The computer opens up the world, the network provides endless possibilities. It's true. But it's even better when the world comes into our house through the door.
Yes, because a few days ago I organized a dinner at my house with friends who share with me about the crazy manic devoted to the study of Italian in the next two years of his life.
has been a succession of laughter, pizza, white wine, bites the cat's Zazie, beer and set them. Alternated songs in Piedmont, classic rock, song writing and Beautiful Hello and a hint of national anthem (which these days has something revolutionary).
It was discovered that the Aosta Valley friarielli do not know (but Iranians!) , in exceptional cases you can eat pasta with a spoon, white cats that they feel discriminated against their own kind of (another) color, the tabs can pizza cartoon transformed into a fun little game compulsive disorder.
if I understand you call beshkan |
Ma questo è nulla se confrontato al modo in cui i persiani schioccano le dita . Nonostante me lo sia fatto lungamente spiegare dalla mia amica Harir (e ci provi ininterrottamente da tre giorni, ehm.) non riesco a produrre il minimo suono. Se qualcuno di voi ci riesce, vi prego, mi spieghi il trucco.
Detto questo, dall'alto del mio modem adsl vi chiedo: chi di voi si è mai domandato l'etimologia della parola digitale ? Questa ormai notissima parola è entrata nell'italiano dall'inglese, e in origine significava semplicemente "Numeric". It derives, of course, from the Latin digitum, that finger, the first calculation tool in history. And the universe of sounds and meanings, that is the word, the computer, the binary system, the virtual networks meet again the material reality of gestures, tastes, sounds and hands.
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