The job of the supermarket looking at me tenderly good-natured but with a slight bit of ill-concealed impatience to see that very soon I will create a problem row of ants behind me.
"Madam, I'm sorry. Milk is not what it took. E 'cream. He knows the cream? And 'good but not milk "
The idea now is to give the address of the blog as not to impede il flusso di persone che adesso stanno cominciando a mormorare alle mie spalle… su queste donne che farebbero meglio a mandare i mariti a far la spesa se non sanno riconoscere neppure il latte…che tempi !
Ma ho una fretta dannata e sussurro un flebile “ Lo so. Volevo proprio la panna. Tutta questa panna”
Il mormorio tace all’improvviso. Non ho l’aria di una pasticciera… chissà che aria hanno le pasticciere ?….nè tantomeno credo di dare l’impressione di una che saprà che farsene a casa di tutta quella panna…lo intuisco dalla sorpresa cosi spontaneamente disegnata on their faces when I put in the capable deft envelopes.
All things can not happen tonight but that remains without cream. With my friend-in-law of the heart we have to give birth in a matter of hours something sweet for a birthday party and I have not the slightest idea what to do ... ..
The ideas come, come. All together, how people crammed in the bus of 7.30. It opens the door and .... Out in a row, one behind the other. It stopped on the fly and do a couple to stay with me a few days.
Bavarian amaretto peaches with soft heart
(freely extracted from La Forge-with Culinary Rita Mezzini)
For the Amaretto Bavarian
375 g of whole milk
120 g of sugar 6 egg yolks
450 g of whipped cream
10 g gelatin sheets from 2 g
50 g of small macaroons
4 tablespoons Amaretto Saronno
Fate hydrate the gelatin in cold water. Bring to boil milk and add in the macaroons. After you have softened stir the mixture and strain it twice in order to have a clear liquid but fragrant. Mix the egg yolks with sugar, without mounting. Pour hot milk over them and proceed as for a normal English cream, bringing the temperature to 82-85 ° C. Add the gelatine squeezed and sieved again. Do come down to a temperature of 35 ° C and flavored with liqueur. Pour a generous dollop of cream on cream, mix without too much care and then poured the cream into the cream 2-3 times but by working gently from top to bottom.
mousse with peaches
500 g of mashed peaches (including syrup)
about 70 g of icing sugar
400 g of whipped cream
12 g of gelatin in sheets of 2 g
Fate hydrate the gelatin in cold water. Puree in a blender the canned peaches and a couple of spoonfuls prelevatene that make heat in a saucepan. Just heated, add the gelatine to purea.Mescolate well. then pour the mixture into the remaining puree, stirring with a Wire and frusta.Incorporate a spoonful of cream to make it to the Oure fluid and then poured the puree into the cream. Take a steel band, circular and of appropriate size to be contained in a wider strip. In this case I used a strip of 20 cm in diameter and height of 3 cm. Coated with the inner edge of the acetate and place it all on a tray suitable to be placed in the freezer. Transfer the puree, level the surface and place in freezer to cool.
For caramelized peaches
a can of peaches in syrup medium
4-5 tablespoons of sugar
a couple of sprigs of rosemary
diced peaches. Make a dry caramel and then reached the blond color, add the peaches. Complete with the sprigs of rosemary and caramelized fruit for about 5 minutes.
Keep aside.
Base crisp biscuit
(from an idea by Giuliana Fabris)
150 g of vanilla wafers
50 g 50 g butter
Crumble cookies and macaroons. Melt the butter and add it to briciolame blending it all very well.
Preparation of sweet
Take a circular band of metal. For example, a diameter of 28 cm and 6 cm. Coated the inside and place it on an acetate base with vassoio.Rivestite briciolame of crunchy biscuit but very thin layer. Let solidify in the refrigerator for 10 minuti.Stratificate a thin layer of Bavarian amaretto in the fridge, then built a circle in the center with caramelized peaches, drained by the caramel, but leaving some small needle of rosemary. Poggiatevi above the disk mousse peaches. Cover with the cream amaretto, level and transferred to freezer. At least 6 hours before serving, remove the cream from the freezer and place it on the plate. Polished with a thin layer of icing and decorated in neutral cold pleasure.
Preparation of sweet
Take a circular band of metal. For example, a diameter of 28 cm and 6 cm. Coated the inside and place it on an acetate base with vassoio.Rivestite briciolame of crunchy biscuit but very thin layer. Let solidify in the refrigerator for 10 minuti.Stratificate a thin layer of Bavarian amaretto in the fridge, then built a circle in the center with caramelized peaches, drained by the caramel, but leaving some small needle of rosemary. Poggiatevi above the disk mousse peaches. Cover with the cream amaretto, level and transferred to freezer. At least 6 hours before serving, remove the cream from the freezer and place it on the plate. Polished with a thin layer of icing and decorated in neutral cold pleasure.
Of course, things are made of cream .... .... ... the liquid caramelized peaches in syrup flavored with rosemary .... So, you can set up a lot of shorts, is not it?
Those on the left, already know them. Now, I made them several times. if you intrigue, do not give up. Find them exactly here. Instead, these are very simple to the right. I made a panna cotta cooked vanilla well following the very good and then I Tuki veiled with a raspberry coulis.
I said, no? I had advanced mousse peaches? Well, I poured the mousse in small cups. Then I cooled down and I added a teaspoon of briciolame advanced by Bavarian ... nothing is created nor destroyed .... I paid a little bit of caramelized peaches ... ... well advanced and a teaspoon of caramel rosemary ... fragrant. Everything in the fridge. At this point, I made a chantilly panna cotta, an ancient memory. But .. with a novelty: I caramelize the sugar before adding it to milk, so I got a delicious whipped cream in caramel.
Chantilly cream cooked
(recipe Luca Montersino)
500 g of fresh cream
125 grams of whole milk
60 grams of sugar
4.5 grams of gelatin in sheets of 2 g
Half vanilla
Place the gelatin in water to hydrate fredda.Far milk to the boil with the vanilla. Squeeze the gelatine and add milk, stirring well. Add the sugar and melt it. Pass through a sieve and add half of the cold cream. Bring the cream to about 30 ° C. Place the remaining cream and add to cream without having to remove the compound. Pour into glasses and store chantilly in frigo a solidificare.
Ho versato la chantilly sui bicchierini e ho messo in frigo. Per decorazione ho preparato un caramello che ho sciolto con della panna bollente fino ad avere una consistenza fluida e poi....ho salato con un pò di sale di Maldon.
E per la chantilly al caffè ?
Oh, niente di più semplice. Ho preparato un'altra chantilly di panna cotta al caramello. Ho aggiunto 4 cucchiainidi nescafè prima di versare la panna fredda, 4 quadrotti di cioccolato fondente...Quindi,, ho proseguito con la ricetta base.Per decorazione? Solo un cucchiaio di ganache al cioccolato fondente e panna calda.....Per cioccolato... Perchè non usare un paio di barrette di Mars e un pò di fondente al 70%?
Alcuni bicchierini sono solo di chantilly di panna cotta al caramello....un velo di caramello salato per "staccare" il gusto della crema dolce e una friandise di crepe Gavottes che non devono mai mancare nella nostra dispensa...
In conclusione: non ho più panna.
Mi preparo e vedo se il market è aperto.....
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