Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mottled White Blotches

Un biscotto che faccia sognare un pò d'azzurro.....

Il cielo è cosi livido e gonfio di pioggia che solo un miracolo può rasserenarlo. Solo un fatto eccezionale.... di cui peraltro ho serie difficoltà a prevederne  il realizzarsi ....può suggerirgli che, anche se prossimi all'inverno and the days are so short that begin and end in a blink, there is no need to cry so continuously.

also because none of us is able to give him comfort. No one can convince him that of course very soon .... you'll hardly even notice them .... you will hear the air scent of awakening. You will see the first sprig of mimosa, we will begin to reap the first asparagus, you will find it hard to go looking for a couple of oranges to make the Bavarian you like so much.

You must bear with patience. And with the hope of the future. Even when
Are you frustrated by a myriad of cold drops that fit under the collar of the raincoat and the feet sink in puddles that makes it inevitable to raise his eyes to the sky in the hope that it can be like pulling a blanket up to pierce the clouds metal and dense and opaque. To see, finally, the blue air and the glow of the sun and the intense white of the clouds as it happens when we go somewhere on the plane.

And you would not want to ever get. Like a dream.

entrust to the magic of a biscuit. We can aiutare il rosso dei lamponi. Il giallo, come di spiga matura, dell'albicocca. Il profumo di  una stordente vaniglia. Il sapore del burro e dello zucchero.

Che sia più facile l'attesa?

Nel mio ultimo viaggio a Parigi mi sono imbattuta in un bel  libretto di Jean-Luc Sady che si chiama " Craquez pour le sablés." .....si, ormai di fronte ad una leccornia niente rende meglio l'estasi che ci coglie della parola Craquer che usano i francesi...
E sfogliando ansiosamente le pagine, sono caduta in   un delizioso biscottino che cercava di riprodurre i famosi biscotti PiM'S ai lamponi...fragole...ciliegie, insomma con qualcosa di perdutamente rouge ! Ma non solo, naturalmente...

Si da anche il caso che mi prenda la voglia di provare una sablée di Christophe Felder...avevo, a dire il vero, pensato di farci delle tartellette...ma stranamente ed inspiegabilmente sono rimasta senza panna  e....

Fonds de tartelettes pate en sablée
(by Christophe de Les Mignardises)


150 g flour 00
a pinch of baking powder
75 g soft butter
75 g caster sugar

1 egg 1 tablespoon water
half vanilla bean or a flavoring of choice (lemon, orange)
a pinch of salt

Sift flour with baking powder. Pour the powder in a planetary and add the sugar and softened butter into small pieces. Knead until dough is sandy, add half the inside of the vanilla and egg yolk. Knead quickly and if necessary add a tablespoon of water in which you have dissolved the salt. Form a loaf Wrap it in foil or parchment paper and you will rest for a couple of hours to cool.
sablée Spread the flour on a shelf so slightly, at a height of 1 / 2 cm and cut with a scalloped pastry rings discs about 6 cm diametro.Sforacchiateli with a fork to prevent its expansion.
Bake at a temperature of 170-180 ° C for 10-15 minutes. Just enough to stain golden. Let them cool completely.

For the cookies:

raspberry jam or cherry jam
apricot glaze chocolate prepared
Sesame seeds
little dark chocolate

Place the cookies on a wire rack. Dissolve the icing cioccolatoo so it is very fluid. Place a teaspoon of raspberry jam in the middle of the biscuit are trying to create a sort of a disco.Ricoprire spoon glaze making particular completely. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Cool completely. For those apricot, repeat the same procedure but omitting the seeds sesamo.Prepare a croissant with a triangle of parchment paper. Melt in the microwave a bit of dark chocolate. Insert it into the horn and draw a spiral, once cooled, fill with a layer of apricot jam or jelly.

How? You do not have raspberry jam? Even apricot? E. .. rummage in the pantry. Maybe you have some orange or tangerine .... ... .... He married, or figs of all so well with chocolate!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Merilyn Sakovasaleuk


students who are demonstrating in Turin
Once the "ivory towers" were politicians and intellectuals. Lately it happens that to lap the heavens are workers without residence permits, temporary researchers and students who claim the right to education.
Certainly not an act of presumption nor a desire to isolate oneself, but rather a desperate for attention. The attention of a society unaccustomed to turn our gaze down and reach out to those who, for some reason, struggling to lift its own merits.
If you do not look down, perhaps, will look up.

Lift is simply a mixture of sub, that is, below, and upbeat, that is, raising (in turn from LEVIS, light). I hope this
popular uprising, in the etymological sense of the term, aid, says the banner exhibited in Turin, to "bring up" the Italian university.
Right there, under that roof, I still expect two years of study. Then, for myself and others, will be the beginning of a new journey, to go under a sky - if you can - even more uncertain.

"We want to under the bridge, you'll see us over the rooftops."
Manifesto of student protest in Rome.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Strongest Bow In The World

Les meilleurs macarons de Christophe Felder

Despite being a beautiful sunny day I decided not to quit. I'm at home.
I really want to enjoy this new chest of drawers with glazed ceramic knobs that I have stored in your kitchen. I have already for days now, but for one reason or another the only thing I could do was only sedem the edge of the table ...... I seem to hear my father as a child and also warned me that this great habit to lean and sit on the table where the food was just me I had to take off. .... and watch it with a kind of emotional punch in the chest.
I desired and wanted for months. And now that I have, I can not find something on the mixing time.

But perhaps it is all really written. It took my sister's birthday to do so. It took my favorite pastry. It ends up that I'm glad I waited. Because I am convinced that all the affection that you feel in the kneader is transferred to the gold-veined marble shelf. And it is released slowly during the day to come for the sweet stuff in my head and heart.

course a donut so great is not never seen .....

Ah, yes. Of course, the size varies widely .....

Ma .. maybe I can find time for a couple of macarons ..... I still stay in the kitchen, so now the sky has also made threatening and bruised and puffy clouds of water I suggest to be there , the heat, so that the sun is tired and is sleeping somewhere.
I take this flight and see the call to redo the recipe for the macarons Felder, façon meringue italienne ... he would say.
In fact it is a very good recipe.

Many say to me: M to which recipe you prefer? Santin or Felder?

Belle and top both. You can start with Felder because more "safe" ... you do not run the risk of crossing the line macarronage and make the dough too much liquid. You can continue Santin, by which time the exact processing, macarronage time, the consistency of the dough are finally entered into our cells and from there they will not go away anymore mica.

I rewrote the recipe with everything I do.
Courage! Try it ... do not be intimidated .......
What, then, the satisfaction of seeing two half-closed eyes turned to the gray sky as the sun shining there was not there to remove the no.

The macarons Christophe Felder

200g almond flour
200g icing sugar 150g egg whites
old 2 days at room temperature
200g caster sugar 50ml water

Warm almond flour in the oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 150 ° C. Let cool and combine it with powdered sugar. Pour TPT (tant pour tant = equal weight of sugar and flour and dried fruit) in various stages in a blender and operate at maximum speed for 5 seconds.
Sift the powder through the use of a steel-mesh sieve to remove fine and coarse grains.
Pour the granulated sugar in a saucepan and pour in the water. Far reach a temperature of 118 ° C. In the meantime, mount slightly (only foam) 75 grams of egg whites and when the syrup has reached 114 ° C, decrease the speed of the unit and pour in the wall hot bowl of syrup. Continue processing until the meringue diventa tiepida. A questo punto, mediante adatti coloranti alimentari in pasta, colorare la meringa del colore desiderato.
Versare i 75 g di albumi rimasti sul TPT e amalgamare bene in modo da ottenere una massa omogenea e compatta.
Sacrificare due cucchiaiate di meringa aggiungendole all'impasto e amalgamare senza particolari precauzioni. Ciò serve a rendere l'impasto più fluido e a non smontare troppo la restante meringa al momento dell'inserimento.
Aggiungere la meringa restante e amalgamare on delicatezza dall'alto verso il basso. A questo punto, occorre procedere con il macarronage: cioè lavorare l'impasto con una spatola cercando di spatolare dall'avanti all'indietro raccogliendo bene il composto from the walls. The process should stop when the dough raised with the spatula, the bowl will fall through the formation of a "ribbon" heavy falls with some difficulty.
Coat of silicone paper trays for biscuits. Place trays in the corners of a bit of dough so it adheres perfectly to the paper and get regularly shaped. Pour the batter into a pastry bag with plain tip (from 8-10) and deposit the paste buttons spacers as the macaron tends to get a little bit flat. Far
do croutage (drying) of about 30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 145 ° C by checking the temperature with a thermometer to the pan and bake about 15 minutes.
Remove the pan, remove foil and place in the macarons on a shelf to cool completely.
Remove the cakes and put them together two by two with the filling of your choice.
Place the macaroons on a tray, cover with plastic wrap and place in refrigerator for 48 h. Alternatively, in the freezer until serving.
fitted with white chocolate ganache and raspberries
(from Solutions of macarons Mercotte)

100 g white chocolate
50 g di panna liquida fresca
6 g di miele d'acacia
2 cucchiai di lamponi liofilizzati
150 g di panna liquida fresca

Far fondere il cioccolato. Riscaldare molto bene la panna con il miele e versarla in più riprese sul cioccolato cercando di creare un'emulsione molto liscia e brillante. Incorporare i lamponi liofilizzati e aggiungere la panna fresca ( i 150 g). Emulsionare con l'aiuto di un mixer ad immersione e conservare in frigo per circa 12 ore. L'indomani, montare la ganache con il frullino e inserirla in una sac à poche con beccuccio liscio per fill the macarons.

mounted pistachio ganache
(from a recipe Mercotte)

100 g of white chocolate
50 g of fresh cream
6 g of acacia honey
40 grams of pistachio paste, or according to taste
150g fresh cream

Melt the chocolate. Heat very well in the cream with honey and pour it on several occasions sul cioccolato cercando di creare un'emulsione molto liscia e brillante. Incorporare la pasta pistacchio e aggiungere la panna fresca ( i 150 g) .Emulsionare con l'aiuto di un mixer ad immersione e conservare in frigo per circa 12 ore. L'indomani, montare la ganache con il frullino e inserirla in una sac à poche con beccuccio liscio per farcire i macarons.

Se si ha un rimasuglio di ganache al cioccolato e vaniglia, perchè perderlo?

Friday, November 19, 2010

Buy Gold Desert Eagle Airsoft

Face Lift

few days ago I made a little trip with my father in the mountains of Canavese. The climate is wet and gray, just slightly colder than the plains, has meant that the memories impregnated me and leave me slowly, at a distance di giorni, una malinconia dolce e persistente.
Ricordo  che ci andavamo ogni anno, con nonna Maria, il primo Novembre, ed era il primo giorno che indossavo il giaccone invernale, che non avrei più tolto per i mesi successivi. I "grandi" mi risparmiavano la visita al cimitero, e avevo modo di girare il piccolo paese, lasciandomi stupire da cose apparentemente insignificanti, come la vetrina della panetteria, quella del negozio di scarpe e quella del negozio di giocattoli. Speravo sempre che da un momento all'altro si mettesse a nevicare.
Poi c'era la casa di Marianin e Antonietta, le anziane cugine di mia nonna, una stanza dal pavimento di legno, con un grande frigorifero ingiallito e una vecchia, vecchissima cast-iron stove. clearly remember the warmth of that small room, the sounds of their unintelligible dialect, the chocolate and the crumpled note that I put in your pocket before you go, the smell of wood, milk and cheese. Two diplomas on the walls crumbling to pay their craft brooders, practiced fraternal loneliness throughout his life, and then, next to some sacred image, emblazoned on a portrait of a beautiful woman with bright eyes and sweet face and proud: their mother.
Then he went to the restaurant, where most of the snubbed piemontesissime course and after visiting another family, where another heating unit was surrounded by happy people and cats dozing. There, my cousin, a skinny little girl, who seemed dressed too lightly for the cold wind that stung his cheeks, he was chasing the slopes around the farm showing the infinite secrets and animals that lived there.
And in the end the start it was already dark, full of chestnuts, honey and cheese (once we took away one of the cats), and the journey by car calm and conciliatory, after so many emotions. The verb

remember, from which the word remember, comes from the compound of IR-that is your return, a repetition of an action and * strings, COR, CORDIS, which meant heart.
resembles English know by heart, know by heart, and French apprendre par coeur .
No wonder the ancients considered the heart rather than the mind, as the seat of memory. Certain images, smells, tastes and sounds of the past are certain to keep them there.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Wedding Ceremony Wording Short

Le Gateau de La Belle Vue

Devo trovare in fretta una ricetta di torta al cioccolato.  Non ho molto tempo.Vado un pò in affanno.
me that I was saying on Saturday afternoon. Eh ... I needed for dinner .. I do not know what I mean ....

Now. I will say.
But why do not you go to your recipe. You've made so many cakes of chocolate. You certainly kept only the ones that made you fall in love .... Oh, yeah. Why did you delete the other ... an absolute reset ....

If not please me, unless I catch not even mentioned to write as you do, take a picture ... rans race .... There is just towards communicate it to others.

Saturday afternoon. I sling in the room of books and open "Le Chocolat de Christophe Felder." And to think that there is not even a picture. I read the preparation.
I think is the right one. I feel it.

I want a chocolate cake that is easy to do.
I want a chocolate cake that we can just sprinkle of sugar.
I want a chocolate cake that makes sense of family.
I want a chocolate cake for someone to say "Good one chocolate cake. I would not say not to see"


Ah, monsieur Felder .... What are you, Monsieur Felder ....

Le Gateau de La Belle-Vue

Felder says that Le Restaurant de la Belle-Vue is in Alsace. A
adresse incontournable ... writes.

is waiting to go ... you say? Why do not we make it on the cake "incontournable?


6 whole eggs
185 g of dark chocolate 60%
3 tablespoons milk
150 g of fresh cream
1 and 1 / 2 tablespoons of flour
75 g almond flour
185 g of sugar

Melt the dark chocolate. Meanwhile, separate the yolks from the whites. Heat milk and cream and add the hot liquid chocolate. Stir from the center toward the edges trying to get a smooth cream and brillante.Incorporare, one at a time, mixing the yolks with the help of a whip. Finish by adding the flour and ground almonds. At the same time, fit egg whites with sugar. Stir in the chocolate cream with a spoonful of meringue. Far thin cream, then pour over whites trying to mix from top to bottom so as not remove the mount.

Preheat oven to 170-180 ° C.

Grease and flour a baking pan of 24 cm in diameter. Pour the batter leveling them well and bake in preheated oven for about 30-35 minutes.
Cool. Invert. Dust with icing sugar. Preferably, if you have available, with sugar snowdrops.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Quaker Peanut Butter Oatmeal No Bake Cookies

Macarons....come fossero coriandoli

The first time I saw the real macarons è stata quella volta che andai a Parigi , mi pare fosse maggio. Ricordo il sole tiepido sul viso e l'andamento calmo del passeggiare, lì in Place de la Madeleine. Quel far cadere lo sguardo estasiato sulle vetrine credendo ogni volta di raggiungere l'acme nello stupore e constatare , invece, attonita che veramente, a volte, la meraviglia  è come un pozzo che cerca di raggiungere il centro della terra.  

E' stato allora che ho visto la vetrina di Fauchon . Ed è stato allora  che al centro della vetrina sono rimasta affascinata da un enorme cylinder made entirely of macarons: yellow, green, pink, white, pink, orange, gray, royal blue .... It was fantastic. And got home I ran to document, to read, compare, trying to fit in and steal their secret magic.

As often happens to me, I thought it was a passenger in love. In fact, that happens to me in front of a preparation I throw it incessantly, with all of myself and I can not see me until the cake before your eyes ... I have no peace. Sometimes ... oh yes! I just as easily happen to want to experience me away from what until a few days before had become the focus of all my interest and pushes me toward something unknown, exciting, intoxicating.

did not happen for the macarons.
that will have infinite possible variations in their color and flavor that, every time, it seems to make a new dolce.E the wonder of the new filling is always a wonderful surprise so. "I adore this taste, the more of that. No, I do not. The other way around. ... Even though this, too, capers! is a fainting spell. And this, this is not you, you have to lose. E 'to scream. Magico "

that will make it the innocent time of dessert .. .... seem so small so harmless that the taste ... one ... two .. three .... maybe makes the serene end of the day.

that will see me back in Paris and all the emotions, memories, the smells, the feelings come back to life like a charm.

Maybe all this together. But certainly their variety of colors bring me back to the memory of handfuls of colorful confetti as a child I used to fly with enthusiasm in the air, taken as a dance-obsessed, endlessly.
When the whole future is still so far to come. And maybe not even exist .. like the princess story that your mother tries to tell you every night and we could, once you get to the end .....

Macarons chocolate and raspberries
(from "Les meilleurs macarons de C. Felder)

The basic recipe of macaroons is always that of the Magic Maurizio Santin. Christophe Felder have drawn freely for the wonderful toppings that, among other things are perfect for use in a variety of preparations.
ganache lamponi e cioccolato al latte


150 g di purea di lamponi
40 g di zucchero semolato
300 g di cioccolato al latte
50 g di burro
Versate la purea di lamponi in una casseruola. Aggiungete lo zucchero e portate all'ebollizione.Nel frattempo, spezzettate il cioccolato e fatelo fondere dolcemente al micro-onde oppure a bagnomaria. Versate la purea di frutta sul cioccolato in tre riprese e mescolando come per una maionese. Dal centro verso la periferia.Riducete il burro in pomata e quando la ganache ha raggiunto circa 40°C add it in small amounts, stirring well and carefully. Whip the ganache with a whisk and then cover with a layer of film so that it adheres to contatto.Fate cool for at least an hour.

Macarons façon Paris Brest

Filling Paris-Brest


1 egg Full
125 g caster sugar
250 g soft butter 250 g
praline maison

Preparate un bagno-maria. Prendete una ciotola e versateci l'uovo con lo zucchero semolato. Montate a spuma chiara con un frullino fino ad ottenere una montata chiara e leggera. Quando la temperatura della crema è tiepida, togliere la ciotola dal bagno-maria e continuare a lavorare finché la temperatura ritorna a quella ambiente. Controllate che il burro sia morbido, regolarmente a pomata e quindi incorporatelo alla crema in più riprese fino ad ottenere una crema untuosa morbida e aereata.Occorrerà lavorare per non meno di 10-15 minuti.Infine, incorporate il praliné maison lavorando dall'alto verso il basso.

Macarons al mango

cream with mango


220 g of mango puree
2 sheets gelatin in sheets of 2 g
2 eggs
100 g caster sugar 10 g
140 g of butter soft cream

Make hydrate the gelatin in ice water. Pour the eggs into a bowl, add granulated sugar and edited slightly. Add the cornstarch, stir and add the puree of frutta.Fate heat on low heat, bring the cooking until the cream thickens. Add gelatin, stir and setacciate.Aggiungete butter in small quantities. Whip with an immersion blender for about 1 minute until the cream is smooth, shiny and smooth. Cover the custard with a layer of film in contact and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

Macarons, chocolate and lemon

Chocolat citron


300 g of fresh cream
40 g sugar 250 g chocolate
50 g butter 1 lemon

Pour the cream into a saucepan. Add sugar and bring to a boil. Cut the chocolate into small pieces, grate the lemon rind finely chopped and pour the melted chocolate gently in the microwave. Pour the hot cream over chocolate in stages, at the center of the bowl and stir as an emulsifying mayonnaise until creamy smooth and shiny. Cover with a layer of plastic wrap and stored at room temperature until cooking macarons.

Macarons white chocolate, caramel, banana and balsamic vinegar

Filling caramel, banana and balsamic


280 grams of white chocolate
80 g caster sugar
50 g of fresh cream
200 g of chopped bananas
3 cucchiai di aceto balsamico
40 g di burro morbido

Preparate il caramello. Versate lo zucchero in una padellina e fatelo caramellare dolcemente.Nel frattempo, fate prendere un leggero bollore alla panna e versatela a cucchiai sul caramello facendolo decuocere. Aggiungete le banane tagliatele a pezzetti e l'aceto balsamico. Rimescolate bene e passate tutto al minipimer.Aggiungete il burro morbido, rimescolate.Fate fondere il cioccolato nel micro-onde e aggiungete il caramello mescolando bene. Date un ultimo giro con il minipimer e poi coprite con un velo di pellicola . Conservate in frigo fino al totale consolidamento.
E non è finita qui.....mi mancano ancora un sacco di colori.....

Red Lipstick Pale Skin Blonde Hair

The face is not only, as the dictionary says, "the front of the man's body from the top of the front end of the chin and from ear to ear," and it shows the variety of expressions that concern today in the Italian language.
If you really believe in something you bald-faced, even at the cost of losing . too much emotion, great joy or too much disappointment, we have written in face, not to mention those who have a gall , and some of their similar yet less refined that we do not mention.
You can also have a nerve , take someone to fish in face, an expression that I have never known how to fully explain (suggestions?), And when you need to be honest with someone is saying good things in the face.
The word derives from the Latin spoken * FACIA (M), from classical Latin facie (m) , he wanted to say "look, shape." The thing that amazes is already in the Latin noun derived in turn from the verb facere, meaning "to do" as the other part is for the word "features". So face is our appearance, so com 'was made , exactly, but it is also the main, along with the word, to relate with the world, express their thoughts and, ultimately, act.

Tip of the day, then: use your good side. And beware, of course, by any turnaround.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Los Hombres De Paco Watch Free


It's official, I am a graduate Zuccaviolina! I mesi di ricerche, le ultime settimane passate a scrivere ossessivamente, tutti i momenti bellissimi e sfiancanti della ricerca sul campo, si sono degnamente conclusi con le facce sorridenti dei musicanti di Fubine, che erano venuti a sentirmi parlare e invece è finita che tutta la commissione ha ascoltato loro esibirsi in sala lauree, con grande stupore dei presenti. Così l'essenza della mia ricerca si è diffusa nella stanza sotto forma di onde sonore, briose e vibranti, e le parole non sono state che una didascalia in più.
Poi sono venuti i complimenti dei professori, le foto, la dolcezza delle amiche, la cena con Dario e la mia famiglia, accanto alla stufa accesa, i dolci cioccolatosi e ipercalorici.
This was my graduation .
The word, however, comes from the Latin LAURUM plant was used by the Latin ritual in religious ceremonies or to honor poets and victorious generals. The LAURUM in Italian became laurel, from which the word degree, but also bay. This word, with a difference, stems from ILLA (M) LAURUM, or by the same name preceded by the demonstration ILLA Latin, and Italian has led to the article "la". The bay in fact, like all plants in Latin, is female ... On the other hand we talk about mother nature still, no?
The article, for phonetic reasons, is "attached" to the next word, and with some adjustment in the sounds, to be easy to pronounce (in this case a metathesis or exchange between the "l" and "a"), was born the word laurel .

guess of what graduate program I signed up now?
Easy, linguistics. ;)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What To Use To Clean Cubic

Il dolce per la signora che ama le farfalle

" Come mai non ha ancora scritto del mio dolce sul suo blog"?
Avrei voluto dirle che stavo cercando le parole ma che non riuscivo a trovarle. Fosse facile trovarle, a volte. Si rintanano come fossero piccole formiche nelle crepe dei muri della mia casa e per quanto aspetti di vederle uscire, per quanto mi possa armare di pazienza ..niente.Stanno li, mute. In silenzio. Come velate.
Poi, senza alcun preavviso, si stancano e si mettono in fila, una dietro l'altra. E allora, non resta altro da fare che stare ad ascoltarle.

Che lei amasse le farfalle io non lo sapevo.
Ero cosi stranamente indecisa sulla decorazione da sistemare sulla bavarese al cioccolato e gianduia che avevo scelto tra tutte le mie preferite.E per quanto cercassi di scegliere, di trovare tra le pieghe della fantasia qualcosa che mi colpisse il petto, che mi invitasse a muovere svelta le mani per  poi osservare, con la testa piegata di lato, le cose prendere respiro e vita e sentimenti.....per quanto cercassi, dicevo, non c'era nulla che potessi fermare con un respiro.

Che lei amasse le farfalle io non lo sapevo.
Ma, dopo, è stato facile sentire che le cose bisogna proprio aspettare che arrivino. Come ci fosse un tempo per tutto.Un tempo per l'indecisione, un tempo per l'attesa, un tempo, infine, per i sorrisi. Magici sorrisi, calmi come le acque del fiume del mio paese, in estate.Umidi come goccie di rugiada, al mattino.Teneri e incerti come sono solo quelli dei bambini e dei vecchi.
 Lievi, infine, come ali di farfalla.

Bavarese al cioccolato e gianduia con un prato di farfalle


325 g di latte intero
50 g di panna
120 g di zucchero
6 tuorli
450 g di panna semimontata
9 g di 2 sheets of gelatin in
G150 g dark chocolate 70%
2 tablespoons hazelnut praline
1 tablespoon chopped hazelnuts
Fate hydrate the gelatin in cold water. Bring to boil milk and 50 g of cream. Mix the egg yolks with sugar, without mounting. Pour hot milk over them and proceed as for a normal English cream, bringing the temperature to 82-85 ° C. Melt the chocolate and add to hot cream together with pralines. Add the gelatin squeezed and sieved with a fine pass. Do lower the temperature to 35 ° C. Pour a generous dollop of cream on cream, mix without too much care and then poured the cream into the cream in gently 2-3 times, but working from top to basso.Completate with hazelnuts, taking care to roast before use.

The pralines aux noisettes was the same as I did before and jealously kept aside for some good opportunity. And this certainly was.

The Bavarian I built using a classic band ring that I lined with acetate. As a base I thought, this time to make a biscuit making use of crepes dentelles "Gavottes" like this that I caught the flight from this delicious site .

I are limited to about 150 g of fine crumbling Gavottes and mix with about 35 g of melted butter. I then spread on a thin layer at the base of the band and I did solidify in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

And the butterflies?

abbastanza.Ho I seemed never tried to put only two ... three ... four, but while with the surface of Bavaria, made a little shiny from a thin layer of frosting cold neutral, I thought I would have liked to do as a meadow with flowers and leaves and many, many butterflies, big, small, very small.
And so it was.

There are molds silicone bad, eh? Just put the chocolate plastic and then the butterfly is already there. Maybe we
wings a little united as they were about to take flight ... you finish with the bronze, gold, after all these butterflies are special .....

PS It is certainly a bit of chocolate for a small bouquet of flowers ...

Monday, November 1, 2010

1lb Propane Regulator

L’importante è che non manchi la panna

The job of the supermarket looking at me tenderly good-natured but with a slight bit of ill-concealed impatience to see that very soon I will create a problem row of ants behind me.

"Madam, I'm sorry. Milk is not what it took. E 'cream. He knows the cream? And 'good but not milk "

The idea now is to give the address of the blog as not to impede il flusso di persone che adesso stanno cominciando a mormorare alle mie spalle… su queste donne che farebbero meglio a mandare i mariti a far la spesa se non sanno riconoscere neppure il latte…che tempi !

Ma ho una fretta dannata e sussurro un flebile “ Lo so. Volevo proprio la panna. Tutta questa panna”

Il mormorio tace all’improvviso. Non ho l’aria di una pasticciera… chissà che aria hanno le pasticciere ?….nè tantomeno credo di dare l’impressione di una che saprà che farsene a casa di tutta quella panna…lo intuisco dalla sorpresa cosi spontaneamente disegnata on their faces when I put in the capable deft envelopes.

All things can not happen tonight but that remains without cream. With my friend-in-law of the heart we have to give birth in a matter of hours something sweet for a birthday party and I have not the slightest idea what to do ... ..
The ideas come, come. All together, how people crammed in the bus of 7.30. It opens the door and .... Out in a row, one behind the other. It stopped on the fly and do a couple to stay with me a few days.

Bavarian amaretto peaches with soft heart
(freely extracted from La Forge-with Culinary Rita Mezzini)

For the Amaretto Bavarian

375 g of whole milk
120 g of sugar 6 egg yolks
450 g of whipped cream
10 g gelatin sheets from 2 g
50 g of small macaroons
4 tablespoons Amaretto Saronno

Fate hydrate the gelatin in cold water. Bring to boil milk and add in the macaroons. After you have softened stir the mixture and strain it twice in order to have a clear liquid but fragrant. Mix the egg yolks with sugar, without mounting. Pour hot milk over them and proceed as for a normal English cream, bringing the temperature to 82-85 ° C. Add the gelatine squeezed and sieved again. Do come down to a temperature of 35 ° C and flavored with liqueur. Pour a generous dollop of cream on cream, mix without too much care and then poured the cream into the cream 2-3 times but by working gently from top to bottom.

mousse with peaches


500 g of mashed peaches (including syrup)
about 70 g of icing sugar
400 g of whipped cream
12 g of gelatin in sheets of 2 g

Fate hydrate the gelatin in cold water. Puree in a blender the canned peaches and a couple of spoonfuls prelevatene that make heat in a saucepan. Just heated, add the gelatine to purea.Mescolate well. then pour the mixture into the remaining puree, stirring with a Wire and frusta.Incorporate a spoonful of cream to make it to the Oure fluid and then poured the puree into the cream. Take a steel band, circular and of appropriate size to be contained in a wider strip. In this case I used a strip of 20 cm in diameter and height of 3 cm. Coated with the inner edge of the acetate and place it all on a tray suitable to be placed in the freezer. Transfer the puree, level the surface and place in freezer to cool.

For caramelized peaches


a can of peaches in syrup medium
4-5 tablespoons of sugar
a couple of sprigs of rosemary

diced peaches. Make a dry caramel and then reached the blond color, add the peaches. Complete with the sprigs of rosemary and caramelized fruit for about 5 minutes.
Keep aside.

Base crisp biscuit
(from an idea by Giuliana Fabris)

150 g of vanilla wafers
50 g 50 g butter

Crumble cookies and macaroons. Melt the butter and add it to briciolame blending it all very well.

Preparation of sweet

Take a circular band of metal. For example, a diameter of 28 cm and 6 cm. Coated the inside and place it on an acetate base with vassoio.Rivestite briciolame of crunchy biscuit but very thin layer. Let solidify in the refrigerator for 10 minuti.Stratificate a thin layer of Bavarian amaretto in the fridge, then built a circle in the center with caramelized peaches, drained by the caramel, but leaving some small needle of rosemary. Poggiatevi above the disk mousse peaches. Cover with the cream amaretto, level and transferred to freezer. At least 6 hours before serving, remove the cream from the freezer and place it on the plate. Polished with a thin layer of icing and decorated in neutral cold pleasure.

Of course, things are made of cream .... .... ... the liquid caramelized peaches in syrup flavored with rosemary .... So, you can set up a lot of shorts, is not it?

Those on the left, already know them. Now, I made them several times. if you intrigue, do not give up. Find them exactly here. Instead, these are very simple to the right. I made a panna cotta cooked vanilla well following the very good and then I Tuki veiled with a raspberry coulis.

I said, no? I had advanced mousse peaches? Well, I poured the mousse in small cups. Then I cooled down and I added a teaspoon of briciolame advanced by Bavarian ... nothing is created nor destroyed .... I paid a little bit of caramelized peaches ... ... well advanced and a teaspoon of caramel rosemary ... fragrant. Everything in the fridge. At this point, I made a chantilly panna cotta, an ancient memory. But .. with a novelty: I caramelize the sugar before adding it to milk, so I got a delicious whipped cream in caramel.

Chantilly cream cooked
(recipe Luca Montersino)


500 g of fresh cream
125 grams of whole milk
60 grams of sugar
4.5 grams of gelatin in sheets of 2 g
Half vanilla

Place the gelatin in water to hydrate fredda.Far milk to the boil with the vanilla. Squeeze the gelatine and add milk, stirring well. Add the sugar and melt it. Pass through a sieve and add half of the cold cream. Bring the cream to about 30 ° C. Place the remaining cream and add to cream without having to remove the compound. Pour into glasses and store chantilly in frigo a solidificare.

Ho versato la chantilly sui bicchierini e ho messo in frigo. Per decorazione ho preparato un caramello che ho sciolto con della panna bollente fino ad avere una consistenza fluida e poi....ho salato con un pò di sale di Maldon.

E per la chantilly al caffè ?

Oh, niente di più semplice. Ho preparato un'altra chantilly di panna cotta al caramello. Ho aggiunto 4 cucchiainidi nescafè prima di versare la panna fredda, 4 quadrotti di cioccolato fondente...Quindi,, ho proseguito con la ricetta base.Per decorazione? Solo un cucchiaio di ganache al cioccolato fondente e panna calda.....Per cioccolato... Perchè non usare un paio di barrette di Mars e un pò di fondente al 70%?

Alcuni bicchierini sono solo di chantilly di panna cotta al caramello....un velo di caramello salato per "staccare" il gusto della crema dolce e una friandise di crepe Gavottes che non devono mai mancare nella nostra dispensa...

In conclusione: non ho più panna.
Mi preparo e vedo se il market è aperto.....