I've always liked the drills. Among all the flowers are my favorites. Not only for their colors so brightly lit as for their fragrance. That when you hear the fragrance, you wrap and leave you with a sense of lightheadedness. As I entered, driven by a vortex in the spring.
liked it the same way, even to my mother. And now that someone has thought about leaving a clear glass jar on my desk every morning and think it's nice to get her. How to accompany me during the day.
After all, the drills are so amazingly simple. Fragile. Delicate but not enough to not stand in the day. In fact, there are times when you want and need to return to the basics of things. To prune from what has accumulated over time as the dust on the bedside table on which rests the glasses.
For me, it means getting back to a zero quota butter, sugar, flour, eggs and jam. And to do this simple tart that someone has always considered his favorite dessert. The sweet smell of which already welcomes you to the first steps that you think you go with a slow and tired in the evening return. The scent of home. A perfume that seems to tell you to loose the buttons of his coat and loosen the scarf on the neck and facial brightening.
That much, you've come home.
shortbread tart with apricot jam
(from a recipe by Luca Montersino)
300 g flour 00 g butter 280
50 g icing sugar 125 g egg yolks
One tablespoon of rum / vanilla liqueur lemon zest
apricot jam
Setacciare ripetutamente la farina. Mettere il burro tagliato a pezzetti per pochi secondi in un micro-onde in modo da ammorbidirlo. Lavorarlo con un cucchiaio di legno in modo da renderlo in consistenza “pomata” e versarlo nella ciotola della planetaria . In alternativa, usare un normale frullino elettrico. Montare il burro prima da solo, quindi aggiungere piano lo zucchero e continuare la lavorazione fino ad ottenere un composto spumoso e soffice. Aggiungere l’aroma liquore prescelto e la scorza del limone. Sgusciare i tuorli avendo cura di eliminare completamente l’albume. La cottura dei tuorli può avvenire:
1. far prendere l’ebollizione ad una casseruolina piena d’acqua. Ridurre la potenza del calore e versare delicatamente nell’acqua i tuorli, senza toccarli. Dopo pochi istanti, con un cucchiaio di legno, girare i tuorli per verificarne la consistenza e continuare la cottura fino ad indurimento. Estrarre i tuorli con una schiumarola e metterli in una ciotola.
2. in alternativa, il metodo Montersino consiste nel versare i tuorli in una ciotola, coprirli con acqua bollente e farli finire di cuocere nel micro-onde, avendo cura di bucherellarne piano la superficie.
Una volta sodi, passare i tuorli al setaccio fine in metallo aiutandosi con una spatolina. Versare la purea nella montata di burro e zucchero amalgamando bene. Aggiungere la farina rimescolando in fretta ed il meno possibile.
Imburrare and flour a baking sheet for about 24 -26 cm. Pour the batter into pastry bag and make a circle on the bottom from the center of the pan. Continue doing a strip along the edges of the mold. Pour the jam and finish chosen by the drawstrings on the surface.
Bake at 170-180 ° C for about 25 minutes.
This pastry will certainly among my cakes to be redone. It was not for nothing but I have at hand a very good jam waiting to be tasted tangerines ... And maybe, you know that I love you so much sweet, maybe increase 'the amount of sugar to 75 g. .. silencing the voice that tells me that I could still go .....
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