Il cielo è cosi livido e gonfio di pioggia che solo un miracolo può rasserenarlo. Solo un fatto eccezionale.... di cui peraltro ho serie difficoltà a prevederne il realizzarsi ....può suggerirgli che, anche se prossimi all'inverno and the days are so short that begin and end in a blink, there is no need to cry so continuously.
also because none of us is able to give him comfort. No one can convince him that of course very soon .... you'll hardly even notice them .... you will hear the air scent of awakening. You will see the first sprig of mimosa, we will begin to reap the first asparagus, you will find it hard to go looking for a couple of oranges to make the Bavarian you like so much.
You must bear with patience. And with the hope of the future. Even when
Are you frustrated by a myriad of cold drops that fit under the collar of the raincoat and the feet sink in puddles that makes it inevitable to raise his eyes to the sky in the hope that it can be like pulling a blanket up to pierce the clouds metal and dense and opaque. To see, finally, the blue air and the glow of the sun and the intense white of the clouds as it happens when we go somewhere on the plane.
And you would not want to ever get. Like a dream.
entrust to the magic of a biscuit. We can aiutare il rosso dei lamponi. Il giallo, come di spiga matura, dell'albicocca. Il profumo di una stordente vaniglia. Il sapore del burro e dello zucchero.
Che sia più facile l'attesa?
Nel mio ultimo viaggio a Parigi mi sono imbattuta in un bel libretto di Jean-Luc Sady che si chiama " Craquez pour le sablés.", ormai di fronte ad una leccornia niente rende meglio l'estasi che ci coglie della parola Craquer che usano i francesi...
E sfogliando ansiosamente le pagine, sono caduta in un delizioso biscottino che cercava di riprodurre i famosi biscotti PiM'S ai lamponi...fragole...ciliegie, insomma con qualcosa di perdutamente rouge ! Ma non solo, naturalmente...
Si da anche il caso che mi prenda la voglia di provare una sablée di Christophe Felder...avevo, a dire il vero, pensato di farci delle stranamente ed inspiegabilmente sono rimasta senza panna e....
(by Christophe de Les Mignardises)
150 g flour 00
a pinch of baking powder
75 g soft butter
75 g caster sugar
1 egg 1 tablespoon water
half vanilla bean or a flavoring of choice (lemon, orange)
a pinch of salt
Sift flour with baking powder. Pour the powder in a planetary and add the sugar and softened butter into small pieces. Knead until dough is sandy, add half the inside of the vanilla and egg yolk. Knead quickly and if necessary add a tablespoon of water in which you have dissolved the salt. Form a loaf Wrap it in foil or parchment paper and you will rest for a couple of hours to cool.
sablée Spread the flour on a shelf so slightly, at a height of 1 / 2 cm and cut with a scalloped pastry rings discs about 6 cm diametro.Sforacchiateli with a fork to prevent its expansion.
Bake at a temperature of 170-180 ° C for 10-15 minutes. Just enough to stain golden. Let them cool completely.
For the cookies:
raspberry jam or cherry jam
apricot glaze chocolate prepared
Sesame seeds
little dark chocolate
Place the cookies on a wire rack. Dissolve the icing cioccolatoo so it is very fluid. Place a teaspoon of raspberry jam in the middle of the biscuit are trying to create a sort of a disco.Ricoprire spoon glaze making particular completely. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Cool completely. For those apricot, repeat the same procedure but omitting the seeds sesamo.Prepare a croissant with a triangle of parchment paper. Melt in the microwave a bit of dark chocolate. Insert it into the horn and draw a spiral, once cooled, fill with a layer of apricot jam or jelly.
How? You do not have raspberry jam? Even apricot? E. .. rummage in the pantry. Maybe you have some orange or tangerine .... ... .... He married, or figs of all so well with chocolate!
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