The ruling demonstrates the ability of the Look - by the courts - to go in the direction of health of the woman to have children has to undergo assisted reproductive technologies.
It was not however able to do the Parliament, which has legislated in such a sensitive issue without knowing it and without taking any account of the views of experts working in this field. It is distressing to note that only the courts have sought to understand and put himself on the side of patients, with a mind free from preconceptions of ethical-religious.
The ruling shows in particular also in the right frame the fundamental doctor-patient relationship, recognizing the physician's discretion in considering the individual case, which had been completely denied by the law 40.
The association of centers for diagnosis and treatment of infertility CECOS Italy was constituted, "lent its support to" groups with patients because he firmly believed in the need to change a law so cruel and full of prohibitions, which led to thousands of our pairs that cross national borders to look elsewhere in Europe, a proper care.
The CECOS Italy fully welcomes this first goal: the decision opens up new scenarios for review the law, which now seems unavoidable.
Claudia Livi, President CECOS Italy