Moretti

Crumble the yeast into a bowl of beer with a finger of warm water and mix.
Combine 1 teaspoon of flour and mix until a soft pap.
Add 1 teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of salt and mix.
Cover the bowl with a towel and let rise until doubled in volume (30 minutes). Prepare
meanwhile melted butter dissolve until it becomes light brown.

Pour into the bowl of the ken (or on a work surface), the remaining flour with sugar, orange powder, melted butter and lievitino.
Stir briefly, add the beer and continue to knead until dough forms a smooth and firm.
Place the dough in a bowl, lightly cut the surface of a cross, cover again with towel and let rise in the oven with only the small light lit for 2 hours.

Preheat oven to 170 °
Place parchment paper on the plate. Take
from mixing of pinches of dough, roll them and seal them in a cylinder or eight-round bun and place on plate.
Bake cookies for about 15 minutes ... every oven has its times.

COUNCIL: After the packaged pretzels, cover and let rise again for half an hour the oven and leave it well at 180/190 degrees (my oven misfires)

orange peel without the white

chopped dried on a radiator with the coffee mill
Ready for all the preparations and do not feel the pieces grated.

*** Remember to roll the cylinders in the sugar.

*** The lucky ones used brandy instead of beer.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Japanese Woman Is Molested In A Train

Une Foret-Noire as an acte d'amour

" Créer un dessert, c'est un peu comme un acte d'amour, il faut laisser vagabonder his imagination, open their hearts and be attentive to his senses. A successful establishment is the realization based on a childhood memory, emotion, oder, color, shape "

Da The Encyclopedia of chocolate

pocket word come queste ed in particolare, the espressione must wander riescono a definire esattamente, come fa una cornice con un quadro, che invade the sensazione all'idea di fare a dolce. E 'proprio vero che non si possono put the laces or the imagination to think of giving life to something that is not tied to a freedom of the soul.

The desserts are born this way, alone. They come out dark and mysterious mechanisms with a sudden blink of an eye. There is no need to do is stretch your hands and take it.
No hurry.
What, then, do not disappear once appeared more like a gust of fog in the morning.
And later, after the happiness of the watch, observe, and then the tasting, the cake stays there for a long time.
Almost always, I think. Especially if associated with ricordi da rispolverare piano nelle sere d'inverno.

Foret- Noire
( da un dessert di Frédéric Cassel)

Per il biscuit au chocolat

8 uova ( 4 intere e 4 separate in tuorli ed albumi)
150 g di zucchero semolato
60 g di zucchero di canna
50 g di farina
40 g di cacao amaro

Setacciare per almeno 2 volte la farina con il cacao. Montare le uova intere ed i tuorli in una ciotola con lo zucchero semolato fino ad ottenere un composto soffice e chiaro. Gli albumi devono essere montati a parte con lo zucchero di canna. Mescolare con grande attenzione i due composti, preferibilmente versando la montata di tuorli nella montata di albumi e rimescolando dall'alto verso il basso. Con gli stessi movimenti, aggiungere le polveri.
Versare l'impasto su teglie rivestite di carta forno ad un'altezza di circa 1 cm ed infornare alla temperatura di 180°C per circa 8-9 minuti.

Con una range from 24 cm in diameter cut out three discs and set them aside.

For the light cream

400 g of fresh cream
30 g caster sugar
1 vanilla bean soft and fragrant
4 g 2 g gelatin sheets

Far hydrate the gelatin in ice water. Cut the vanilla bean in two and remove the pulp that will be added to fresh cream, made from sweet sugar. Remove a few tablespoons of cream and heat it to melt the gelatin, previously squeezed and damp. Assemble the rest of the cream and when it becomes like a mousse, pour in the gelatine still working carefully so as to leave the cream moussosa and not too firm.

For wet

1 box of cherries in syrup (drained, about 300 g)
syrup conservation
half a glass of liquor Blood Morlacco Luxardo
alternatively excellent Kirsch

Remove the cherries from the syrup and keep them aside. Add the liqueur to the syrup in the optimal amount according to your taste.

Composition of sweet

Place a strip of 24 cm in diameter on a tray to go in the freezer. Arrange in a strip of acetate so as to have perfectly straight edges of the dessert. Insert the first disk and biscuit, with a brush, wet the surface with the veil. Pour light cream in a pastry bag with a spout smooth and spread on the biscuit in homogeneous and concentric circles. Align the sour cream on a regular basis. Cover with another hard biscuit and repeat the process ending with the last working hard. Soak with syrup, spread a thin layer of light cream and place in freezer for a whole night, or at least until the consolidation of the cake.

Chocolate Ganache

270 g dark chocolate 60%
300 g of fresh cream

Melt the chocolate. Heat the cream almost to boil and pour it in three times on chocolate. Making the emulsion stirring from the center in small circles until creamy smooth, supple and brilliant. Let cool.

Decoration sweet

Remove the cake from the freezer. Put it over a bowl upside down at the base steps were taken to fix a sheet of parchment paper to collect the excess glaze. Pull down the ganache all together at the center of the cake and quickly spread it over the cake with a spatula so that the walls will be coated evenly. Collect and store the remaining ganache. Allow the icing to harden then gently transfer the cake on a serving dish suitable to be kept in the refrigerator.

tuiles Garnish with dark chocolate and a few well-drained cherries from the syrup.
At the time of service, heat the blade of a knife and cut the dessert.