Friday, October 23, 2009

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Where's the money committed for the national campaign on reproductive health information and prevention, carried out by the ISS in 2008? This is the question of non-profit organizations for many years on the side of infertile couples: Amica stork, the Other Stork, I want a baby, Mother Tube, A , which in 2008 signed an agreement with the National Institute of Health, which was approved projects already completed and reported by the associations. But that money never got into the coffers of the Institute of Health, with the advent of welfare minister Maurizio Sacconi, Minister Livia Turco.Dunque successor to, the funds allocated for at least two years, have not yet been given, although been spent and early associations and scientific societies involved in the national campaign. For the future? "Nobody knows yet if and what are the intentions of the Minister to comply with the articles of the Law 40 (one on artificial insemination), relating to the information campaigns and efforts to work (still to do) to and from family planning clinics, designed by the legislation (Article 2 reads 40) as the first link in that path that the infertile couple should go through before deciding on the most appropriate treatment, "says Monica Soldano, president of Mother Tube and newly elected president of the Italian Federation of Associations of infertile patients (FIAP) in which the five organizations have come together last June . So yesterday, the voice of the associations was carried in Parliament by the Vice-President of the Senate by Senators radicals and Emma Bonino, Marco and Donatella Perduca Poretti, been engaged in seeking clarity on the Ministry of Welfare in the relationship between this and the Institute of Health on various issues .. associations also FIAP, after learning that this commitment by the ISS spending was never become hard cash, have individually sent a letter to the Department of Communication of the Ministry, but has never drawn on paper. "A problem of language or bad manners?" He wonders ironically Monica Soldano, "Wait for the answer of the Minister Maurizio Sacconi, but soon ask all institutional representatives a meeting so that we can address the real problems yet be solved in this area, "confirmed the FIAP Filomena Gallo vice president, secretary FIAP Laura Pisano, the treasurer and Patrick Battistini Councillor Federica Casadei.

For information please contact:






at FIAP (Italian Federation of infertile patients)

FIAP Secretary:

email fiapi.segreteria
@ Website:

cell . 345 212 7034 333 456 7091 opp

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ESSENTIAL THANKS .... bitterly

The Other Cicogna Onlus participated in 2008 at the National Campaign on Prevention of infertility presenting a project "Parents domani" all'Istituto Superiore di Sanità che venne approvato. Il progetto venne realizzato e L'ISS erogò la prima trance di pagamento di 2500 euro. Poi più nulla.

Insieme alle altre associazioni con cui oggi costituiamo la FIAPI (Federazione Italiana Associazioni Pazienti Infertili) abbiamo chiesto spiegazioni più e più volte sia all'ISS che al Ministero da cui dipende l'erogazione del saldo, senza però avere risposta.

La senatrice Emma Bonino ed i senatori Marco Perduca e Donatella Poretti hanno generosamente deciso di darci una mano depositando un'interrogazione parlamentare che chiede al Ministro del WELFARE di pagare il conto alle associazioni who have already realized, the projects completed and invoiced by 2008, fulfilling the contract in its entirety for what was to be the first National Campaign on Prevention of infertility. But after letters and communications of any kind, remained unanswered, and the icy silence that followed, we choose to use, forced the institutional path.
heartfelt thanks to Senators and Donatella Poretti Emma Bonino and Marco Perduca Senator.
Dear Friends we will give account of the affair.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

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publish a reflection of Claudia Livi sharing every word

The ruling demonstrates the ability of the Look - by the courts - to go in the direction of health of the woman to have children has to undergo assisted reproductive technologies.

It was not however able to do the Parliament, which has legislated in such a sensitive issue without knowing it and without taking any account of the views of experts working in this field. It is distressing to note that only the courts have sought to understand and put himself on the side of patients, with a mind free from preconceptions of ethical-religious.

The ruling shows in particular also in the right frame the fundamental doctor-patient relationship, recognizing the physician's discretion in considering the individual case, which had been completely denied by the law 40.

The association of centers for diagnosis and treatment of infertility CECOS Italy was constituted, "lent its support to" groups with patients because he firmly believed in the need to change a law so cruel and full of prohibitions, which led to thousands of our pairs that cross national borders to look elsewhere in Europe, a proper care.

The CECOS Italy fully welcomes this first goal: the decision opens up new scenarios for review the law, which now seems unavoidable.

Claudia Livi, President CECOS Italy

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here the synthesis dela sull'incostituzionalità decision and now we must continue our work, we drop those items that still penalize women and couples who live the problem of infertility

sull'incostituzionalità Summary of the Decision of the standard:

  1. (Art. 14 para 2) unconstitutional the obligation of the contemporary system of all embryos (because of multiple pregnancies that result in most of the time abortions and no birth);
  2. (Art. 14comma 2) unconstitutional the production limit a number not more than three embryos (the limit is seen falling principle of less invasive techniques, and the doctor will decide the number of embryos to be produced according to the health needs of couple);
  3. (Art. 14 comma3) unconstitutional insofar as not expected to Embryo Transfer be implemented as soon as possible, as provided in this rule, should be carried out without prejudice to the health of women. (emerge to protect women's health, which has primacy over the embryo. Consistency constitutional jurisprudence)

The Court then declared ineligible:

- per difetto di rilevanza nei giudizi principali, le questioni di legittimità costituzionale degli articoli 6, comma 3,(revoca del consenso) e 14, commi 1 e 4.(divieto di crioconservazione e riduzione embrionaria in gravidanze plurime).

Significa che tali punti non erano rilevanti nel caso specifico e la Corte non ha ritenuto rilevante affrontarli, anche perchè la legge prevede che il medico possa congelare gli embrioni per motivi sanitari e le sentenze di merito hanno stabilito che non vi è differenza tra una gravidanza con la Pma e una naturale per cui non è precluso l’accesso alla 194.

1 aprile 2009 - Law on assisted reproduction

Constitutional Court Press - The Court declared the constitutional illegitimacy of article. 14, paragraph 2 of Law February 19, 2004, No 40, limited to the words "a unique and modern facility, but no more than three." The Court also declared unconstitutional the third paragraph of that article in so far does not provide for the transfer of embryos to be implemented as soon as possible, as provided in this rule, must be done without endangering the health of women. The Court declared inadmissible for lack of relevant reviews in the main, questions of constitutionality of Articles 6, paragraph 3, and 14, paragraphs 1 and 4.

joint statement: Filomena Gallo Association for Amica Cicogna and Luca Coscioni, Monica Soldano Tube for Mother, Laura Pisano stork The other non-profit organization, Federica Casadei look for a child, Patrick Battistini for .

We are happy because the commitment of the associations, the courage and the confidence of couples to take the side of justice and civilization have been awarded in this country. We believed, and the law, not ideology prevailed.

Joint Declaration of Messrs Gian Domenico Caiazza, Filomena Gallo, Gianni Baldini-(defenders of the couple) -

The Constitutional Court, fully upheld the complaints of unconstitutionality raised in relation to the founding of the law's 40/04. The elimination of the absurd limit of three embryos and implanting them simultaneously in utero del'obbligo finally returns to the physician responsibility for treatment decisions, the woman to protect her dignity and her right to health, to the country a law in line with the minimum levels of European civilization. We are happy for all Italian citizens, and especially for our assisted in the cultivation of which is returned a parental project with respect for their health and their dignity

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

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Dear friends, dear friends,

despite the long silence, the Association has continued its work to raise awareness and support.

back with a great novelty.

Laura Pisano, President Association, is presented to the regional elections with a list of the Left to Sardinia, in the coalition that supports Soru, with the slogan "a new politics for the right to the future."

It 's a brave choice, given the political climate that is emerging.

We call your reflection and your confidence.

Meanwhile Laura put us the enthusiasm and commitment that have always marked, so that the "voice" is "our voice".

In any event, and whatever happens, it is important that a representative from the world of infertility is committed in "a new politics for the right to the future."

Before leaving I remind you that you will vote on 15 and 16 February

a warm greeting

Staff Writer