Spoon And Pot
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Adobe After Effects Cs3 Seriel
I started a photography course!
yes, I'm mounting the head, you know, the success with you and upset you, and after winning for best picture in the contest flavia my only duty was to become a TOP !.... in my case maybe a TAP, is a ussignuuur jokes as old as me!
daaaaiiiii ...... but do you really think me pull you so much ??.................. ??....... ah, I think it is really so?
disappoint you because I am far, the least competitive in the world, just do what I like and if I enjoy it, if I feel the smell of challenging me to spin it like hell!
naturalmente tutto questo per l'aspetto ludico della mia vita, altrimenti sarei un'irresponsabile, e visto che la mia vita è stata ed è tutt'altro che poco impegnativa, tutto il resto voglio che sia solo un gioco!
ma la fotografia mi prende, mi piace da matti e voglio approfondirla fin dove i miei limiti me lo consentono....sempre per gioco eh, non voglio che mi porti a nient'altro!
e allora via al corso, iniziato con un questionario per valutare le nostre reali conoscenze sull'argomento..... O__O........conoscenze?? quali conoscenze??
ma se io avessi qualche conoscenza sarei qui a fare un "corso di fotografia 1° livello"??
e se il questionario comincia con la domanda "cos'è latent image "I can answer my perennial headache ??....... no ??..... I just know that!
next week we will see corrections and Prof. .... there is that there will be laughing!
too early for Easter?
maybe, but the Decorate has kindly sent the material and asked for a recipe Easter and I gladly accepted.
my only worry these days is always a shortage of time and just above the mind free of thoughts that I did not want to do things too long and laborious, I thought then to light of biscuits covered with sugar paste wisteria that I was sent with a MULTISTAMP nonstick muffin and boxes door or door really cute little cookies!
were born and they do not look at them with too much attention because it is only my second time with the PDZ and the flaws are many, but by far they can go!
taken from a recipe on the blog oven mitt and slightly modified.
scented biscuits with cream:
270g of flour (I came to 300g)
100g of sugar (80g I)
150g of fresh cream 1 egg
half a bag of yeast
grated zest of lemon and orange
cannella e zenzero in polvere
un pizzico di sale
impastare tutti gli ingredienti, formare una palla e lasciarla in frigorifero per 2 ore, stenderla e ritagliare le forme, spennellare con un pò di latte (io no) e cuocere a 170° per 10 minuti.
si possono mettere delle codette colorate o della granella di zucchero.
io una volta cotti li ho spalmati con un velo di gelatina di albicocche e ricoperti con la pasta di zucchero Decora e se li volete regalare saranno troppo carini dentro queste scatole, vero?
la pasta è abbastanza morbida consiglio di infarinarla bene da entrambi i lati, stenderla fra due fogli di carta forno, tagliare le formine e non spostarle dalla carta in where we have put forth, and fired off after the cut-outs use them to fund cups cream, or cheese cake or as they see fit.
Monday, March 7, 2011
What Panties Do The Celevrities
passion fruit mimosa decorated decorative cherry muffins
because you like to submit another simple muffin but they are absolutely dedicated to us women, not just muffins could be, though very good!
even here there is the hand of the nadia Guardini !
had not been for this I would not have posted his call for another thing, imagine that on March 8, do not even want a mimosa!
but Nadia is nice and also because women could not feel bound by the initiative.
I thought the muffins because they are easy and fast, and versatile beyond belief ... and what better honor than that we women have to adapt to any situation!
then I've thought of as a mimosa-like because it is the traditional sweet of this feast (and I've never done, of course) and finally and not to deceive the people we love that we are all sweetness, adaptability and ; goodness I've wanted to stuff with a touch of sour, a sweet background but with a little bit of acid that stings so much .... to show that there is sugar in nature, if this is the passion fruit curd .... well, I would say that the picture is not complete?
there, and so I've also sgnaffato the headline!
because you like to submit another simple muffin but they are absolutely dedicated to us women, not just muffins could be, though very good!
even here there is the hand of the nadia Guardini !
had not been for this I would not have posted his call for another thing, imagine that on March 8, do not even want a mimosa!
but Nadia is nice and also because women could not feel bound by the initiative.
I thought the muffins because they are easy and fast, and versatile beyond belief ... and what better honor than that we women have to adapt to any situation!
then I've thought of as a mimosa-like because it is the traditional sweet of this feast (and I've never done, of course) and finally and not to deceive the people we love that we are all sweetness, adaptability and ; goodness I've wanted to stuff with a touch of sour, a sweet background but with a little bit of acid that stings so much .... to show that there is sugar in nature, if this is the passion fruit curd .... well, I would say that the picture is not complete?
for a non-stick 12-muffin pan MULTISTAMP Guardini
270g of cake flour
sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup of yogurt
50g milk 80g corn oil 1 egg
passion fruit curd (not home-made but bought in a market of typical English)
a pinch of salt
as always split the muffin mix the dry ingredients and the wet, in the compound of yogurt, milk, etc. also make a generous teaspoon of curd,
pasta and mix quickly and for a short time and to fill 3 / 4 cups placed in the pan MULTISTAMP,
bake at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes depending on your oven ,
once cooled cut the cap and dig a little, and cut the dough into small cubes,
fill the cavities with curd and sprinkle the cubes.
in just over 30 minutes to enjoy these delicacies in the company of your friends .... so clear!
wishes to all us women, that the time is the best that we are already!
Sumeeth Mixer Grinder
The winter carnival masks
The carnival is already gone from my house long time ago ... when the children are great one is the window to watch.
The daughter is married and lives in London with my two beautiful grandchildren and the infant has Morosina and spends the carnival with her.
No more cake, no more smells of pancakes or talk ... just do it for me and my Orsogrigio no longer worth it.
But I'm planning a trip to London and I decided to fill the tin with these beautiful templates for my loves and Mark Martin.
ones that I present to you, are masks that I saw from my prestinaia, I had one, I did the Company on the following sample eee ... These are
evidence ... the day before you leave fill the tin box ... the place is in the suitcase.
(but guess what happened to the samples that I did? ... They took away from Morosina of course ... me and Charles were left photographs).
carnival mask
I used the pastry of biscuits Portia ... that bull's eye:
14 complete templates - (7 and 7 with tails and chocolate colored)
preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 10-12 minutes of my time ... Do not trust
Ingredients: 350 g flour 00
150 g starch 150 g
icing sugar 250 g butter 1 egg Lurpack slightly salty
To decorate:
apricot colored tails
Zani 2 squares of chocolate + cream + 1 tablespoon of butter
In Ken's mug, place the egg, flour, starch, powdered sugar and cold butter cut into small cubes. Knead on speed 2
As the ball begins to form, assemble a few seconds and wrap it in a sheet of cellophane.
Let the dough rest in refrigerator at least half an hour. Divide the dough
, spread it with a rolling pin into the pastry between two sheets of parchment paper ... (more lies)
With the shape of the mask and lots of patience, cut with serrated wheel, how many masks as they come and place them on plate lined with parchment paper . Meanwhile
that these are cooking, spread the other half of pastry, an equal number of these templates and cut out his eyes with a small cutter to star.
Zani Break the chocolate squares and place in a bowl with a little 'cream and a knob of butter.
melt in the MO for 2 minutes at 850W
off and put it back in mix
Moe repeat a couple of times, until the chocolate has melted well.
syrup jam:
In a small saucepan melt 1 tablespoon of apricot jam with a little water.
Now you can dance:
7 masks whole spread with Nutella
7 masks with eyes brush with chocolate
Overlap them on those coated with chocolate spread and let dry thoroughly
7 whole spread with masks 7 jam
masks with eyes brush with syrup, jam and sprinkle with colored tails
Overlap them on those spread with jam and allow to dry
Long live carnival !!!!!
The carnival is already gone from my house long time ago ... when the children are great one is the window to watch.
The daughter is married and lives in London with my two beautiful grandchildren and the infant has Morosina and spends the carnival with her.
No more cake, no more smells of pancakes or talk ... just do it for me and my Orsogrigio no longer worth it.
But I'm planning a trip to London and I decided to fill the tin with these beautiful templates for my loves and Mark Martin.
ones that I present to you, are masks that I saw from my prestinaia, I had one, I did the Company on the following sample eee ... These are
evidence ... the day before you leave fill the tin box ... the place is in the suitcase.
(but guess what happened to the samples that I did? ... They took away from Morosina of course ... me and Charles were left photographs).
carnival mask
I used the pastry of biscuits Portia ... that bull's eye:
14 complete templates - (7 and 7 with tails and chocolate colored)
preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 10-12 minutes of my time ... Do not trust
Ingredients: 350 g flour 00
150 g starch 150 g
icing sugar 250 g butter 1 egg Lurpack slightly salty
To decorate:
apricot colored tails
Zani 2 squares of chocolate + cream + 1 tablespoon of butter
In Ken's mug, place the egg, flour, starch, powdered sugar and cold butter cut into small cubes. Knead on speed 2
As the ball begins to form, assemble a few seconds and wrap it in a sheet of cellophane.
Let the dough rest in refrigerator at least half an hour. Divide the dough
, spread it with a rolling pin into the pastry between two sheets of parchment paper ... (more lies)
With the shape of the mask and lots of patience, cut with serrated wheel, how many masks as they come and place them on plate lined with parchment paper . Meanwhile
that these are cooking, spread the other half of pastry, an equal number of these templates and cut out his eyes with a small cutter to star.
Zani Break the chocolate squares and place in a bowl with a little 'cream and a knob of butter.
melt in the MO for 2 minutes at 850W
off and put it back in mix
Moe repeat a couple of times, until the chocolate has melted well.
syrup jam:
In a small saucepan melt 1 tablespoon of apricot jam with a little water.
Now you can dance:
7 masks whole spread with Nutella
7 masks with eyes brush with chocolate
Overlap them on those coated with chocolate spread and let dry thoroughly
7 whole spread with masks 7 jam
masks with eyes brush with syrup, jam and sprinkle with colored tails
Overlap them on those spread with jam and allow to dry
Long live carnival !!!!!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Iketeru Futari Vol 01 To 31 Manga
Digital (dinner and a very analog)
The computer opens up the world, the network provides endless possibilities. It's true. But it's even better when the world comes into our house through the door.
Yes, because a few days ago I organized a dinner at my house with friends who share with me about the crazy manic devoted to the study of Italian in the next two years of his life.
has been a succession of laughter, pizza, white wine, bites the cat's Zazie, beer and set them. Alternated songs in Piedmont, classic rock, song writing and Beautiful Hello and a hint of national anthem (which these days has something revolutionary).
It was discovered that the Aosta Valley friarielli do not know (but Iranians!) , in exceptional cases you can eat pasta with a spoon, white cats that they feel discriminated against their own kind of (another) color, the tabs can pizza cartoon transformed into a fun little game compulsive disorder.
But above all, be careful because it is a revelation, while the Italians counting with the fingers start the thumb, starting at the Americans and the Persians from the little finger. E che qualsiasi esponente di una a caso delle tre culture fa seriamente fatica a farlo in un modo diverso da quello che ha imparato da bambino.
Ma questo è nulla se confrontato al modo in cui i persiani schioccano le dita . Nonostante me lo sia fatto lungamente spiegare dalla mia amica Harir (e ci provi ininterrottamente da tre giorni, ehm.) non riesco a produrre il minimo suono. Se qualcuno di voi ci riesce, vi prego, mi spieghi il trucco.
Detto questo, dall'alto del mio modem adsl vi chiedo: chi di voi si è mai domandato l'etimologia della parola digitale ? Questa ormai notissima parola è entrata nell'italiano dall'inglese, e in origine significava semplicemente "Numeric". It derives, of course, from the Latin digitum, that finger, the first calculation tool in history. And the universe of sounds and meanings, that is the word, the computer, the binary system, the virtual networks meet again the material reality of gestures, tastes, sounds and hands.
The computer opens up the world, the network provides endless possibilities. It's true. But it's even better when the world comes into our house through the door.
Yes, because a few days ago I organized a dinner at my house with friends who share with me about the crazy manic devoted to the study of Italian in the next two years of his life.
has been a succession of laughter, pizza, white wine, bites the cat's Zazie, beer and set them. Alternated songs in Piedmont, classic rock, song writing and Beautiful Hello and a hint of national anthem (which these days has something revolutionary).
It was discovered that the Aosta Valley friarielli do not know (but Iranians!) , in exceptional cases you can eat pasta with a spoon, white cats that they feel discriminated against their own kind of (another) color, the tabs can pizza cartoon transformed into a fun little game compulsive disorder.
if I understand you call beshkan |
Ma questo è nulla se confrontato al modo in cui i persiani schioccano le dita . Nonostante me lo sia fatto lungamente spiegare dalla mia amica Harir (e ci provi ininterrottamente da tre giorni, ehm.) non riesco a produrre il minimo suono. Se qualcuno di voi ci riesce, vi prego, mi spieghi il trucco.
Detto questo, dall'alto del mio modem adsl vi chiedo: chi di voi si è mai domandato l'etimologia della parola digitale ? Questa ormai notissima parola è entrata nell'italiano dall'inglese, e in origine significava semplicemente "Numeric". It derives, of course, from the Latin digitum, that finger, the first calculation tool in history. And the universe of sounds and meanings, that is the word, the computer, the binary system, the virtual networks meet again the material reality of gestures, tastes, sounds and hands.
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