Thursday, December 30, 2010

History Red And White Checkered Tablecloth

A mirror of chocolate challah

A lot of people have asked me these days fall on what my choice would be sweet this year.
a sweet to celebrate my birthday, I mean.
And down to think about what alchemy of flavors and colors and forms I would have stuck my hands and my eyes. To read and hear many comments and curiosity, I smiled so quiet because I knew that even this year, certainly I would not have found the time to give me a dessert. I invented many of those grounds for not doing so .....
But this year, I have not struggled too much in search of sudden duties ....

As soon as I heard that somewhere around me, a lovely girl would have celebrated my birthday the very same day, do not think I've got not so.
I decided that I would have a cake, but for her. She knew that he wanted so much to enjoy that sort of Sacher in which someone had talked so much. And so amazingly described, much to ogle and dream to have one on which will probably turn off a candle.

And so it was. A lake of chocolate and a sort of bright bunch of flowers with a sweet nothing magical golden years to come to wish you and sweet dreams to realize. I hope
che lo specchio caldo del cioccolato le abbia illuminato ancor più gli occhi e disteso le labbra in un tenero e soddisfatto sorriso.

Sacher torte Dessert
(da un'idea di Paco Torreblanca)

Per il Pan di Spagna al Cioccolato
(da una ricetta di Lucia-Pane e Burro)

Per una fascia di 28 cm
6 eggs 180 g flour 00

180g sugar 180g dark chocolate

180g butter 12 g baking powder

Grease and flour a mold 28 -30 cm in diameter.
Far melt the chocolate in the microwave on low power. Separately, melt the butter and then stirring them together gently. Pour the egg yolks in the bowl of the planet with 135 g of sugar, taken from the total and mount them to foam. Later, soft whip the egg whites with the remaining 45 grams of sugar.
Sift flour with baking powder. Combine the egg yolks mounted, the mixture of chocolate and butter and then flour. Thin the mixture by combining a spoonful of meringue without special precautions. Instead, the remaining meringue should be added gently, working from top to bottom.
Whip the egg yolks with sugar until they become white, add the chocolate and butter mixture, then sift flour and baking powder and fold.
Preheat oven to 175-180 ° C. Bake the cake for 35-40 minutes until the test stick will reveal the inclusion of a perfectly cooked.

For the chocolate mousse
(da La Cocina Dulce-di Paco Torreblanca)

Per la crema inglese

150 g di panna fresca
100 g di latte
50 g di tuorli
60 g di zucchero

Far scaldare la panna ed il latte con 30 gr di zucchero e portare  fin quasi al bollore. Montare i tuorli con i restanti 30 gr di zucchero, aggiungere metà della panna e del latte caldo e rimescolare. Concludere la preparazione versando la restante parte and bring the cooking up to 82-85 ° C. Pass the cream through a sieve.

For the chocolate mousse

340 grams of crème anglaise (see above)
225 grams of chocolate to 70%
450 g of whipped cream
two pinches of Maldon salt

Melt the chocolate in a water bath without exceeding 50 ° C. Let cool slightly, add salt and then pour it over the custard mix well with a spatula. When the cream has reached about 35 ° C, add the cream.

For the frosting bright of Faggiotto

175 g of water
150 g of fresh cream
225 g caster sugar
75 g unsweetened cocoa
8 g gelatin in sheets of 2 g

Far hydrate the gelatin in ice water. Bring together in a saucepan the cocoa, water, cream and sugar. Stir with a whisk until the mixture is homogeneous. Simmer over low heat until frosting reaches 103 ° C. Off. Pull down the temperature to 70 ° C and add the squeezed gelatine.

Preparation Dessert

Use a circular band of about 28-30 cm in diameter. Line the base of the tray with a sheet of acetate and acetate also enter into bands within the circular band to make smooth the edge. Cut three discs from the chocolate sponge cake. With the help of a pastry bag and a nozzle to lay a smooth layer of mousse on the bottom in a very regular basis. Place in freezer for 10 'and lay a disk of cake. Veil of good with apricot jam and stratify a layer of mousse. Repeat this process ending with the third disc of biscuit. Place in freezer until completely hardened dessert. Extract Fresh from the freeezer. Discard the strip and transparency. Place the cake over a bowl to the base with a sheet of parchment paper. When the frosting has reached about 40 ° C, strain still icy on the cake and decorate as desired.

I thank with all my heart

Elizabeth Cuomo for the frosting bright Faggiotto after admiring his wonderful sweet hazelnut
Mezzini Rita for giving me a great sponge for gentle
Paco Lucia Torreblanca, to exist

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Jon Cryer On Charlie Sheen Paid Per Episode


Nella mia via c'è un divieto di sosta. Non nel senso che in un determinato luogo non sia concesso parcheggiare, ma nel senso che da qualche tempo a questa parte vi è comparso un cartello stradale provvisorio, retaggio di probabilmente di un cantiere a conclusione which has been forgotten. Sometimes I look at his thin and shaky, his head round, blue lined with red, and for a moment I seem to catch him in this attitude a po'mesto. Not so much because the prescription is systematically violated, he is well aware that a message in code-but because it is inevitably at the mercy of events. From my balcony is clear, in fact, often it is moved along the length of the road the car worried that attempts to cut a rectangle of asphalt for himself and his car, and sometimes it also happened to find himself on the other side roadway. Though probably the vision of the world from a new perspective may seem challenging, the most humiliating episode saw him hoisted to power on the same platform, with the only opportunity to put his message in vain to unsuspecting facades of the surrounding buildings.
I know do not speak the same language, but the next time I pass next to him almost like a smile I do.

ban The word derives from a Latin verb that probably sounded like * Devet, composed of the particle and the verb VETARE DE. The latter, from which derives the noun Italian veto, probably has the same root VETUS, that is old. According to this interpretation (Which is not verified and therefore I ask you readers, winking, to surrender without remorse to the suggestion) a thing is forbidden when it is "placed between the old" because he has now run its course, and therefore should be that is not made anymore.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Can I Plug A Fax Machine Into A Normal Phone Line

A opens the door to the world of leavened

I've never had a great passion for baking. Each time I intended to try to overcome the embarrassment due to the many failures and poor results even after several hours of work. But .. I have understood for some time that there is no sudden and miracles do not come out of putting together the flour, water, yeast, sugar .... just as it happens.

It took a beautiful course made me open my eyes completely.
It took a deep knowledge of Adriano Continisio and the amazing hands and heart of Paoletta for me to open the magic book of the meal. And try to read, learn, understand. Oh, of course ... I do not think I will ever have the same enthusiasm that kidnaps me when I make a tray of macarons ... but I'm pretty sure I can, with time, maybe learn to dialogue with the yeast and convince him that the kitchen of my house can be a nice nest to grow and multiply.

And while the yeast, a precious gift of Adrian, comes to life and fire, I take a vague but precise desire to try to experience something.
And do not even know why I remember the Challah. Perhaps because of the braids that Adriano has tried to teach me. Just got home I did nothing but rummage through diagrams and videos, in a lot of plots, of leaders who come together and exchange, each different and always beautiful and attractive.

Cosi was born my Challah. And forgive me my teachers for errors that certainly will ... but I'm sure they will understand that I am doing the rods and sticks, like when I sat for the first time on the wooden bench at my school in first grade.

Challah my way
(from a recipe Amarillina-Coquinaria)

600 g of Manitoba supermarket
400 grams of flour 00
60 g sugar
25 g of yeast

4 whole eggs 140 g soft butter 285 g
4 teaspoon salt

For polishing:
1 whole egg and some milk


I made a lievitino with:

285 g flour 285 g of water warmed slightly
25 g fresh yeast 1 teaspoon
acacia honey

I kneaded obtaining a very soft and I did rise in the oven off at about 28 ° C for about 45 minutes.
So I put it in the bowl of Ken. I added a few tablespoons of flour and started working with the leaf at low speed, about 1. I continued working on adding tablespoons flour, the eggs one at a time. When adding the third egg, I put the sugar dissolve. The salt I put the last egg I added, then the dough. As the work progresses, add the flour making sure to fold the dough occasionally to make it smooth and uniform.
When the dough has begun to incordarsi, I added the butter in three times trying to spread it well sull'impasto. I did absorb then I removed the leaf and set the hook. I kept increasing the processing speed to about 2 every now and then removing the dough from the mass gancio.Quando occurred silky, shiny and very low-strung, I removed the dough. I did the test and the veil as soon as I realized that I was well placed under the dough. So, I did rise, always at about 28 ° C in the oven turned off for an hour or until doubled.
I deflated the dough and I divided to make the braids.

to braid two heads low, I took the system from this site.

For the circular braided 4 ends, I was a big help this wonderful blog.

To make the braid to 6 heads, there will be spoiled for choice. I opted for this scheme, very easy to be realized.

Once done the braids, I brushed with a thin layer of egg diluted with milk and I spent in the oven at 175 ° C for about 30 minutes.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Pokemon Heart Gold Where Do I Find Electric Box


Now it's Christmas, which are, like all traditions, new and old at the same time. And I, like every year, I set up home in a crib , that reminds me of childhood and gives me the strange feeling of waiting hopefully something good.

A special my crib.
year for the first time, however, I also asked the etymology of the word, and I discovered that Praesepe, and its variant Praesepium in Latin meant stable, or more properly fence, from the verb Praesepe composed of PRE, which means "before" and Saep, or encircle, embrace, enclose with a hedge (SAEPIS, in fact).

This image reminds me of the words of the Gospel of John, I know thanks to my wise father:
I am the gate for the sheep. I assure you. I am the door: whoever enters through me will be safe. You can come and go and find food. The ladro viene soltanto per rubare, uccidere o distruggere. Io invece sono venuto perché abbiano la vita, una vita vera e completa.
A me piace quest'idea di un recinto aperto, nel quale si è liberi di entrare ed uscire, sentendosi al sicuro dentro e fuori, perchè il dio che ci protegge è la porta stessa che scegliamo di attraversare.

Da sempre, del presepe , mi piacciono soprattutto i pastori, come il vecchio Gelindo della tradizione piemontese, che vive sotto le stelle e per questo è tra i primi a vedere la cometa che lo condurrà al miracolo della vita che sboccia.
Questo è quello che io credo avesse in mente il buon Francesco d'Assisi, che il crib invented it. Our generation can make fragile treasure of his teaching, which turned into a wish for all of you who are reading: you can live a simple life with joy, but without losing the ability to look up and notice the star that accompanies you.

Merry Christmas. :)

Brazilian Wax If You Have Cysts

Merry Christmas .... dreaming of snow ......

Many, many years ago at this time, when I woke up in the morning to go to school, I could not, despite the bitter cold and biting, not to open the door to the terrace and put his fingers on a tray plastic, the night before, be sure to fill with water, until bordo.Non ask me why but I liked enormously during the night to check that it had formed a sheet of ghiaccio.Mi gave, perhaps the idea that lead during the coldest darkness, was more Christmas. Often, I could not find nothing but cold water and full of disappointment, I went to school eating a slice of bread that my mother gave me because the consumption during the journey.
"And remember .... the other is for the mid-morning snack. Do not do as long as you have the eye of the biggest belly

Other times, the tip fingers hit with a thud on the ice and, in a fury, I did the steps two at a time to get down to the kitchen and announce that "There is an incredible cold, yes, yes, certainly it snows tomorrow. Say that snow, Mommy? And if it were snowing, please do not make me go to school ... And you're not going to work, the please, please, please ... "

The anticipation of snow ..... I had seen only once in my life until then. We children had spent the morning playing in the snow-covered courtyard laughing like crazy and trying to catch snowflakes with your mouth the white light that glided and quiet on our heads. ... It seemed too good as he knew of sugar.

What would have been nice if the snow had fallen during the night of Christmas.
As was the case in fairy tales.
As always happened in the stories that my mother gave us late at night, sitting round a brazier, his feet resting in the vertical axis of timber to catch the flames ...... A llontanati by fire! or you want to end up like Pinocchio ?..... silent and insatiable, eager that the stories they never end.
As seen in the real city, when their ..... children of the city ... so different from us ... children in the countries .... awoke in the morning and still in my pajamas, opened gifts while the deep snow and thick like a blanket was only by peering through the glass of the windows steamed up.

would be nice if This year there was snow.
But, sitting in silence trying to rest my heart, I feel the warmth around invites me to stop dreaming.
will definitely, this year, a Christmas without snow.
And only now I realize that for too many years now, I'm not even the drip of water on the terrace.

will be for this year that I could escape to my favorite game. What do houses, yards, trees, doors, all-star .... and tarts. And let us fly over dell'impalpabile sugar, like snow. Sure if I was a child I would be so ridiculously excited to receive them from someone.
probably a part of me still dreams, snow.

Merry Christmas!

The country of my dreams

For the pastry

500 g flour 00
300 g soft butter
200 grams of powdered sugar
80 g egg yolks
a vanilla bean

Mix the butter with the sugar and the inside of a vanilla bean. Add a pinch of salt dissolved in half a teaspoon of water and egg yolks. Sift the flour well and pour half the dough trying to mix it well using the whip of the planetary K. Of course, the same result is obtained simply by mixing with a mixer or by hand. Complete with the remaining flour. To rest the pastry in the fridge for about an hour. Spread the mixture lightly floured ead axis height of 1 cm .. With a cup of pasta cut square biscuits and arrange on baking sheets lined with parchment paper. Do the same with star-shaped pastry rings of different sizes. Using a band to cut an ice cream cakes and tarts for approximately 28-30 cm of diametro.Ritagliare Let rest in refrigerator for 30 minutes and bake at 175 ° C for 10-15 minutes.

Construction of houses
jelly or apricot jam
sugar paste of different colors
colored sprinkles
White Chocolate
Spread the sugar paste in a layer a few mm of the spessore.Ritagliare shapes of the cookies using the same coppapasta used previously. Place marshmallow on a biscuit as a base for the house and make it stick with some chocolate bianco.Sul before a heart silver paste. Veil other two squares with apricot jelly and glue paste zucchero.Usando a small brush, take the chocolate and white to match the two squares (the two pieces of the roof will be) in the center and edges of base.Decorare to taste with candies and icing sugar.
Construction saplings
Building the trees using the stars of different sizes. Cover each pieces with sugar paste and paste with white chocolate. To obtain an effect to spruce offset between the different stars loro.Decorare depositing a silver confetti at each point of the star.
Construction of the village
Place the base round of pastry on a flat tray. Arrange the houses and trees in their taste and fix everything with a bit of white chocolate. With the help of sugar paste, to make mats for houses and sprinkle with sugar brilliant. similarly, with the red sugar paste to make small beads as a kind of berries. Finally, sprinkle with plenty of icing sugar.
Note: The same village may be placed on a pasta paradise. In this case, to the roofs with colored sugar paste to bring out the white ...... of snow!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How Long Does It Take For Daktarin Cream To Work

Two mousses, tre colori

I love the colorful desserts. So they put me in a good mood .... I do dream that is already outside the new stagione.Specialmente today, as I descended the stairs almost swallowed up by a sky the color cold steel. And in the distance the tops of hills covered with snow. I stretta nelle spalle come fosse possibile con un semplice gesto istintivo ricreare quel tepore avvolgente di quand'ero  bambina e affondavo la testa nel grembo di mia madre. 
Quando  il freddo smetteva subito di esistere.

Mi piacciono tanto i desserts colorati.  Questi in particolari. Nati dalla voglia di sperimentare cosa avesse di differente la Panna cotta leggera di Leonardo di Carlo dalla Chantilly di panna cotta di Luca Montersino.
Stessi ingredienti. Solo una leggera differenza di cremosità, infine.
E tra due pasticcieri .....e che pasticcieri!...non poteva mancare lei, la Loretta Fanella che con la sua mousse di lamponi makes me vibrate with enthusiasm.

These shorts have made their entrance into society along with other due.Uno ... a creamy chocolate & creamy coffee now that I repeat over and over again .... from an idea by Luca Mannori ;, the other born of the union .... lucky in a soft chocolate mousse that was the magic of meeting a cloud of salty caramel sauce .. do not copy it immediately as an extraordinary Encyclopedie du chocolat?

No, no. There certainly will speak very soon. Of these glasses and more. Why would such an expectation during Christmas cakes that I create for others I wish someone had conceived a child for me.Case of pastry, sugar paste roofs, trees covered with silver balls, fields flooded with bright crystals of sugar.

But in the meantime ......
Variation of the three colors mousses

Panna cotta light
(from a recipe by Leonardo Di Carlo)

Per la panna cotta alla vaniglia

200 g di latte fresco intero
500 g di panna  fresca liquida
85 g di zucchero semolato
8 g di gelatina in fogli da 2 g l'uno*
250 g di panna fresca semimontata
n.1 bacca di vaniglia

* 18 g nella ricetta originale

Far idratare la gelatina in acqua fredda.
Far scaldare molto bene il latte con la panna. Aggiungere lo zucchero e l'interno della bacca di vaniglia mescolando bene per disperdere i semini. Aggiungere la gelatina ben strizzata and blotted on a paper towel. Pass the cream through a sieve. Lower the temperature and add a generous dollop of whipped cream. Pour the remaining cream into the cream, mixing well with a whisk from top to bottom. Pour the cooked cream in cups and place in refrigerator until complete consolidation.

For variant pistachio

Add to basic recipe two generous spoonfuls of good pasta pistachio omitting the vanilla bean.
Dissolve the dough in the hot liquid pistachio, add gelatin and then follow the recipe. Pour the cream over the panna cotta with vanilla and place in refrigerator to solidify.

Raspberry mousse
(from a recipe by Loretta Fanella)

300 g puree raspberries
130 g of water
100 g caster sugar
8 g gelatin sheets from 2 g *
300 g cream semimontata

* 15 g nella ricetta originale

Far idratare la gelatina in acqua fredda. Scaldare l'acqua con lo zucchero fino al suo completo scioglimento. Aggiungere la gelatina precedentemente strizzata e tamponata in carta assorbente. Versare il tutto nella purea di lamponi. Aggiungere ad essa una generosa cucchiaiata di panna, mescolare e quindi versare il tutto nella restante panna. Mescolare con cura e stratificare la mousse nei bicchierini al di sopra della panna cotta al pistacchio. Riporre in frigo a solidificare.


Sprinkle the surface of freeze-dried raspberry mousse. Alternatively, place two fresh raspberries in the center of the cup. Complete with a disc of white chocolate poured on a printed sheet.

Monday, December 13, 2010

What Size Tubing For Sand Car


will be the aroma of a cup of Christmas tea I just drank the sweet scent of orange and the spicy cinnamon, will I have a white cat who sleeps beside me on the bed, and after all I consider myself a lucky person, but I still believe in certain things.
I think, for example, clearly expressed a wish that, with the right sincerity, can also be heard . Here is my letter of Christmas 2010:

Dear Santa, this year
like good food and good friends, and such beautiful things to want to photograph.
I know I ask much, but I'd like to live on a planet culturally and physically healthier.
Then I'd like a little 'heat inside in winter and summer sun in your face.
I would like to play word and miles to go. If you advance, bring me some notes as to vibrate in my keys, half a dozen songs and a fair amount of laughter.
and the ability to fully experience all these things, despite the difficulties. As you say, Dad? Ah, ok, that's my sack of flour.

Fulfil EX comes from the Latin audire, consisting of audit, that is, listen, and strengthening EX.
means nothing more than "listen fully, and therefore, through a deep understanding, to make possible what we are asked.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dental Recommendations Letters

Un dolce, ad attraversare il mare

The occasion is one of those tidbits.

A flaming red Kitchen Aid Food Processor? Mammamia, it is a life dream. But how? I have no time, are always in a hurry, I would like to participate in any contest of my friends e non. Invece, ogni volta, è sempre un tirarmi indietro.
Cosa? Devo fare una ricetta con un'amica blogger? La stessa ricetta? E poi la si mette insieme, lo stesso giorno? Ma dove?

Me lo dice al telefono in una sera di pioggia la Rita Mezzini , tra una entrata in galleria e l'altra mentre sta tornando a casa. Che da lei piova me ne accorgo dal rumore metallico e costante del tergicristallo della sua auto. Credo che a lei piaccia chiamarmi durante il rientro a casa che, tra l'altro, coincide anche con il mio. Come una pausa sospesa nel tempo, a fare da parentesi tra un dovere passato ed un impegno, anche se più piacevole, futuro. A sort of limbo in which to talk, almost always with enthusiasm, the absolute necessity of being in possession of freeze-dried raspberries, the latest book by Christophe Felder, the difficulties are so crazy about that sweet beautiful Loretta Fanella.

always like this between us. Since the time of the Italian Cuisine forums.
I would say that growing up, in this sense, we are considerably worse. The strange thing is also in the fact that busted for the same things at the same time.
What is doing the same Bavarian exactly the same day, the same cookies in exactly the same evening, that some ganache for those stessi macarons esattamente lo stesso sabato pomeriggio...oppure avere le medesime  idee su come usare la crema di passion fruit..piuttosto che l'estratto di liquirizia.....per non parlare delle medesime difficoltà trovate nell'ultimo dolce fatto ....

E dei libri? Ci è arrivata L'Encyclopedie du Chocolat a distanza di 24 ore l'una dall'altra.
E di cosa non ci siamo innamorate se non della stessa decorazione?

Mi pare un segno, a questo punto, da cogliere per partecipare al delizioso contest indetto da Il cibo commestibile. 
Oh, senza ombra di dubbio alcuno, quel tono di rosso ha giocato tutte le sue carte. Ma, la realtà vera, è che mi ci sono divertita a volare sul progetto, mi sono entusiasmata nella costruzione del dolce ...tra una telefonata e l'altra....tra un messaggio e l'altro...tra un successo ed un fallimento, tra un tentativo e una risata.
Ci ha dato del filo da tocere la Coupe Chocofil.
E nella mia cucina, mai tanto cioccolato è stato fuso e sollevato e raccolto e temperato.
E mai ho corso tanto tra il freezer ed il ripiano di marmo con la sac à poche in una mano ed una ciotola ghiacciata nell'altra....

Quanto sei paziente....-mi dice lui con gli occhi brillanti that merry laugh.
How much I'm enjoying ...- reference. As far as I'm having fun.
But ... it's over already?

Macarons façon Plénitude
(by Christophe Felder-Pierre Hermé)

For the macaroons:

200g almond flour
200g icing sugar 150g egg whites
older than 2 days at room temperature
200g caster sugar 50ml water

1 / 2 teaspoon coffee extract
yellow paste food coloring
cocoa powder
Warm almond flour in the oven for 10 minutes at 150 ° C. Let cool and combine it with powdered sugar. Pour the TPT (tant pour tant = equal weight of sugar and flour and dried fruit) in various stages in a blender and operate at maximum speed for 5 seconds.
Sift the powder through the use of a steel-mesh sieve to remove fine and coarse grains.
Pour the granulated sugar in a saucepan and sprinkle with water. Far reach a temperature of 118 ° C. In the meantime, mount slightly (only foam) 75 grams of egg whites and when the syrup has reached 114 ° C, decrease the speed of the unit and pour in the bowl on the wall of boiling syrup. Continue processing until the meringue becomes warm. At this point, add the meringue a pinch of yellow dye and run for a few seconds to make the color uniform.
Pour the remaining egg whites on 75 g of TPT and mix well to obtain a homogeneous mass and compact. Perfume with the coffee extract and mix carefully.
Sacrificing two tablespoons of meringue mixture and mix without adding special precautions. This is to make the mixture more fluid and not to remove too much at the time the remaining meringue.
Add remaining meringue and mix gently on top to bottom. At this point, proceed with the macarronage: that is, work the dough with a spatula to spatula from front to back looking good collecting the compound from the walls. The process should stop when the dough raised with the spatula, the bowl will fall through the formation of a "ribbon" heavy falls with some difficulty.
Coat of silicone paper trays for biscuits. Place trays in the corners of a bit of dough so as to adhere perfectly and get the paper regularly shaped. Pour the batter into a pastry bag with plain tip (from 8-10) and deposit the paste buttons spacers as the macaron tends to get a little bit flat.
Sprinkle with half of the shells of cocoa. Far
do croutage (drying) of about 30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 145 ° C by checking the temperature with a thermometer and bake the pan for about 15 minutes.
Remove the pan, remove foil and place in the macarons on a shelf to cool completely.
Remove the cookies with the index and cause a small sinking to to deposit optimal filling.

For the chocolate ganache and caramel

260 g (800) dark chocolate 50-56%
100 g (320) Chocolate Milk
100 g (320) caster sugar
20 g (60) semi-salted butter, softened *
250 g (600) of fresh cream

Melt the chocolate MO the two types of low power (350W) and stirring every 30 secondi per controllare la fusione. Montare la panna fino ad averla semi-montata. Nel frattempo, procedere per un normale caramello a secco controllando che il caramello si presenti di un bel biondo dorato. Decuocere il caramello con il burro e la panna cercando di ottenere una salsa fluida ed omogenea. Versare la metà del caramello sul cioccolato mescolando bene partendo dal centro e allargando il movimento fino a raggiungere i bordi della ciotola. Ripetere l'operazione per altre 2 volte. Conservare la ganache al fresco.

* Non si dovesse disporre di burro semi-salato, aggiungere alla salsa un pò di cristalli di sale di Maldon.

Per il cioccolato fondente al salt

100 g dark chocolate 72%
2 g of Maldon salt

MO Melt the chocolate. Putting salt on a sheet of wax paper and crush with the help of a rolling pin. Add salt to chocolate. Spread the chocolate on an acetate sheet, cover with a second sheet and place a weight on top so that the chocolate is not deformed during cooling. Allow to cool for about 1 hour then cut the chocolate into small pieces that will be stored in an airtight container.

Preparing macarons

Place the macaroons on a platter dish. ** Place the ganache in a pastry bag with nozzle and shoot out a bunch of smooth ganache on half of the shells. Place on top of a piece of chocolate with salt and cover with shells dusted with cocoa.

** If the ganache had consolidated too, you can easily make it soft with a fast switch in MO.

For the chocolate decoration "Coupe chocofil"

Place a bowl in the freezer in stainless steel thin-walled.
Fill a pastry bag with the tempered chocolate and form on a sheet of acetate, 3 discs of various sizes. Place the bowl on a separate sheet of acetate and begin to lay the wires of chocolate making a move from right to left, rather quickly, so as to form a band of wire chocolate. Pour a small mound of chocolate in the center of the bowl to allow, then, the accession of the three discs. Place the bowl in the freezer for at least an hour. At the time, remove the bowl and pull out the wires at once, taking the bowl with both hands and force by un movimento verso l'interno. Con attenzione, incollare con del cioccolato fuso i 3 dischi sistemandoli uno sull'altro e poi farli aderire alla banda.


Sistemare la coppa su un piatto da portata. Allineare a gusto i macarons e servirli.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Fuse Manual For 96 Merc Grand Marquise

Tartelettes chocolat-café

Non credo ci sia nulla di meglio che spalancare le finestre e accorgersi che fuori, davanti a te, si spalanca un cielo cosi azzurro e limpido, direi quasi trasparente, che ti ci potresti tuffare.

Cosi come credo che non ci sia nulla di meglio che immergersi in un cielo azzurro e tiepido after an evening spent with your loved ones at the bottom of the essence of this strange life. They stayed in a few loved ones, you can combine them into a single table.
As I have said.
But this is not important. What matters is that everyone went away with his package: who got lunch for tomorrow, who will sit at the table to set up a sort of small brunch, those who can do his best breakfast this morning .

you remember that a few days ago I spoke to a paste sablée Christophe Felder? Good heavens, there are so many ways to make a crust, a sablée, in short, a mixture that then you can do donuts, tarts funds, foundations of Bavaria, little things tasty and crispy that it would take only a thin layer of jam to turn it into a sweet succulent.

quest'impasto I did and I got a lot of things, including funds for the tartelettes that I had won just browsing the delight of book that is Les Mignardises Christophe de .

page 40. If you stumble on this page is inevitable slip on an apron and quickly leave the kitchen table.

Tartelettes chocolat-café
(da Les Mignardises de Christophe)

Per la pasta sablée


150 g di farina 00
1 punta di coltello di lievito chimico
75 g di burro morbido
75 g di zucchero semolato
1 tuorlo
1 cucchiaio d'acqua
half a vanilla bean or a flavoring of choice (lemon, orange)
a pinch of salt

Sift flour with baking powder. Pour the powder into planetary and add the sugar and the softened butter to cream. Knead until dough is sandy, add half the inside of the vanilla and egg yolk. Knead quickly and if necessary add a tablespoon of water in which you have dissolved the salt. Form a loaf Wrap it in foil or parchment paper and you will rest for a couple of hours to cool.
sablée Spread the flour on a shelf so slightly, at a height of 1 / 2 cm and cut with a scalloped pastry rings discs di diametro leggermente superiore a quello dei vostri stampini per tartelettes. Inserite in disco all'interno degli stampini, bucate con i rebbi di una forchetta e ricoprite con un pezzetto di carta forno su cui adagerete dei fagioli secchi in modo da evitarne il rigonfiamento
Infornate ad una temperatura di 170-180°C per circa 10. Togliete la carte ed i fagioli e completate la cottura per alcuni minuti.
Per la ganache:
200 g di cioccolato fondente al 70%
200 g di panna fresca
1 cucchiaino da caffé di Nescafé
30 g soft butter
heat the cream to the edge of the boil. Add instant coffee and let it melt. Melt the chocolate and pour some of the hot cream. Emulsify the ganache reshuffled again with the usual circular motion from the center to the edges of the bowl. dd the rest of the cream and then stir in the butter, very soft. Pour the ganache on the bottom of tartelettes and store in refrigerator.
Let cool the rest of the cream and assemble advanced with a whisk.
tartelettes When ready, each decorated with a pink ganache mounted.
The tartelettes garnish will keep for several days in the refrigerator.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How Long Does It Take For Hematoma Heal


Italy is invaded by rumenta ... garbage, trash, garbage, garbage. Anyway you call it the dirty substance, alas, does not change. It will be the mafia there gains to dispose of, will be our lack of civic sense in recycling, there are multinationals force them to produce more and more, encompassing any product in many layers of packaging. On the problem
already much has been written, and here I am, however, to tell you a story exemplary

Ezio and Patrick spend their holidays in a village in the Alps there are a small house with a large balcony. They're walking, and Ezio occasionally stops, bends down, and then retires on.
"May I ask what are you doing?" Asked Patrick.
"I collect this stuff, it's amazing how many people throw rubbish on the ground."
"Yes, okay, but mica can you collect them all."
"Of course I can, here it is as if we were born, my country, and I keep it clean. You realize that I pay for it, here ... it's like if I got fifty cents a refusal. Toh, now I have already won three Euros and a half. "
Patrick condescending smile and keep walking.
After a few days, Ezio leaves home with a bag of rumenta to throw in the early morning, before going to the bar reading a newspaper.
is coming to the box, which is empty, and suddenly he sees them.
the bottom, fifty euro. For him.

Ezio and I personally know Patrick and I know for sure the things were so. Our
parable is set in Piedmont, and up here they say garbage rumenta , or Astigiano, Armenta . I have long questioned the etymology of this word and I finally concluded which derives from the verb Piedmont arman-e , that remain, from Latin Reman (the initial A is typical of verbs beginning with RE-dialects of northern Italy, and serves to facilitate the definition).
The two words in question have their origin in the neutral plural, and means "the things that remain, what remains," or the remnants, the leftovers.
It's easy, now more than ever, forget the waste, but on the other hand is very, very difficult to discard.

Why Wont My Biolife Plasma Card Work?

C'è aria di cioccolato!

Strange how tonight has nothing new to show you.
But because in these two days was there to tinker. Quite the contrary.
some time in the kitchen as if I was not the best place in the world to spend their days. More attractive to a trip to a tropical place. More serene than a walk on the beach. More of a quiet rest on the bed with the blinds open and the sun warms my face and almost makes you fly into an unknown world.

I love being in the kitchen, especially da un pò di tempo a questa parte.

L'altro ieri ho ricevuto i miei nuovi libri. Hermé, Felder, ancora Felder, ancora Hermé, qualcosa di Ladurée e......
La magia. Un libro che sa di magia.
L'Encyclopedie du Chocolat.

Quanto mi ha parlato Big Magic Santin di F.Bau? Quanto?
"Conosci Bau?" No, Santin, no.
"Come? Non conosci Bau?"

Adesso si, lo conosco.

E' tutto il giorno che lavoro su un decoro...Prima un flop, poi un altro flop, then something is born, maybe I like it.
sent it to Rita, the sorceress La Forge de Cuisine. She has them across the sea. And do the same thing together.
Meanwhile, do not give up mica. But what do I do? It 's late. Maybe we retrying the other tomorrow.

When you open this book is like entering a place ... a sort of fairy tale "Once upon a time ...." And the only thing that enters the head is just finding the time to try to do things that are there, under the eyes. Time. Time. How long is long?

Well, yes, new things are coming. And certainly in these days of December, il mio pazientissimo blog si profumerà di tanto cioccolato.... 

Oggi è cosi tardi. E molto spesso occorre avere pazienza e cercare di tenerle a freno le cose, come avessimo in mano le briglie .....che l'abbiamo già detto, no? che c'è sempre un tempo per tutto.

A presto, allora. A presto.