Friday, October 23, 2009

Certificate Of Conversion Template Georgia



Where's the money committed for the national campaign on reproductive health information and prevention, carried out by the ISS in 2008? This is the question of non-profit organizations for many years on the side of infertile couples: Amica stork, the Other Stork, I want a baby, Mother Tube, A , which in 2008 signed an agreement with the National Institute of Health, which was approved projects already completed and reported by the associations. But that money never got into the coffers of the Institute of Health, with the advent of welfare minister Maurizio Sacconi, Minister Livia Turco.Dunque successor to, the funds allocated for at least two years, have not yet been given, although been spent and early associations and scientific societies involved in the national campaign. For the future? "Nobody knows yet if and what are the intentions of the Minister to comply with the articles of the Law 40 (one on artificial insemination), relating to the information campaigns and efforts to work (still to do) to and from family planning clinics, designed by the legislation (Article 2 reads 40) as the first link in that path that the infertile couple should go through before deciding on the most appropriate treatment, "says Monica Soldano, president of Mother Tube and newly elected president of the Italian Federation of Associations of infertile patients (FIAP) in which the five organizations have come together last June . So yesterday, the voice of the associations was carried in Parliament by the Vice-President of the Senate by Senators radicals and Emma Bonino, Marco and Donatella Perduca Poretti, been engaged in seeking clarity on the Ministry of Welfare in the relationship between this and the Institute of Health on various issues .. associations also FIAP, after learning that this commitment by the ISS spending was never become hard cash, have individually sent a letter to the Department of Communication of the Ministry, but has never drawn on paper. "A problem of language or bad manners?" He wonders ironically Monica Soldano, "Wait for the answer of the Minister Maurizio Sacconi, but soon ask all institutional representatives a meeting so that we can address the real problems yet be solved in this area, "confirmed the FIAP Filomena Gallo vice president, secretary FIAP Laura Pisano, the treasurer and Patrick Battistini Councillor Federica Casadei.

For information please contact:






at FIAP (Italian Federation of infertile patients)

FIAP Secretary:

email fiapi.segreteria
@ Website:

cell . 345 212 7034 333 456 7091 opp

Sitting On Him Fetish

ESSENTIAL THANKS .... bitterly

The Other Cicogna Onlus participated in 2008 at the National Campaign on Prevention of infertility presenting a project "Parents domani" all'Istituto Superiore di Sanità che venne approvato. Il progetto venne realizzato e L'ISS erogò la prima trance di pagamento di 2500 euro. Poi più nulla.

Insieme alle altre associazioni con cui oggi costituiamo la FIAPI (Federazione Italiana Associazioni Pazienti Infertili) abbiamo chiesto spiegazioni più e più volte sia all'ISS che al Ministero da cui dipende l'erogazione del saldo, senza però avere risposta.

La senatrice Emma Bonino ed i senatori Marco Perduca e Donatella Poretti hanno generosamente deciso di darci una mano depositando un'interrogazione parlamentare che chiede al Ministro del WELFARE di pagare il conto alle associazioni who have already realized, the projects completed and invoiced by 2008, fulfilling the contract in its entirety for what was to be the first National Campaign on Prevention of infertility. But after letters and communications of any kind, remained unanswered, and the icy silence that followed, we choose to use, forced the institutional path.
heartfelt thanks to Senators and Donatella Poretti Emma Bonino and Marco Perduca Senator.
Dear Friends we will give account of the affair.