Friday, November 26, 2010

Merilyn Sakovasaleuk


students who are demonstrating in Turin
Once the "ivory towers" were politicians and intellectuals. Lately it happens that to lap the heavens are workers without residence permits, temporary researchers and students who claim the right to education.
Certainly not an act of presumption nor a desire to isolate oneself, but rather a desperate for attention. The attention of a society unaccustomed to turn our gaze down and reach out to those who, for some reason, struggling to lift its own merits.
If you do not look down, perhaps, will look up.

Lift is simply a mixture of sub, that is, below, and upbeat, that is, raising (in turn from LEVIS, light). I hope this
popular uprising, in the etymological sense of the term, aid, says the banner exhibited in Turin, to "bring up" the Italian university.
Right there, under that roof, I still expect two years of study. Then, for myself and others, will be the beginning of a new journey, to go under a sky - if you can - even more uncertain.

"We want to under the bridge, you'll see us over the rooftops."
Manifesto of student protest in Rome.


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