Sunday, December 28, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Moms Using Diaper Punishment
But an enemy far more fierce "stealing" his life.
We remember it in Cagliari, in our Stork House, but also in Rome, where she lived and where he spent all of herself for things she believed in: freedom of being a mother
I heard from a few hours. Luciana told me everything. You're gone. For a year now you're gone and I only now do I understand the long silence, the trill of the telephone vacuum. A deep and devastating pain surprised me on a rainy October afternoon.
I see you arrive with a smile and two eyes, deep blacks and bright ...
"is so much I want a baby, I feel that here I'll make it" and indeed there had made the incredulous were distributed from our home full of hope. But once again the fate you tore my heart with one another miscarriage. Slowly you were shooting, you were back at work again and told me "I really want a baby, mo 'I rest, I get back together and then try again." Months passed and from time to time ci si sentiva, mi raccontavi dei figli delle amiche, dei ricami a punto croce fatti sul trenino che ti portava avanti e indietro a Roma, e poi, a Natale mi dicesti dei problemi con lui, del suo lavoro perduto, del fatto che non ce la facevi a tornare, a riprovare, dovevi aspettare. Poi a febbraio, improvvisamente la telefonata che mi annunciava il miracolo, eri incinta, dopo anni di dolore, dopo quattro aborti in utero finalmente il tuo sogno si stava realizzando: Flavio era in viaggio. La notizia di questo figlio così desiderato e amato ti rese radiosa, bellissima lo eri da sempre. Riuscimmo a incontrarci, e nonostante la gravidanza riuscisti a darci un contributo enorme durante la referendum battle, then the baby is born, the first months of joy and then a final phone call, months after I announced a problem, a presumed mastitis that prevents you from nurse .... I do the checks you told me, the doctor thinks a cyst ... wants to work. I tried to reassure, to encourage it to trust,,, come Barbi, there is Flavio ... come, be positive.
We left with a promise to hear from you soon, with a kiss and with you always think ....
But we have not heard any more.
Every time I came to Rome, I thought, I rang a few times but the phone rang unanswered ....
I figured were okay, I had moved house, I'd marry your love and all that taken by motherhood and the work I had more time .... But ... instead of fighting a hard battle, terrible against a ruthless enemy that you stole the life, Flavio and all those who loved you, who love you ... and I could not know anything, I could not even hold your hand a time but you, you, proven by four devastating interventions from chemo and radiation, you exhausted by the disease were able to give advice, information, tips and Luciana courage fighting the same war and you were so good, so convincingly that she luckily managed to win it. Extraordinary Barbi. Generosa's life even while you were losing.
Your memory is so strong and alive in my heart that it seems impossible that do you really gone I have left a void, an endless rage at the thought of your broken life, consumed by disease, your child will grow senza il tuo sorriso, il tuo ottimismo, la tua forza e il tuo immenso coraggio. Ma avrà te. Lo so che non lo lascerai mai solo.
Ti ho conosciuta e mi hai regalato la tua gioia di vivere, la tua risata argentina e contagiosa…ciao Barbara grazie per il tempo che abbiamo avuto, per quello che ci hai lasciato.
Ti voglio bene
Friday, September 12, 2008
How Did Hemochromatosis Start
E un adolescente disse: Parlaci dell'Amicizia.
E lui rispose dicendo:
Il vostro amico è il vostro bisogno saziato.
E' il campo che seminate con amore e mietete con riconoscenza.
E' la vostra mensa e il vostro focolare.
Poiché, affamati, vi rifugiate in lui e lo ricercate per la vostra pace.
Quando l'amico vi confida il suo pensiero, non negategli la vostra approvazione, né abbiate paura di contraddirlo.
E quando tace, il vostro cuore non smetta di ascoltare il suo cuore:
Nell'amicizia ogni pensiero, ogni desiderio, ogni attesa nasce in silenzio e viene condiviso with inexpressible joy.
When you part from not grieve
His absence may be clearer in what they love most in him, as the mountain to the climber is clearer from the plain.
And let there be no purpose in friendship save the deepening of the spirit.
For love that seeks aught but the disclosure of all its mystery is not love but a net cast forth: and only grab what is in vain.
And let your best be for your friend.
If he must know the ebb of your tide, let him know its flood also.
What is your friend should seek him with hours to kill?
Seek him always with hours to live.
it is his to fill your need, but not your emptiness.
and share the delights in the sweetness of a smile.
For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.
Kahlil Gibran
we're back ... so late, but we have not yet.
not go home we could not spare a thought for friends and friends of the Other Stork, which are indeed many. Kahlil Gibran gives us beautiful verses, which are able to express fully the depth of feeling as that which links the two friends.
why our association is made up of friendly people who are willing to listen, even the most intimate problems, which are unlikely to be able to tell.
We know that there are so many to visit our blog.
say hello, and if you want, we're here ....
Thursday, June 19, 2008
About The Female Vigana
Anna Maria, 37 anni, vive in un piccolo paese della nostra Isola - la Sardegna - è sposata da 13 anni con Giuseppe, 40 anni, insegna ed ha un bimbo di 20 mesi nato grazie alla donazione di un ovocita (questo dati si riferiscono al momento della intervista).
Ha deciso di raccontare la sua storia, pur conservando l’anonimato, perché ritiene che altri possano trarre quella forza, quella “marcia in più” per superare le difficoltà che queste scelte comportano. Il cammino di Anna Maria è durato nove anni, con speranze, fallimenti, tears but much determination. Before being able to diagnose the real problem of infertility was related to poor and poor quality oocytes, the doctors have proposed a list of endless investigations and follow a process too long.
Q: Why 'says too long? think it was possible to shorten the time?
R: In our case it would probably be possible to reduce delays. You see, I am a practicing Catholic, (now with a faith a bit 'wobbly) and I was convinced that the natural methods of contraception - Ogino Knaus, coitus interruptus, abstention - had reliable because for four years worked in our case. Only after I learned that it was not and that that period could be considered sufficient time to diagnose our situation of infertile couples, but instead have gone another two years.
Q. What 'was the route that you followed her and her husband?
A: What provides the protocol for couples like us have a verdict of "unexplained infertility" and then targeted reports, inseminations, and IVF, and only then it was realized that the problems were more serious As imagined.
Q: Were the doctors to suggest the heterologous?
R: No! The doctors have always been very clear about the quality of oocytes, at which point we pressed with questions more pressing and aware, but they could not say "take care that you need a heterologous." There comes a time when the idea is ripe and when we made them this question, of course, we agreed on the conclusion we reached.
Q: From the psychological point of view, having received an egg of another woman created problems? And what feelings you feel about that figure of a woman?
R: In our case the problem was already passed when we applied for adoption because a child is so even if you do not have your genes. As for the one who gave us her egg, the feeling I have is with deep gratitude. I never asked how or why he made this choice, I just think that thanks to her I could give my life, I experienced the wonderful feelings of pregnancy for all women who wish should try.
Q: She has never feared, never for a moment, you can reject the baby? He never had a "fantasy" to do so?
R: But she jokes? I went to get her nails with this baby, you think I could have even the slightest doubt? If you are a mother knows the answer because in this way. It is absolutely unthinkable to give up their child.
Q: Yes, I'm the mom, but I became more easily than I could have her, you immediately feel part of you, so also she tried the same thing?
R: Yes, I immediately felt part of me.
Q: But it seems that these "waste" can happen, can happen ....
A: It can happen that two to separate after adoption, or who separate after a run of homologous fertilization, or that the child is denied even though born in a natural way .... happens! In reality when crises occur, the causes are related to fatigue of pregnancy, childbirth, the postpartum, which are already in normal periods problematici; per noi questa fatica è amplificata dai percorsi non facili della Procreazione Medico Assistita. Dunque se le crisi ci sono non sono certo perché mettiamo in discussione le scelte che abbiamo fatto.
D: Mentre cercavate un figlio attraverso le tecniche di fecondazione assistita, chi sapeva delle vostre scelte? I vostri familiari?
R: Inizialmente ho deciso di “chiudermi” perché credevo che sarei riuscita a risolvere il mio problema senza dover raccontare niente a nessuno. Poi il peso diventava sempre più gravoso, soprattutto i “perché” non avessimo ancora a son became more pressing, especially in our family. I then made the decision to start "educating" my family, ie parents, in-laws, brothers and brothers- . When appropriate, when the television is talking about these issues, I told our experience, our choices.
Q: Why talk about education?
A: Because it is educate this new culture, because we are not prepared. Therefore considered necessary to prepare them for the prospect that we could use the PMA to have a child, this was important for myself and for those who would become my children. They had to know what it meant for us to have a child and what that entailed.
Q: What were their impressions? They accepted your choices?
A: Clearly were stunned, they did not expect. Thinking that the problems we hear about actually exist outside the family, makes you think, puts everything in a different light, because "not only happens to others can happen to us." We have argued accepting and respecting our choices. So there was reflection and reassessment of the problem, understanding that the techniques of LDCs have little to do with human cloning, chimeras, and more that scares the collective imagination. I am convinced that if each couple to adopt this behavior, by raising awareness within their own family, the process of change would be much faster and more effectively. Become redundant give interviews, attend conferences, debates, round tables, which are always talking about those who know little or nothing about the problem of how to live a sterile couple. With little battles we win the war.
Q: In terms of how do you explain this monstrous belief perseverance in search of a child?
R: Many call it obstinacy, we call it "love." Because an tenacity would not allow us to overcome all that techniques involving PMA, we could not go that far, a fury stops much earlier, no love for a son! It makes you get through.
Q: But when you talk about love for a child do you mean? The love for life in general or for a real son? Because I understand that a mother for a child is ready to do anything, do you burn if necessary, but ....?
R: see is the same love! I knew that my son was there, I was just going to take it.
Q: And you had the opportunity within the association to exchange these issues of faith with other couples?
R: I happened to talk to people who started and the paths that were asking the same problems that I faced and I could tell how I solved. But I think it is an inner journey that must be completed. Maybe it helps to talk about it, but I do not pretend to find solutions. I grew up, individual paths but also for couples. I can personally say that the dialogue with my husband was crucial, because together we could reduce the concerns that we ponevamo, if that is what we were doing was right or wrong.
Q: Are these people with whom you spoke to seemed very distressed? She felt that the problem is frequent?
R: No! The couples facing these issues are not many, or rather, does not emerge as a given. I believe that this is an issue that is rarely made explicit, which remains inside because they do not wants to talk. Why is it easier to leave the Church, accept the refusal, rather than seek dialogue, seeking a solution within that allows you to stay "inside".
Personally I had my crisis that led me to search for answers by talking to various representatives of the Church. What emerged from these meetings is a diversity of personal opinions that have led me to draw a conclusion: even
Q: But is the Pope banning these techniques, what do you think?
R: I think that this is not a dogma, and I think that in the past
D: Ma lei cosa condivide dell’idea che così si violano i disegni di Dio, che ci si arroga il diritto di fare ciò che Dio non ha voluto, che si crea un grande disordine dal punto di vista della discendenza, dell’etica…?
R: Non riesco a condividere queste preoccupazioni perché possiedo un sentimento dominante, una convinzione dominante, e cioè che Dio è Amore ed è fonte della Vita. Se questo è vero allora non si può discutere altro; non posso pensare ad un Dio che mi ama a che allo stesso tempo mi infligga quello che altri considerano un castigo; non riesco a conciliare queste due cose. Ed allora sono convinta di aver fatto bene a fare quello che ho fatto. Se non fosse stato nel progetto di Dio mio figlio non sarebbe mai nato, sarebbe bastata una scissione cellulare sbagliata….
R: Si, credo che sarebbe importante!
R: not do it because they know they are not so many, because our society is not ready to accept. If I were to give my face on TV and say "I made this choice" tomorrow morning I would be all over the papers of Sardinia and my son would become a freak. However, if there was certainty, and the knowledge that many, if you speak openly in families, and we realized that within each of them there is a couple who have made choices like this, there would be most fertile ground for talking openly about these things. Today I consider flaunting my experience would not be useful to anyone, least of all, my son, I act for the best acting locally, within the association and continuing my work in my family, without claiming to change the world in one fell swoop.
R: Everything! I will say what we tried and loved before he was born. I'm writing for him the feelings, the small achievements, because memory will not fade.
Monday, June 9, 2008
How To Clean Refurbished Bathtub
a song known quite a few years ago
lends the title to the experience recounted by one of our partner
was a lie! Without those illusions My son would never be born!
Today I can say with more serenity because I can watch without fear that those feelings aside, who chased him off for not suffering too much. Only now can I analyze "clinically ", " by experts in the problem", the various stages of IVF, and IVF several that follow: the psychological stages mean.
why is not the physical fatigue that frightens us women, nor the "manipulations" which we are subject, nor necessarily strangers peering eyes of our most intimate parts, nor yet annoying consequences of routine therapy.
E 'loneliness, and the crowd of thoughts, now elated depressing hour, which does not allow us to endure those long fifteen days that separate the transfer from the pregnancy test. Thoughts that you can not put into words because there is not always those who are willing to listen, because you are afraid of boring, especially because no one wants to give voice to that pain.
Not even your partner can understand, despite all his efforts, because a man "not seen" and "no evidence" that happens to you. Are worthless and the exhortations of those who live indirectly your experience, "not to think, live your life forever. "
You can not! Why" periods IVF "are all-encompassing, they absorb all your thoughts, because everything is in keeping with the times and dates for withdrawals, ultrasound, injections.
And the first concern is to "not produce anything" to stay in the great obstacle which is called transfer and watch your traveling companions go on without being able to follow.
Then comes the long awaited day than feared, and starts scanning the hours until the verdict, unforgiving, condemning unjustly: the test is negative. It rushes! Sometimes the tears come, sometimes you are there, stunned, wondering why!
It also happens that the test is positive. Deceives you, feel you've conquered the world, only to fall back, more badly than before, when they tell you that "his little heart has stopped beating."
And would not want to let you take away! Instead you find yourself cold on a bed of an operating room to undergo a scraper that did not want, and you wake up softly with tears of those who, by your side, no words of consolation.
And then you find the strength inside you, one and only inside. Recompose the pieces jumping, life begins again from the point where it was left open.
Over time, however, thin salt and overbearing anger, that feeling that makes you not accept the surrender, which forces you to pick up the phone to get back on the waiting list.
so begins a new cycle: the hope, the desire to try again, the euphoria that precedes any attempt novo, the illusion is finally "the right time."
I know I did! "The right time" came really: it was not easy because it was not a happy pregnancy, but there are successful, just when I decided that I did not want to delude myself not to suffer again.
Now I say thank you to all! To those who helped me and I have been close, but above all I say (whispering), thanks to me as a woman, just because we women have this power that allows us to go beyond any reasonable obstacle.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
300k Camera Binoculars Mac
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Brent Everett Y Brent Corrigan Gratis
Association The Other Stork ONLUS was founded in 1997 by the will of some couples who have met in the waiting rooms of laboratories and the Centers
In February 1999 we became NPO in compliance with Law 460/1997. We discovered that many and we share the same problems, the same anxieties and the same fears. We have experienced the benefits of confrontation and solidarity, above all, we realized that talking helped break the isolation that characterizes those who live with the problem of infertility. From 1997 to 2004 we have exceeded the 6000 contacts between members, friends, supporters and sympathizers We relied on the collaboration of physicians, biologists, psychologists and specialists in the field to provide accurate and timely information to all those who during the period of employment required information, material support and friendship.
• • Promuove la divulgazione di informazioni corrette in merito agli aspetti medici, psicologici, legali ed economici dei diversi percorsi che permettono di diventare genitori, promuovendo contatti con i mass-media e diversi momenti di incontro con le istituzioni al fine di sensibilizzarli alle tematiche in oggetto.
• • Favorisce collaborazioni con associazioni nazionali ed internazionali aventi la medesima finalità.
• • Crea momenti di incontro e dialogo finalizzati alla nascita di un senso di comunità che permette di soddisfare l'enorme bisogno di solidarietà, comprensione e, non ultimo, di informazione essendo quest’ultima molto spesso caratterizzata da frammentarietà ed approssimazione.
• • Affianca l'equipe medica così da creare un legame di interscambio che favorisca la soluzione di problemi legati all'aspetto informativo e psicologico del rapporto medico - paziente.
• • Information about the different methods and the latest regarding the assisted conception and establishments operating in Italy.
• • Supports the couples affected psychologically by the exchange of experiences that help during the journey, not always easy or quick, the couple is about to do.
• • Provides information and documentation (legal texts and proposals, judgments, facsimiles of questions, and more ...) adopting national and international level.
• • promote the exchange of experiences among couples who have or intend to become parents and with the help of science through the adoption
Laura Pisano President Sabrina
Trogu Vice-President Sandra Zago
on campus by appointment Tuesday and Thursday from 16.30 to 18.30
Headquarters' Associazione Onlus Via Cicogna the Other Bach, 4-09045 Quartu S. Elena (CA) Tel / Fax Office Tel 070/827401